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  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Decrease-and-Conquer

    I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book:
     <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany Levitin
    Note that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges and hence require no verfication. When implementing algorithms as programs to be used in actual applications, you should provide such verfications.
    About pseudocode: For the sake of simplicity, we omit declarations of variables and use indentation to show the scope of such statements as for, if and while. As you saw later, we use an arrow <- for the assignment operation and two slashes // for comments.

    Algorithm InsertionSort(A[0..n-1])
        // Sorts a given array by insertion sort
        // Input: An array A[0..n-1] of n orderable elements
        // Output: Array A[0..n-1] sorted in nondecreasing order
        for i <- 1 to n-1 do
            v <- A[i]
            j <- i-1
            while j ≥ 0 and A[j] > v do
                A[j+1] <- A[j]
                j <- j-1
            A[j+1] <- v
    Consider the following version of insertion sort
    Algorithm InsertionSort2(A[0..n-1])
        for i <- 1 to n-1 do
            j <- j-1
            while j ≥ 0 and A[j] > A[j+1] do
                swap(A[j], A[j+1])
                j <- j-1
    What is its time efficiency? How is it compared to that of the version given in the above?
    The efficiency classes of both versions will be the same. The Inner loop of InsertionSort consists of one key assignment and one index decrement; the inner loop of InsertionSort2 consists of one key swap(i.e., three key assignments) and one index decrement. If we disregard the time spend on the index decrements, the ratio of the running times should be estimated as 3Ca/Ca = 3; if we take into account the time spent on the index decrements, the ratio's estimate becones (3Ca+Cd)/(Ca+Cd), where Ca and Cd are the times of one key assignment and one index decrement, respectively.
    Algorithm DFS(G)
        // Implements a depth-first search traversal of a given graph
        // Input: Graph G = <V, E>
        // Output: Graph G with its vertices marked with consecutive integers
        //            in the order they've been first encountered by the DFS traversal
        make each vertex in V with 0 as a mark of being "unvisited"
        count <- 0
        for each vertex v in V do
            if v is marked with 0
            // visits recursively all the unvisited vertices connected to vertex v by a path
            // and numbers them in order they are encountered via global variable count
            count <- count+1; mark v with count
            for each vertex w in V adjacent to v do
                if w is marked with 0
    Algorithm BFS(G)
        // Implements a breadth-first search traversal of a given graph
        // Input: Graph G = <V, E>
        // Output: Graph G with its vertices marked with consecutive integers 
        //             in the order they have been visited by the BFS traversal
        mark each vetex in V with 0 as a mark of being "unvisited"
        count <- 0
        for each vertex v in V do
            if v is marked with 0
            // visits all the unvisited vertices connected to vertex v by a path and assigns them
            // the numbers in the order they are visited via global variable count
            count <- count+1; mark v with count and initialize a queue with v by a path
            while the queue is not empty do
                for each vertex w in V adjacent to the front vertex do
                    if w is marked with 0
                        count <- count+1; mark w with count
                        add w to the queue
                remove the front vertex from the queue
    Algorithm JohnsonTrotter(n)
        // Implements Johnson-Trotter algorithm for generating permutations
        // Input: A positive integer n
        // Output: A list of all permutations of {1, ..., n}
        initialize the first permutation with 1 2... n 
        while the last permutation has a mobile element do
            find its largest mobile element k 
            swap k and the adjacent integer k's arrow points to      
            reverse the direction of all the elements that are larger than k
            add the new permutation to the list

