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  • ffmpeg结构体以及函数介绍(一)

     1 extern "C"
    2 {
    4 #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
    5 #include "libavformat/avformat.h"
    6 #include "libavutil/avutil.h"
    7 #include "libavutil/mem.h"
    8 #include "libavutil/fifo.h"
    9 #include "libswscale/swscale.h"
    10 };


    1 avcodec_init()

    * Initialize libavcodec.

    * If called more than once, does nothing.


    * @warning This function must be called before any other libavcodec

    * function.


    * @warning This function is not thread-safe.


    void avcodec_init(void);

    // 初始化libavcodec,一般最先调用该函数

    // 引入头文件: #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"

    // 实现在: \ffmpeg\libavcodec\utils.c

    // 该函数必须在调用libavcodec里的其它函数前调用,一般在程序启动或模块初始化时调用,如果你调用了多次也无所谓,因为后面的调用不会做任何事情.从函数的实现里你可以发现,代码中对多次调用进行了控制.

    // 该函数是非线程安全的

    2 av_register_all()


    * Initialize libavformat and register all the muxers, demuxers and

    * protocols. If you do not call this function, then you can select

    * exactly which formats you want to support.


    * @see av_register_input_format()

    * @see av_register_output_format()

    * @see av_register_protocol()


    void av_register_all(void);

    // 初始化 libavformat和注册所有的muxers、demuxers和protocols,

    // 一般在调用avcodec_init后调用该方法

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 实现在:\ffmpeg\libavformat\allformats.c

    // 其中会调用avcodec_register_all()注册多种音视频格式的编解码器,并注册各种文件的编解复用器

    // 当然,你也可以不调用该函数,而通过选择调用特定的方法来提供支持

     3 avformat_alloc_context()



    * Allocate an AVFormatContext.

    * avformat_free_context() can be used to free the context and everything

    * allocated by the framework within it.


    AVFormatContext *avformat_alloc_context(void);

    // 分配一个AVFormatContext结构

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 实现在:\ffmpeg\libavformat\options.c

    // 其中负责申请一个AVFormatContext结构的内存,并进行简单初始化

    // avformat_free_context()可以用来释放该结构里的所有东西以及该结构本身

    // 也是就说使用 avformat_alloc_context()分配的结构,需要使用avformat_free_context()来释放

    // 有些版本中函数名可能为: av_alloc_format_context();

    4 avformat_free_context()



    * Free an AVFormatContext and all its streams.

    * @param s context to free


    void avformat_free_context(AVFormatContext *s);

    // 释放一个AVFormatContext结构

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 实现在:\ffmpeg\libavformat\utils.c

    // 使用 avformat_alloc_context()分配的结构,采用该函数进行释放,除释放AVFormatContext结构本身内存之外,AVFormatContext中指针所指向的内存也会一并释放

    // 有些版本中函数名猜测可能为: av_free_format_context();

    5 AVFormatContext 结构


    * Format I/O context.

    * New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps.

    * Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major

    * version bump.

    * sizeof(AVFormatContext) must not be used outside libav*.


    typedef struct AVFormatContext {

    struct AVInputFormat *iformat;

    struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;

    AVIOContext *pb;

    unsigned int nb_streams;

    AVStream **streams;

    char filename[1024]; /**< input or output filename */



    } AVFormatContext;

    // AVFormatContext在FFMpeg里是一个非常重要的的结构,是其它输入、输出相关信息的一个容器

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 以上只列出了其中的部分成员

    // 作为输入容器时 struct AVInputFormat *iformat; 不能为空, 其中包含了输入文件的音视频流信息,程序从输入容器从读出音视频包进行解码处理

    // 作为输出容器时 struct AVOutputFormat *oformat; 不能为空, 程序把编码好的音视频包写入到输出容器中

    // AVIOContext *pb: I/O上下文,通过对该变量赋值可以改变输入源或输出目的

    // unsigned int nb_streams; 音视频流数量

    // AVStream **streams; 音视频流

     6 AVIOContext 结构



    * Bytestream IO Context.

    * New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps.

    * Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major

    * version bump.

    * sizeof(AVIOContext) must not be used outside libav*.


