#!/bin/bash . /etc/profile logdir='/home/admin/zabbix/zabbix_log' mysql_host='localhost' mysql_user='root' mysql_passwd='*****' mysql_database='zabbix' year=`date +%Y` month=`date +%m` next_month=`echo $month+1|bc` #if today is the last day of month #then run this script ################################################## today=`date +%d` last_day=`cal | xargs | awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "$today" != "$last_day" ]; then exit 1 fi ################################################# if [ ! -d $logdir ];then mkdir $logdir fi ##zabbix host month report #select cpu avg unitil mysql -h $mysql_host -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_passwd $mysql_database >$logdir/cpu$month.txt<<EOF set names utf8; select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%m') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host, round(avg(hi.value_avg),1) as Cpu_Avg_Unitil,round(max(hi.value_max),1) as Cpu_Max_Unitil from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.name='CPU unitil' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('${year}-${month}-01 00:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('${year}-0${next_month}-01 00:00:00') group by h.host; EOF #select Mem usage mysql -h $mysql_host -u $mysql_user -p$mysql_passwd $mysql_database >$logdir/mem$month.txt<<EOF set names utf8; select from_unixtime(hi.clock,'%m') as Date,g.name as Group_Name,h.host as Host, round(avg(hi.value_avg),1) as Mem_Avg_usage,round(max(hi.value_max),1) as Mem_Max_Usage from hosts_groups hg join groups g on g.groupid = hg.groupid join items i on hg.hostid = i.hostid join hosts h on h.hostid=i.hostid join trends hi on i.itemid = hi.itemid where i.name='Mem usage' and hi.clock >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('${year}-${month}-01 00:00:00') and hi.clock < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('${year}-0${next_month}-01 00:00:00') group by h.host; EOF sed -i '1d' $logdir/cpu$month.txt sed -i '1d' $logdir/mem$month.txt awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2,$3,$4]=$0;next}{print a[$1,$2,$3,$4]," ",$5," ",$6}' $logdir/cpu$month.txt $logdir/mem$month.txt >$logdir/result$month.txt sed -i '1i Month Group name Host Cpu_avg_Unitil Cpu_Max_Unitil Mem_Avg_usage Mem_Max_Usage' $logdir/result$month.txt rm -rf $logdir/cpu$month.txt rm -rf $logdir/mem$month.txt