var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:"Creating Text Fields and Text Areas", backgroundColor:"#FFFFFF", exitOnClose:true }) // var textField1 = Titanium.UI.createTextField({ top:60, height:60, 300, borderStyle:Titanium.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED, //This is a constant that can be used to style textfields in iOS hintText:"This text is called hintText" //Hint text is displayed to the user before the field has been edited }); // var textField2 = Titanium.UI.createTextField({ top:180, height:60, 300, borderStyle:Titanium.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED, //This is a constant that can be used to style textfields in iOS hintText:"This is called hintText" //Hint text is displayed to the user before the field has been edited }); //A Text Area is similar to a Text Field except that it will allow multiple lines of text entry var textArea = Titanium.UI.createTextArea({ value:"Text displayed to the user before entry", //This text will remain in place when the user begins to enter text height:150, 300, top:250, suppressReturn:false,//Use this property to allow the return key to function as a line-return key and not a blur-keyboard key borderWidth:1, borderColor:"#CCC", borderRadius:12 }); textArea.addEventListener("focus",function(e){ //Wipe out the default text on initial focus if(e.value == "Text displayed to the user before entry"){ e.source.value = ""; } }); textArea.addEventListener("blur",function(e){ //Restore the defaut text if on blur there is no text in the text area if(e.value == ""){ e.source.value = "Text displayed to the user before entry"; } }); //Add an event listener to the window that allows for the keyboard or input keys to be hidden if the user taps outside a text field //Note: each text field to be blurred would be added below win.addEventListener("click", function(e){ textField1.blur(); // Cause the text field to lose focus, thereby hiding the keyboard (if visible) textField2.blur(); // Cause the text field to lose focus, thereby hiding the keyboard (if visible) textArea.blur(); // Cause the text area to lose focus, thereby hiding the keyboard (if visible) }); win.add(textField1); win.add(textField2); win.add(textArea);;