using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models { public class UserInfoModel { public int UserId { get; set; } public string UserName { get; set; } public string UserPwd { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models { public class RoleInfoModel { public int RoleId { get; set; } public string RoleName { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models { public class MenuInfoModel { public int MenuId { get; set; } public string MenuName { get; set; } public int ParentId { get; set; } public string FrmName { get; set; } public string MKey { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models { public class MenuInfoAllModel:MenuInfoModel { //public int MenuId { get; set; } //public string MenuName { get; set; } //public int ParentId { get; set; } //public string FrmName { get; set; } //public string MKey { get; set; } public string ParentName { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Common; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL.Helpers; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL { public class UserDAL { public int Login(UserInfoModel user) { string sql = "select UserId from UserInfos where UserName=@UserName and UserPwd=@UserPwd"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@UserName",user.UserName), new SqlParameter("@UserPwd",user.UserPwd) }; object oId = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql,1,paras); if (oId != null && oId.ToString() != "") { return oId.GetInt(); } else { return 0; } } public List<RoleInfoModel> GetUserRoles(int userId) { string sql = "select r.RoleId,RoleName from UserRoleInfos ur inner join RoleInfos r on r.RoleId=ur.RoleId where UserId=@UserId"; SqlParameter paraId = new SqlParameter("@UserId", userId); SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1, paraId); List<RoleInfoModel> list = new List<RoleInfoModel>(); while(dr.Read()) { RoleInfoModel roleInfo = new RoleInfoModel(); roleInfo.RoleId = dr["RoleId"].ToString().GetInt(); roleInfo.RoleName = dr["RoleName"].ToString(); list.Add(roleInfo); } dr.Close();//关闭阅读器 return list; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Common; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL.Helpers; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL { public class MenuDAL { public List<MenuInfoAllModel> GetMenuList(int parentId,string mName) { List<MenuInfoAllModel> list = new List<MenuInfoAllModel>(); string sql = "select m.MenuId,m.MenuName,m.ParentId,p.MenuName ParentName,m.FrmName,m.MKey from MenuInfos m left join MenuInfos p on m.ParentId=p.MenuId where 1=1"; if (parentId > 0) sql += " and m.ParentId=@parentId"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mName)) sql += " and m.MenuName like @mName"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@parentId",parentId), new SqlParameter("@mName",$"%{mName}%") }; SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1, paras); while (dr.Read()) { MenuInfoAllModel menu = new MenuInfoAllModel(); menu.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menu.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menu.ParentId = dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menu.ParentName = dr["ParentName"].ToString(); menu.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menu.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); list.Add(menu); } return list; } //获取父级菜单列表 public DataTable GetParentList() { string sql = "select m.ParentId,p.MenuName ,count(1) count from MenuInfos m inner join MenuInfos p on m.ParentId=p.MenuId group by m.ParentId,p.MenuName"; DataTable dt = DBHelper.GetDataTable(sql,1); return dt; } /// <summary> /// 获取用户角色菜单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="roleIds"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<MenuInfoModel> GetUserMenuList(string roleIds) { string sql; if (roleIds.Split(',').Contains("1")) { sql = "select MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from MenuInfos"; } else { sql = "select rm.MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from RoleMenuInfos rm inner join MenuInfos m on rm.MenuId=m.MenuId where rm.RoleId in (" + roleIds + ")"; } SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1); List<MenuInfoModel> list = new List<MenuInfoModel>(); while(dr.Read()) { MenuInfoModel menuInfo = new MenuInfoModel(); menuInfo.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menuInfo.ParentId= dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menuInfo.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); list.Add(menuInfo); } dr.Close();//关闭阅读器 return list; } /// <summary> /// 删除菜单信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="menuId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteMenu(int menuId) { string sqlDelRoleMenu = "delete from RoleMenuInfos where RoleMenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId"; string sqlDelMenu="delete from MenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuId) }; List<CommandInfo> comList = new List<CommandInfo>(); comList.Add(new CommandInfo { CommandText = sqlDelRoleMenu, IsProc = false, Paras = paras }); comList.Add(new CommandInfo { CommandText = sqlDelMenu, IsProc = false, Paras = paras }); return DBHelper.ExecuteTrans(comList); } /// <summary> /// 获取所有菜单数据(主要用于绑定下拉框) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetAllMenu() { string sql = "select MenuId,MenuName from MenuInfos"; return DBHelper.GetDataTable(sql,1); } public MenuInfoModel GetMenuInfoById(int menuId) { string sql = "select MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from MenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId "; SqlParameter paraId = new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuId); SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1, paraId); MenuInfoModel menuInfo = default(MenuInfoModel); if (dr.Read()) { menuInfo = new MenuInfoModel(); menuInfo.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menuInfo.ParentId = dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menuInfo.