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  • "《算法导论》之‘树’":AVL树

      本文关于AVL树的介绍引自博文AVL树(二)之 C++的实现,与二叉查找树相同的部分则不作介绍直接引用;代码实现是在本文的基础上自己实现且继承自上一篇博文二叉查找树











      (1) LL:LeftLeft,也称为"左左"。插入或删除一个节点后,根节点的左子树的左子树还有非空子节点,导致"根的左子树的高度"比"根的右子树的高度"大2,导致AVL树失去了平衡。

      (2) LR:LeftRight,也称为"左右"。插入或删除一个节点后,根节点的左子树的右子树还有非空子节点,导致"根的左子树的高度"比"根的右子树的高度"大2,导致AVL树失去了平衡。

      (3) RL:RightLeft,称为"右左"。插入或删除一个节点后,根节点的右子树的左子树还有非空子节点,导致"根的右子树的高度"比"根的左子树的高度"大2,导致AVL树失去了平衡。

      (4) RR:RightRight,称为"右右"。插入或删除一个节点后,根节点的右子树的右子树还有非空子节点,导致"根的右子树的高度"比"根的左子树的高度"大2,导致AVL树失去了平衡。


    2.1 LL的旋转





     1 // LL:左左对应的情况(左单旋转)。
     2 template<class T>
     3 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::leftLeftRotation(Node<T>* k2)
     4 {
     5     NodePointer k1 = NULL, k2ParentPtr = NULL;
     7     k1 = k2->left;
     8     if (k2 != root)
     9     {
    10         k2ParentPtr = k2->parent;
    11         if (k2ParentPtr->left == k2)
    12         {
    13             k2ParentPtr->left = k1;
    14         }
    15         else
    16         {
    17             k2ParentPtr->right = k1;
    18         }
    19         k1->parent = k2ParentPtr;
    20     }
    21     else
    22     {
    23         k1->parent = NULL;
    24     }
    26     k2->left = k1->right;
    27     k1->right = k2;
    28     k2->parent = k1;
    30     if (k2->left != NULL)
    31     {
    32         NodePointer tmpK2Left = k2->left;
    33         tmpK2Left->parent = k2;
    34     }
    36     return k1;
    37 }

    2.2 RR的旋转





     1 // RR:右右对应的情况(右单旋转)。
     2 template<class T>
     3 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::rightRightRotation(Node<T>* k1)
     4 {
     5     NodePointer k2 = NULL, k1ParentPtr = NULL;
     7     k2 = k1->right;
     8     if (k1 != root)
     9     {
    10         k1ParentPtr = k1->parent;
    11         if (k1ParentPtr->left == k1)
    12         {
    13             k1ParentPtr->left = k2;
    14         }
    15         else
    16         {
    17             k1ParentPtr->right = k2;
    18         }
    19         k2->parent = k1ParentPtr;
    20     }
    21     else
    22     {
    23         k2->parent = NULL;
    24     }
    26     k1->right = k2->left;
    27     k2->left = k1;
    28     k1->parent = k2;
    30     if (k1->right != NULL)
    31     {
    32         NodePointer tmpK1Right = k1->right;
    33         tmpK1Right->parent = k1;
    34     }
    36     return k2;
    37 }

    2.3 LR的旋转





    1 // LR:左右对应的情况(左双旋转)。
    2 template<class T>
    3 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::leftRightRotation(Node<T>* k3)
    4 {
    5     k3->left = rightRightRotation(k3->left);
    7     return leftLeftRotation(k3);
    8 }

    2.4 RL的旋转





    1 // RL:右左对应的情况(右双旋转)。
    2 template<class T>
    3 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::rightLeftRotation(Node<T>* k1)
    4 {
    5     k1->right = leftLeftRotation(k1->right);
    7     return rightRightRotation(k1);
    8 }



