* This group must be first
eq_file ../tables/eq_renames
make_svs ../tables/sat1.apr
sol_file comb.sol
* Earth-rotation values (not needed if pmu free in final combination)
in_pmu ../tables/pmu.bull_b
* File(s) for a priori coordinates
apr_file ../tables/itrf00.apr
* Sites to include in the solution (default is all)
use_site clear
use_site mate ankr_gps kit3 nico sofi zwen kant
use_site –zwen
* (1) Max chi**2, (2) Max prefit diff, (3) Max rotation; defaults are 100 10000 10000
max_chi 30 50 2000.0
* Apply the pole tide whenever not applied in GAMIT
app_ptid ALL
* Invoke glorg for stabilization
org_cmd glorg_comb.cmd
* Set minimal globk print options since using glorg output
prt_opt NOPR
* Allow the network to be loose since using glorg for stabilization
apr_neu all 10 10 10 0 0 0
* Satellites are loose if using global da
x apr_svs all 100 100 100 10 10 10 1R
* but tight if not combining with global da
x apr_svs all .05 .05 .05 .005 .005 .005 .01 .01 FR
* EOP loose if estimating rotation in glorg
apr_wob 100 100 10 10
apr_ut1 100 10
* Write out an h-file if needed for future combinations
x out_glb H------.GLX
* Stabilization using IGS stations
apr_file ../tables/itrf00.apr
* Regional stabilization using coordinates from a prior solution
x apr_file ../tables/globk_vel_990306.apr
* Define the stabilization frame
stab_site clear
stab_site mate kit3 nico sofi zwen
* Set parameters to estimate in stabilization
pos_org xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot
* Default height ratio is 10; increase if heights questionable
cnd_hgtv 1000 1000 2.0 10.0
* Default iterations is 4, relative weight ratio 50%, horizontal sigma cuoff 4.0
x stab_ite 4 0.8 3.
# November 3, 2002, UT=22:12 Lat = 63.52 Lon -147.53 Depth=5 km M 7.9
eq_def DN 63.52 -147.53 700 5. 2002 11 3 22 12
eq_cosei DN 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.8 0.7
eq_post DN 100 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.8 1.8 0.7 Postseismic: 0.1 mm**2/day and spatial about same
eq_rename DN
rename mate_gps mate_1ps 1999 6 18 0 0
rename kit3_gps kit3_xcl 1997 5 14 0 0 1997 5 18 0 0
rename madr_gps madr_xhi emed 1996 9 26 0 0 1996 10 27 0 0
rename tigr_gni tigr_gni 2001 2 28 0 0 2100 1 1 0 0 0.0032 0.0033 0.0000 NEU