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); } dr.Close(); return menuInfo; } public bool ExistMenuName(string menuName) { string sql = "select count(1) from MenuInfos where MenuName=@menuName"; SqlParameter paraName = new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuName); object oCount = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, 1, paraName); if (oCount != null && oCount.ToString() != "") { return oCount.GetInt() > 0; } else { return false; } } public bool AddMenuInfo(MenuInfoModel menuInfo) { string sql = "insert into MenuInfos(MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey) values(@menuName,@parentId,@frmName,@mKey)"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuInfo.MenuName), new SqlParameter("@parentId", menuInfo.ParentId), new SqlParameter("@frmName", menuInfo.FrmName), new SqlParameter("@mKey", menuInfo.MKey) }; return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, 1, paras) > 0; } public bool UpdateMenuInfo(MenuInfoModel menuInfo) { string sql = "update MenuInfos set MenuName=@menuName,ParentId=@parentId,FrmName=@frmName,MKey=@mKey where MenuId=@menuId "; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuInfo.MenuName), new SqlParameter("@parentId", menuInfo.ParentId), new SqlParameter("@frmName", menuInfo.FrmName), new SqlParameter("@mKey", menuInfo.MKey), new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuInfo.MenuId), }; return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, 1, paras) > 0; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Common; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL.Helpers; using Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.Models; namespace Xwy.WindowsFormsApp.DAL { public class MenuDAL { public List<MenuInfoAllModel> GetMenuList(int parentId,string mName) { List<MenuInfoAllModel> list = new List<MenuInfoAllModel>(); string sql = "select m.MenuId,m.MenuName,m.ParentId,p.MenuName ParentName,m.FrmName,m.MKey from MenuInfos m left join MenuInfos p on m.ParentId=p.MenuId where 1=1"; if (parentId > 0) sql += " and m.ParentId=@parentId"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mName)) sql += " and m.MenuName like @mName"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@parentId",parentId), new SqlParameter("@mName",$"%{mName}%") }; SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1, paras); while (dr.Read()) { MenuInfoAllModel menu = new MenuInfoAllModel(); menu.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menu.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menu.ParentId = dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menu.ParentName = dr["ParentName"].ToString(); menu.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menu.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); list.Add(menu); } return list; } //获取父级菜单列表 public DataTable GetParentList() { string sql = "select m.ParentId,p.MenuName ,count(1) count from MenuInfos m inner join MenuInfos p on m.ParentId=p.MenuId group by m.ParentId,p.MenuName"; DataTable dt = DBHelper.GetDataTable(sql,1); return dt; } /// <summary> /// 获取用户角色菜单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="roleIds"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<MenuInfoModel> GetUserMenuList(string roleIds) { string sql; if (roleIds==""||roleIds.Split(',').Contains("1")) { sql = "select MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from MenuInfos"; } else { sql = "select rm.MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from RoleMenuInfos rm inner join MenuInfos m on rm.MenuId=m.MenuId where rm.RoleId in (" + roleIds + ")"; } SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1); List<MenuInfoModel> list = new List<MenuInfoModel>(); while(dr.Read()) { MenuInfoModel menuInfo = new MenuInfoModel(); menuInfo.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menuInfo.ParentId= dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menuInfo.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); list.Add(menuInfo); } dr.Close();//关闭阅读器 return list; } /// <summary> /// 删除菜单信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="menuId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteMenu(int menuId) { string sqlDelRoleMenu = "delete from RoleMenuInfos where RoleMenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId"; string sqlDelMenu="delete from MenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuId) }; List<CommandInfo> comList = new List<CommandInfo>(); comList.Add(new CommandInfo { CommandText = sqlDelRoleMenu, IsProc = false, Paras = paras }); comList.Add(new CommandInfo { CommandText = sqlDelMenu, IsProc = false, Paras = paras }); return DBHelper.ExecuteTrans(comList); } /// <summary> /// 获取所有菜单数据(主要用于绑定下拉框) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetAllMenu() { string sql = "select MenuId,MenuName from MenuInfos"; return DBHelper.GetDataTable(sql,1); } public DataTable GetAllTvMenus() { string sql = "select MenuId,MenuName,ParentId from MenuInfos"; return DBHelper.GetDataTable(sql, 1); } public MenuInfoModel GetMenuInfoById(int menuId) { string sql = "select MenuId,MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey from MenuInfos where MenuId=@menuId "; SqlParameter paraId = new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuId); SqlDataReader dr = DBHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, 1, paraId); MenuInfoModel menuInfo = default(MenuInfoModel); if (dr.Read()) { menuInfo = new MenuInfoModel(); menuInfo.MenuId = dr["MenuId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.MenuName = dr["MenuName"].ToString(); menuInfo.ParentId = dr["ParentId"].ToString().GetInt(); menuInfo.FrmName = dr["FrmName"].ToString(); menuInfo.MKey = dr["MKey"].ToString(); } dr.Close(); return menuInfo; } public bool ExistMenuName(string menuName) { string sql = "select count(1) from MenuInfos where MenuName=@menuName"; SqlParameter paraName = new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuName); object oCount = DBHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, 1, paraName); if (oCount != null && oCount.ToString() != "") { return oCount.GetInt() > 0; } else { return false; } } public bool AddMenuInfo(MenuInfoModel menuInfo) { string sql = "insert into MenuInfos(MenuName,ParentId,FrmName,MKey) values(@menuName,@parentId,@frmName,@mKey)"; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuInfo.MenuName), new SqlParameter("@parentId", menuInfo.ParentId), new SqlParameter("@frmName", menuInfo.FrmName), new SqlParameter("@mKey", menuInfo.MKey) }; return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, 1, paras) > 0; } public bool UpdateMenuInfo(MenuInfoModel menuInfo) { string sql = "update MenuInfos set MenuName=@menuName,ParentId=@parentId,FrmName=@frmName,MKey=@mKey where MenuId=@menuId "; SqlParameter[] paras = { new SqlParameter("@menuName", menuInfo.MenuName), new SqlParameter("@parentId", menuInfo.ParentId), new SqlParameter("@frmName", menuInfo.FrmName), new SqlParameter("@mKey", menuInfo.MKey), new SqlParameter("@menuId", menuInfo.MenuId), }; return DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, 1, paras) > 0; } } }