     1 #include "BSTree.hpp"
     3 template<class T>
     4 class AVLTree : public BSTree<T>
     5 {
     6 public:
     7     AVLTree();
     8     virtual ~AVLTree();
     9     virtual bool addNode(T k, T val);                 // 覆盖BSTree中的addNode函数
    10     virtual bool delNode(T k);                        // 覆盖BSTree中的delNode函数
    12 private:
    13     Node<T> * findImbalanceNode(NodePointer ptr);
    14     // LL:左左对应的情况(左单旋转)。
    15     Node<T> * leftLeftRotation(NodePointer k2);
    16     // RR:右右对应的情况(右单旋转)。
    17     Node<T> * rightRightRotation(NodePointer k1);
    18     // LR:左右对应的情况(左双旋转)。
    19     Node<T> * leftRightRotation(NodePointer k3);
    20     // RL:右左对应的情况(右双旋转)。
    21     Node<T> * rightLeftRotation(NodePointer k1);
    23 };


      1 #ifndef AVLTREE_H
      2 #define AVLTREE_H
      4 #include "BSTree.hpp"
      6 template<class T>
      7 class AVLTree : public BSTree<T>
      8 {
      9 public:
     10     AVLTree();
     11     virtual ~AVLTree();
     12     virtual bool addNode(T k, T val);                // 覆盖BSTree中的addNode函数
     13     virtual bool delNode(T k);                        // 覆盖BSTree中的delNode函数
     15 private:
     16     Node<T> * findImbalanceNode(NodePointer ptr);
     17     // LL:左左对应的情况(左单旋转)。
     18     Node<T> * leftLeftRotation(NodePointer k2);
     19     // RR:右右对应的情况(右单旋转)。
     20     Node<T> * rightRightRotation(NodePointer k1);
     21     // LR:左右对应的情况(左双旋转)。
     22     Node<T> * leftRightRotation(NodePointer k3);
     23     // RL:右左对应的情况(右双旋转)。
     24     Node<T> * rightLeftRotation(NodePointer k1);
     26 };
     28 template<class T>
     29 AVLTree<T>::AVLTree()
     30 {
     31     root = NULL;
     32 }
     34 template<class T>
     35 AVLTree<T>::~AVLTree()
     36 {
     37     destroy();
     38     root = NULL;
     39 }
     41 template<class T>
     42 bool AVLTree<T>::addNode(T k, T val)
     43 {
     44     bool isSuccess = BSTree<T>::addNode(k, val);
     45     if (isSuccess)
     46     {
     47         NodePointer ptr = searchNode(k);
     48         if (ptr != root)
     49         {
     50             NodePointer preParent = ptr->parent;
     51             if (preParent != root)
     52             {
     53                 NodePointer prePreParent = preParent->parent;
     54                 if (prePreParent == root)
     55                 {
     56                     if (getHeight(prePreParent->left) - getHeight(prePreParent->right) == 2)
     57                     {
     58                         if (ptr == preParent->left)
     59                         {
     60                             root = leftLeftRotation(prePreParent);
     61                         }
     62                         else
     63                         {
     64                             root = leftRightRotation(prePreParent);
     65                         }
     66                     }
     67                     else if (getHeight(prePreParent->right) - getHeight(prePreParent->left) == 2)
     68                     {
     69                         if (ptr == preParent->left)
     70                         {
     71                             root = rightLeftRotation(prePreParent);
     72                         }
     73                         else
     74                         {
     75                             root = rightRightRotation(prePreParent);
     76                         }
     77                     }
     78                 }
     79                 else
     80                 {
     81                     NodePointer prePrePreParent = prePreParent->parent;
     82                     if (getHeight(prePreParent->left) - getHeight(prePreParent->right) == 2)
     83                     {
     84                         if (prePreParent == prePrePreParent->left)
     85                         {
     86                             if (ptr == preParent->left)
     87                             {
     88                                 prePrePreParent->left = leftLeftRotation(prePreParent);
     89                             }
     90                             else
     91                             {
     92                                 prePrePreParent->left = leftRightRotation(prePreParent);
     93                             }
     94                         }
     95                         else
     96                         {
     97                             if (ptr == preParent->left)
     98                             {
     99                                 prePrePreParent->right = leftLeftRotation(prePreParent);
    100                             }
    101                             else
    102                             {
    103                                 prePrePreParent->right = leftRightRotation(prePreParent);
    104                             }
    105                         }
    106                     }
    107                     else if (getHeight(prePreParent->right) - getHeight(prePreParent->left) == 2)
    108                     {
    109                         if (prePreParent == prePrePreParent->left)
    110                         {
    111                             if (ptr == preParent->left)
    112                             {
    113                                 prePrePreParent->left = rightLeftRotation(prePreParent);
    114                             }
    115                             else
    116                             {
    117                                 prePrePreParent->left = rightRightRotation(prePreParent);