    Here is an application of this algorithm for n = 3, with the largest mobile integer shown in underline:
    123  132  312  321  231  213
    Consider the following implementation of the algorithm for generating permutations discovered by B.Heap.
    Algorithm HeapPermute(n)
        // Implements Heap's algorithm for generating permutations
        // Input: A positive integer n and a global array A[1..n]
        // Output: All permutations of elements of A
        if n = 1
            write A
            for i <- 1 to n do
                if n is odd
                    swap A[1] and A[n]
                    swap A[i] and A[n]
    Trace the algorithm by hand for n = 2, 3, and 4.
    For n = 2:
        12 21
    For n = 3 (read along the rows):
        123 213
        312 132
        231 321
    For n = 4 (read along the rows):
        1234 2134 3124 1324 2314 3214
        4231 2431 3421 4321 2341 3241
        4132 1432 3412 4312 1342 3142
        4123 1423 2413 4213 1243 2143
    Write a pseudocode for a recursive algorithm for generating all 2^n bit strings of length n.
    Algorithm BitstringsRec(n)
        // Generates recursively all the bit strings of a given lengt
        // Input: A positive integer n
        // Output: All bit strings of length n as contents of global array B[0..n-1]
        if n = 0
            B[n-1] <- 0; BitstringsRec(n-1)
            B[n-1] <- 1; BitstirngsRec(n-1)
    Write a nonrecursive algorithm for generating all 2^n bit strigns of length n that implements bit strigns as arrays and does not use binary additions.
    Algorithm BitstringsNonrec(n)
        // Generates nonrecursively all the bit strings of a given length
        // Input: A positive integer n
        // Output: All bit strings of length n as contents of global array B[0..n-1]
        for i <- 0 to n-1 do
            B[i] = 0
            k <- n-1
            while k ≥ 0 and B[k] = 1
                k <- k-1
            if k ≥ 0
                B[k] <- 1
                for i <- k+1 to n-1 do
                    B[i] <- 0
        until k = -1    
    Design a decrease-and-conquer algorithm for generating all combinations for k items chosen form n, i.e., all k-element subsets of a given n-element set. 
    There are several decrease-and-conquer algorithms for this problem. They are more subtle than one might expect. Generating combinations in a predefined order(increasing, decreasing, lexicographic) helps with both a design and a correctness proof. The following simple property is very helpful. Assuming with no loss of generality that the underlying set is {1, 2, ..., n}, there are (n-1k-1) k-subsets whose smallest elements is i, i = 1, 2, ..., n-k+1.
    Here is a recursive algorithm from "Problems on Algorithms" by Ian Par-berry. call Choose(1, k) where
    Algorithm Choose(i, k)
        // Generates all k-subsets of {i, i+1, ..., n} stored in global array A[1..k]
        //         in descending order of their components
        if k = 0
            for j <- i to n-k+1 do
                A[k] <- j
                Choose(j+1, k-1)
    Write a pseudocode for the divide-into-three algorithm for the fake-coin problem.(Make sure that your algorithm handles properly all values of n, not only those that are multiples of 3; We assume that the fake coin is lighter)
    If n is multiply of 3(i.e., n mod 3 = 0), we can divide the coins into three piles of n/3 coins each and weigh two of the piles. If n = 3k+1(i.e., n mod 3 = 1), we can divide the coins into the piles of sizes k, k and k+1, or k+1, k+1 and k-1.(We will use the second option.) Finally, if n = 3k+2(i.e., n mod 3 = 2), we will divide the coins into the piles of sizes k+1, k+1 and k. The following pseudocode assumes that there is exactly one fake coin among the coins given and that the fake coin is lighter than the other coins.
        if n = 1 the coin is fake
        else divide the coins into three piles of ...coins ; mark
            weigh the first two piles
            if they weight the same and continue with the coins of the third pile
            else continue with the lighter of the first two piles
    There has a very natural question. For large values of n, about how many times faster is this algorithm than the one based on dividing coins into two piles?
    The ratio of the number of weighings in the worst case can be approximated for large values of n by
    log2n/log3n = log2n/(log32log2n) = log23 ≈ 1.6.

    Write a pseudocode for the multiplication à la russe algorithm.
    Algorithm Russe(n, m)
        // Implements multiplication à la russe nonrecursively
        // Input: Two positive integer n and m
        // Output: The product of n and m
        p <- 0
        while n ≠ 1 do
            if n mod 2 = 1 p <- p+m
            n <- ⌊n/2⌋n/2
            m <- 2*m
        return p+m
    Algorithm RusseRec(n, m)
        // Implements multiplication à la russe recursively
        // Input: Two positive integer n and m
        // Output: The product of n and m
        if n mod 2 = 0 return RusseRec(n/2, 2m)
        else if n = 1 return m
        else return RusseRec((n-1)/2, 2m) + m
    Write a pseudocode for a nonrecursive implementation of the partition-based algorithm for the selection problem.
    Algorithm Selection(A[0..n-1], k)
        // Solves the selection problem by partition-based algortihm
        // Input: An array A[0..n-1] of orderable elements and integer k(1 ≤ k ≤ n)
        // Output: The value of the k-th smallest element in A[0..n-1]
        l <- 0; r <- n-1
        A[n] <- ∞ // append sentinel
        while l ≤ r do
            p <- A[l] // the pivot
            i <- l; j <- r+1
                repeat i <- i+1 until A[i] ≥ p
                repeat j <- j-1 until A[j] ≤ p do
                swap(A[i], A[j])
            until i ≥ j
            swap(A[i], A[j]) undo last swap
            swap(A[l], A[j]) partition
            if j > k-1 r <- j-1
            else if j < k-1 l <- j+1
            else return A[k-1]
    Write a pseudocode for a recursive implementation of the algorithm.
    call SelectionRec(A[0..n-1], k) where
    Algorithm SelectionRec(A[l..r], k)
        // Solves the selection problem by recursive partition-based algorithm
        // Input: A subarray A[l..r] of orderable elements and integer k(1 ≤ k ≤ r-l+1)
        // Output: The value of the k-th smallest element in A[l..r]
        s <- Partition(A[l..r]) 
        if s > l+k-1 SelectionRec(A[l..s-1], k)
        else if s < l+k-1 SelectionRec(A[s+1..r], k-1-s)
        else return A[s]
    The following algorithm for to compute the partition position:
    Algorithm Partition(A[l..r])
        // Partitions a subarray by using its first element as a pivot
        // Input: A subarray A[l..r] of A[0..n-1], defined by its left and right indices l and r(l < r)
        // Output: A partition of A[l..r], with the split position returned as this function's value
        p <- A[l]
        i <- l; j <- r+1
            repeat i <- i+1 until A[i] ≥ p
            repeat j <- j-1 until A[j] ≤ p
            swap(A[i], A[j])
        until i ≥ j
        swap(A[i], A[j]) // undo last swap when i ≥ j
        swap(A[l], A[j])
        return j  
    new words: disregard: 忽视 estimate: 估计 adjacent: 邻接的
    permutation: 排列 lexicographic: 字典序 fake: 假货
    multiple: 倍数 product: 产品;[数]乘积

  • 相关阅读:
    Chapter 2 Open Book——14
    Chapter 2 Open Book——13
    Chapter 2 Open Book——12
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xpjiang/p/4544224.html
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