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  • 滑动 改变渐变切换图片

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head lang="en">
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
      5     <title></title>
      6     <style>
      7         /*.Center {
      8              500px;
      9             height: 500px;
     10             position: absolute;
     11             top: 0;
     12             left: 0;
     13             right: 0;
     14             bottom: 0;
     15             margin:auto;
     16             background-color: beige;
     17         }*/
     19         .Center {
     20             width: 460px;
     21             height: 500px;
     22             margin: 50px 500px;
     23             background-color: beige;
     24         }
     26         ul {
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     28             height: 370px;
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     33         li {
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     36             top: 0;
     37             list-style: none;
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     40         .Line {
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     42             height: 18px;
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     44             margin-top: 20px;
     45             position: relative;
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     49             width: 20px;
     50             height: 20px;
     51             background-color: lemonchiffon;
     52             border-radius: 10px;
     53             position: absolute;
     54             left: 50%;
     55         }
     57         .circle1 {
     58             left: 95%;
     59         }
     61         .circle2 {
     62             left: 0;
     63         }
     64         img {
     65             -moz-user-select: none;
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     69             user-select: none;
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     72         .nn3 {
     73             display: inline-block;
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     75             height: 370px;
     77             /*background: url(./images/81.jpg) no-repeat;*/
     78             /*background-size: 450px 370px;*/
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     80     </style>
     81 </head>
     82 <body>
     84 <div class="Center" id="Center">
     85     <ul>
     87         <li>
     88             <span id="img3" class="nn3">666</span>
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     92         <!--<li><img id="img1" src="./images/80.jpg" width="460" height="370"/></li>-->
     94         <li><img id="img3" src="./images/82.jpg" width="460" height="370"/></li>
     95         <li><img id="img2" src="./images/81.jpg" width="460" height="370"/></li>
     96         <li><img id="img1" src="./images/80.jpg" width="460" height="370"/></li>
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     98     <div class="Line" id="Line">
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    103 </div>
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    105 <script>
    106     var box1 = document.getElementById('Line');// 横线
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    110     $(window).on("mousedown", function () {// 监听 按下、移动、离开
    111 //        console.log(box1);
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    124 //                    console.log("点所在的位置:" + boX);
    125 //                    console.log(boX2 / 155);
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    135                 var boX3 = boxX - 410 > 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(boxX - 410);// 到第1个点判断绝对值
    136                 var boX4 = boxX - 255;// 到第1个点判断绝对值
    137 //                console.log(boX3);
    138                 if (boX3 < 155 && boX3 > 0) {
    139 //                    console.log("点所在的位置:" + boX);
    140 //                    console.log(boX4 / 155);
    141                     $("#img1").css({opacity: 0});//改变图片透明度 0-0            230-460
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    151                 $("#img1").css({opacity: 1});
    152                 $("#img2").css({opacity: 0});
    153                 $("#img3").css({opacity: 0});
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    155             if (boxX > 440) {
    156 //                console.log(2);
    157                 $(circle).css({left: 440 + 'px'}); // 圆圈在屏幕中的位置(动态改变)
    158             }
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    163     window.addEventListener("mouseup",function(){
    164 //        console.log("抬起");
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    166 //            console.log(boxX);
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    169             }, 1000);
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    171                 opacity: '0'
    172             }, 1000);
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    174                 opacity: '0'
    175             }, 1000);
    176             $(circle).animate({
    177                 left: "0px"
    178             }, 1000);
    179 //            console.log(3);
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    181             $("#img1").animate({
    182                 opacity: '0'
    183             }, 1000);
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    185                 opacity: '1'
    186             }, 1000);
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    188                 opacity: '0'
    189             }, 1000);
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    191                 left: "230px"
    192             }, 1000);
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    194             $("#img1").animate({
    195                 opacity: '0'
    196             }, 1000);
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    198                 opacity: '1'
    199             }, 1000);
    200             $("#img3").animate({
    201                 opacity: '0'
    202             }, 1000);
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    204                 left: "230px"
    205             }, 1000);
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    207             $("#img1").animate({
    208                 opacity: '0'
    209             }, 1000);
    210             $("#img2").animate({
    211                 opacity: '0'
    212             }, 1000);
    213             $("#img3").animate({
    214                 opacity: '1'
    215             }, 1000);
    216             $(circle).animate({
    217                 left: "440px"
    218             }, 1000);
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    220         $(Center).off("mousemove");//解绑事件
    221     });
    222     $(window).on("mouseup", function () {
    223 //        onmouseup
    224         console.log("鼠标抬起");
    225         $(Center).off("mousemove");//解绑事件
    226     });
    228 </script>
    229 </body>
    230 </html>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaozhu-zhu/p/11941202.html
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