    118                             }
    119                         }
    120                         else
    121                         {
    122                             if (ptr == preParent->left)
    123                             {
    124                                 prePrePreParent->right = rightLeftRotation(prePreParent);
    125                             }
    126                             else
    127                             {
    128                                 prePrePreParent->right = rightRightRotation(prePreParent);
    129                             }
    130                         }
    131                     }
    132                 }
    133             }
    134         }
    135     }
    137     return isSuccess;
    138 }
    140 template<class T>
    141 bool AVLTree<T>::delNode(T k)
    142 {
    143     bool isSuccess = true;
    144     NodePointer ptr = searchNode(k);
    145     NodePointer preParent = NULL;
    146     if (ptr != NULL)
    147     {
    148         if (ptr == root)
    149         {
    150             BSTree<T>::delNode(k);
    151             // only left left exist
    152             if (getHeight(root->left) - getHeight(root->right) == 2)
    153             {
    154                 root = leftLeftRotation(root);
    155             }
    156         }
    157         else
    158         {
    159             NodePointer lNode = NULL, rNode = NULL;
    160             preParent = ptr->parent;
    161             if (preParent == root)
    162             {
    163                 BSTree<T>::delNode(k);
    164                 lNode = root->left;
    165                 rNode = root->right;
    166                 if (getHeight(preParent->left) - getHeight(preParent->right) == 2)
    167                 {
    168                     if (getHeight(lNode->left) >= getHeight(lNode->right))
    169                     {
    170                         root = leftLeftRotation(preParent);
    171                     }
    172                     else
    173                     {
    174                         root = leftRightRotation(preParent);
    175                     }
    176                 }
    177                 else if (getHeight(preParent->right) - getHeight(preParent->left) == 2)
    178                 {
    179                     if (getHeight(rNode->right) >= getHeight(rNode->left))
    180                     {
    181                         root = rightRightRotation(preParent);
    182                     }
    183                     else
    184                     {
    185                         root = rightLeftRotation(preParent);
    186                     }
    187                 }
    188             }
    189             else
    190             {
    191                 NodePointer prePreParent = NULL;
    192                 NodePointer lNode = NULL, rNode = NULL;
    193                 BSTree<T>::delNode(k);
    194                 // 这里需要递归查找不平衡点,以防止高层结点不平衡而低层结点平衡的情况
    195                 NodePointer tmpPtr = findImbalanceNode(preParent);
    196                 if (tmpPtr != NULL)
    197                 {
    198                     if (tmpPtr == root)
    199                     {
    200                         lNode = tmpPtr->left;
    201                         rNode = tmpPtr->right;
    202                         if (getHeight(tmpPtr->left) - getHeight(tmpPtr->right) == 2)
    203                         {
    204                             if (getHeight(lNode->left) >= getHeight(lNode->right))
    205                             {
    206                                 root = leftLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    207                             }
    208                             else
    209                             {
    210                                 root = leftRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    211                             }
    212                         }
    213                         else if (getHeight(tmpPtr->right) - getHeight(tmpPtr->left) == 2)
    214                         {
    215                             if (getHeight(rNode->right) >= getHeight(rNode->left))
    216                             {
    217                                 root = rightRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    218                             }
    219                             else
    220                             {
    221                                 root = rightLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    222                             }
    223                         }
    224                     }
    225                     else
    226                     {
    227                         prePreParent = tmpPtr->parent;
    228                         lNode = tmpPtr->left;
    229                         rNode = tmpPtr->right;
    230                         if (getHeight(tmpPtr->left) - getHeight(tmpPtr->right) == 2)
    231                         {
    232                             if (tmpPtr == prePreParent->left)
    233                             {
    234                                 if (getHeight(lNode->left) >= getHeight(lNode->right))
    235                                 {
    236                                     prePreParent->left = leftLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    237                                 }
    238                                 else
    239                                 {
    240                                     prePreParent->left = leftRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    241                                 }
    242                             }
    243                             else
    244                             {
    245                                 if (getHeight(lNode->left) >= getHeight(lNode->right))
    246                                 {
    247                                     prePreParent->right = leftLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    248                                 }
    249                                 else
    250                                 {
    251                                     prePreParent->right = leftRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    252                                 }
    253                             }
    254                         }
    255                         else if (getHeight(tmpPtr->right) - getHeight(tmpPtr->left) == 2)
    256                         {
    257                             if (tmpPtr == prePreParent->left)
    258                             {
    259                                 if (getHeight(rNode->right) >= getHeight(rNode->left))
    260                                 {
    261                                     prePreParent->left = rightRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    262                                 }
    263                                 else
    264                                 {
    265                                     prePreParent->left = rightLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    266                                 }
    267                             }
    268                             else
    269                             {
    270                                 if (getHeight(rNode->right) >= getHeight(rNode->left))
    271                                 {
    272                                     prePreParent->right = rightRightRotation(tmpPtr);
    273                                 }
    274                                 else
    275                                 {
    276                                     prePreParent->right = rightLeftRotation(tmpPtr);
    277                                 }
    278                             }
    279                         }
    280                     }
    281                 }
    282             }
    283         }
    284     }
    285     else
    286     {
    287         isSuccess = false;
    288     }
    290     return isSuccess;
    291 }
    294 template<class T>
    295 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::findImbalanceNode(NodePointer ptr)
    296 {
    297     unsigned int lHeight = getHeight(ptr->left), rHeight = getHeight(ptr->right);
    298     if (ptr == NULL)
    299     {
    300         return NULL;
    301     }
    302     else
    303     {
    304         if (lHeight - rHeight == 2 || rHeight - lHeight == 2)
    305         {
    306             return ptr;
    307         }
    308         else
    309         {
    310             findImbalanceNode(ptr->parent);
    311         }
    312     }
    313 }
    315 // LL:左左对应的情况(左单旋转)。
    316 template<class T>
    317 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::leftLeftRotation(Node<T>* k2)
    318 {
    319     NodePointer k1 = NULL, k2ParentPtr = NULL;
    321     k1 = k2->left;
    322     if (k2 != root)
    323     {
    324         k2ParentPtr = k2->parent;
    325         if (k2ParentPtr->left == k2)
    326         {
    327             k2ParentPtr->left = k1;
    328         }
    329         else
    330         {
    331             k2ParentPtr->right = k1;
    332         }
    333         k1->parent = k2ParentPtr;
    334     }
    335     else
    336     {
    337         k1->parent = NULL;
    338     }
    340     k2->left = k1->right;
    341     k1->right = k2;
    342     k2->parent = k1;
    344     if (k2->left != NULL)
    345     {
    346         NodePointer tmpK2Left = k2->left;
    347         tmpK2Left->parent = k2;
    348     }
    350     return k1;
    351 }
    353 // RR:右右对应的情况(右单旋转)。
    354 template<class T>
    355 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::rightRightRotation(Node<T>* k1)
    356 {
    357     NodePointer k2 = NULL, k1ParentPtr = NULL;
    359     k2 = k1->right;
    360     if (k1 != root)
    361     {
    362         k1ParentPtr = k1->parent;
    363         if (k1ParentPtr->left == k1)
    364         {
    365             k1ParentPtr->left = k2;
    366         }
    367         else
    368         {
    369             k1ParentPtr->right = k2;
    370         }
    371         k2->parent = k1ParentPtr;
    372     }
    373     else
    374     {
    375         k2->parent = NULL;
    376     }
    378     k1->right = k2->left;
    379     k2->left = k1;
    380     k1->parent = k2;
    382     if (k1->right != NULL)
    383     {
    384         NodePointer tmpK1Right = k1->right;
    385         tmpK1Right->parent = k1;
    386     }
    388     return k2;
    389 }
    391 // LR:左右对应的情况(左双旋转)。
    392 template<class T>
    393 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::leftRightRotation(Node<T>* k3)
    394 {
    395     k3->left = rightRightRotation(k3->left);
    397     return leftLeftRotation(k3);
    398 }
    400 // RL:右左对应的情况(右双旋转)。
    401 template<class T>
    402 Node<T> * AVLTree<T>::rightLeftRotation(Node<T>* k1)
    403 {
    404     k1->right = leftLeftRotation(k1->right);
    406     return rightRightRotation(k1);
    407 }
    410 #endif 


      2 #include "stdafx.h"
      3 #include "../AVLTree/AVLTree.hpp"
      5 struct AVLTree_Fixture
      6 {
      7 public:
      8     AVLTree_Fixture()
      9     {
     10         testAVLTree = new AVLTree<int>();
     11     }
     12     ~AVLTree_Fixture()
     13     {
     14         delete testAVLTree;
     15     }
     17     AVLTree<int> * testAVLTree;
     19 };
     21 BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(AVLTree_Test_Suite, AVLTree_Fixture)
     23 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( AVLTree_addNode_Test )  
     24 {
     25     // add node next next to root and cause "left left/right" imbalance
     26     // left left
     27     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     28     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(4, 4) == true);
     29     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(3, 3) == true);
     30     testAVLTree->destroy();
     31     // left right
     32     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     33     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(3, 3) == true);
     34     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(4, 4) == true);
     35     testAVLTree->destroy();
     36     // add node next next to root and cause "right left/right" imbalance
     37     // right left
     38     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     39     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     40     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(6, 6) == true);
     41     testAVLTree->destroy();
     42     // right right
     43     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     44     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     45     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(8, 8) == true);
     46     testAVLTree->destroy();
     48     // add node not next next to root and cause "left left/right" imbalance
     49     // left left
     50     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(6, 6) == true);
     51     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     52     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     53     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(3, 3) == true);
     54     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(2, 2) == true);
     55     testAVLTree->destroy();
     57     // left right
     58     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(6, 6) == true);
     59     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     60     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     61     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(3, 3) == true);
     62     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(4, 4) == true);
     63     testAVLTree->destroy();
     65     // add node next next to root and cause "right left/right" imbalance
     66     // right left
     67     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(6, 6) == true);
     68     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     69     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     70     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(10, 10) == true);
     71     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(8, 8) == true);
     72     testAVLTree->destroy();
     74     // right right
     75     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(6, 6) == true);
     76     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(5, 5) == true);
     77     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(7, 7) == true);
     78     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(10, 10) == true);
     79     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->addNode(11, 11) == true);
     80     testAVLTree->destroy();
     82 }
     84 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(AVLTree_delNode_Test)
     85 {
     86     // delete root and cause "right right" imbalance --------------------------------
     87     // actually, only "right right" imbalance will be caused at such condition ------
     88     int key1[] = { 5, 4, 6, 2 };
     89     int value1[] = { 5, 4, 6, 2 };
     90     unsigned len1 = sizeof(key1) / sizeof(int);
     91     testAVLTree->creatTree(key1, value1, len1);
     92     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(5) == true);
     93     testAVLTree->destroy();
     95     // delete right node of 'root' and cause "left left/right" imbalance ----------------
     96     // left left
     97     int key31[] = { 6, 4, 7, 3, 5, 8, 2 };
     98     int value31[] = { 6, 4, 7, 3, 5, 8, 2 };
     99     unsigned len31 = sizeof(key31) / sizeof(int);
    100     testAVLTree->creatTree(key31, value31, len31);
    101     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(7) == true);
    102     testAVLTree->destroy();
    104     // left right
    105     int key32[] = { 6, 3, 7, 2, 4, 8, 5 };
    106     int value32[] = { 6, 3, 7, 2, 4, 8, 5 };
    107     unsigned len32 = sizeof(key32) / sizeof(int);
    108     testAVLTree->creatTree(key32, value32, len32);
    109     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(7) == true);
    110     testAVLTree->destroy();
    112     // delete left node of 'root' and cause "right left/right" imbalance -------------------
    113     // right left
    114     int key21[] = { 4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 5 };
    115     int value21[] = { 4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 9, 5 };
    116     unsigned len21 = sizeof(key21) / sizeof(int);
    117     testAVLTree->creatTree(key21, value21, len21);
    118     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(3) == true);
    119     testAVLTree->destroy();
    120     // right right
    121     int key22[] = { 5, 4, 7, 2, 6, 9, 10 };
    122     int value22[] = { 5, 4, 7, 2, 6, 9, 10 };
    123     unsigned len22 = sizeof(key22) / sizeof(int);
    124     testAVLTree->creatTree(key22, value22, len22);
    125     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(4) == true);
    126     testAVLTree->destroy();
    128     // delete node and cause "left left/right" imbalance -------------------
    129     // left left -- imbalanced node is at root
    130     int key41[] = { 8, 5, 9, 4, 6, 10, 3 };
    131     int value41[] = { 8, 5, 9, 4, 6, 10, 3 };
    132     unsigned len41 = sizeof(key41) / sizeof(int);
    133     testAVLTree->creatTree(key41, value41, len41);
    134     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(10) == true);
    135     testAVLTree->destroy();
    137     // left right -- imbalanced node is at root
    138     int key42[] = { 8, 5, 9, 4, 6, 10, 7 };
    139     int value42[] = { 8, 5, 9, 4, 6, 10, 7 };
    140     unsigned len42 = sizeof(key42) / sizeof(int);
    141     testAVLTree->creatTree(key42, value42, len42);
    142     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(10) == true);
    143     testAVLTree->destroy();
    145     // left left -- imbalanced node is not at root
    146     int key43[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 2, 4, 1 };
    147     int value43[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 2, 4, 1 };
    148     unsigned len43 = sizeof(key43) / sizeof(int);
    149     testAVLTree->creatTree(key43, value43, len43);
    150     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(4) == true);
    151     testAVLTree->destroy();
    153     // left right -- imbalanced node is not at root
    154     int key44[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 2 };
    155     int value44[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 2 };
    156     unsigned len44 = sizeof(key44) / sizeof(int);
    157     testAVLTree->creatTree(key44, value44, len44);
    158     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(4) == true);
    159     testAVLTree->destroy();
    161     // delete node and cause "right left/right" imbalance -------------------
    162     // right left -- imbalanced node is at root
    163     int key51[] = { 8, 5, 11, 4, 10, 12, 9 };
    164     int value51[] = { 8, 5, 11, 4, 10, 12, 9 };
    165     unsigned len51 = sizeof(key51) / sizeof(int);
    166     testAVLTree->creatTree(key51, value51, len51);
    167     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(4) == true);
    168     testAVLTree->destroy();
    170     // right right -- imbalanced node is at root
    171     int key52[] = { 8, 5, 11, 4, 10, 12, 13 };
    172     int value52[] = { 8, 5, 11, 4, 10, 12, 13 };
    173     unsigned len52 = sizeof(key52) / sizeof(int);
    174     testAVLTree->creatTree(key52, value52, len52);
    175     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(4) == true);
    176     testAVLTree->destroy();
    178     // right left -- imbalanced node is not at root
    179     int key53[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 10, 1, 4, 2, 9 };
    180     int value53[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 10, 1, 4, 2, 9 };
    181     unsigned len53 = sizeof(key53) / sizeof(int);
    182     testAVLTree->creatTree(key53, value53, len53);
    183     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(7) == true);
    184     testAVLTree->destroy();
    186     // right right -- imbalanced node is not at root
    187     int key54[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 2, 10 };
    188     int value54[] = { 5, 8, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 2, 10 };
    189     unsigned len54 = sizeof(key54) / sizeof(int);
    190     testAVLTree->creatTree(key54, value54, len54);
    191     BOOST_REQUIRE(testAVLTree->delNode(7) == true);
    192     testAVLTree->destroy();
    194 }
    196 //BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(AVLTree_CopyConstructor_Test)
    197 //{
    198 //    // leave blank
    199 //}
    200 //
    201 //BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(AVLTree_EqualOperator_Test)
    202 //{
    203 //    // leave blank
    204 //}


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiehongfeng100/p/4165479.html
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