    * @note None of the function pointers in AVIOContext should be called

    * directly, they should only be set by the client application

    * when implementing custom I/O. Normally these are set to the

    * function pointers specified in avio_alloc_context()


    typedef struct {

    unsigned char *buffer; /**< Start of the buffer. */

    int buffer_size; /**< Maximum buffer size */

    unsigned char *buf_ptr; /**< Current position in the buffer */

    unsigned char *buf_end; /**< End of the data, may be less than

    buffer+buffer_size if the read function returned

    less data than requested, e.g. for streams where

    no more data has been received yet.

    void *opaque; /**< A private pointer, passed to the read/write/seek/...


    int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);

    int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);

    int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence);

    int64_t pos; /**< position in the file of the current buffer */

    int must_flush; /**< true if the next seek should flush */

    int eof_reached; /**< true if eof reached */

    int write_flag; /**< true if open for writing */


    attribute_deprecated int is_streamed;


    int max_packet_size;

    unsigned long checksum;

    unsigned char *checksum_ptr;

    unsigned long (*update_checksum)(unsigned long checksum, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int size);

    int error; /**< contains the error code or 0 if no error happened */


    * Pause or resume playback for network streaming protocols - e.g. MMS.


    int (*read_pause)(void *opaque, int pause);


    * Seek to a given timestamp in stream with the specified stream_index.

    * Needed for some network streaming protocols which don't support seeking

    * to byte position.


    int64_t (*read_seek)(void *opaque, int stream_index,

    int64_t timestamp, int flags);


    * A combination of AVIO_SEEKABLE_ flags or 0 when the stream is not seekable.


    int seekable;

    } AVIOContext;

    // 字节流 I/O 上下文

    // 在结构的尾部增加变量可以减少版本冲突

    // 移除、排序和修改已经存在的变量将会导致较大的版本冲突

    // sizeof(AVIOContext)在libav*.外部不可使用

    // AVIOContext里的函数指针不能直接调用,通常使用avio_alloc_context()函数来设置其中的函数指针

    // unsigned char *buffer: 缓存的起始指针

    // int buffer_size: 缓存的最大值

    // void *opaque: 在回调函数中使用的指针

    // int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size): 读文件回调方法

    // int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size): 写文件回调方法

    // int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence): seek文件回调方法

    7 avio_alloc_context()



    * Allocate and initialize an AVIOContext for buffered I/O. It must be later

    * freed with av_free().


    * @param buffer Memory block for input/output operations via AVIOContext.

    * The buffer must be allocated with av_malloc() and friends.

    * @param buffer_size The buffer size is very important for performance.

    * For protocols with fixed blocksize it should be set to this blocksize.

    * For others a typical size is a cache page, e.g. 4kb.

    * @param write_flag Set to 1 if the buffer should be writable, 0 otherwise.

    * @param opaque An opaque pointer to user-specific data.

    * @param read_packet A function for refilling the buffer, may be NULL.

    * @param write_packet A function for writing the buffer contents, may be NULL.

    * @param seek A function for seeking to specified byte position, may be NULL.


    * @return Allocated AVIOContext or NULL on failure.


    AVIOContext *avio_alloc_context(

    unsigned char *buffer,

    int buffer_size,

    int write_flag,

    void *opaque,

    int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),

    int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),

    int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence));

    // 为I/0缓存申请并初始化一个AVIOContext结构,结束使用时必须使用av_free()进行释放

    // unsigned char *buffer: 输入/输出缓存内存块,必须是使用av_malloc()分配的

    // int buffer_size: 缓存大小是非常重要的

    // int write_flag: 如果缓存为可写则设置为1,否则设置为0

    // void *opaque: 指针,用于回调时使用

    // int (*read_packet): 读包函数指针

    // int (*write_packet): 写包函数指针

    // int64_t (*seek): seek文件函数指针

    8 av_open_input_file()


    * Open a media file as input. The codecs are not opened. Only the file

    * header (if present) is read.


    * @param ic_ptr The opened media file handle is put here.

    * @param filename filename to open

    * @param fmt If non-NULL, force the file format to use.

    * @param buf_size optional buffer size (zero if default is OK)

    * @param ap Additional parameters needed when opening the file

    * (NULL if default).

    * @return 0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx otherwise


    * @deprecated use avformat_open_input instead.


    attribute_deprecated int av_open_input_file(AVFormatContext **ic_ptr, const char *filename,

    AVInputFormat *fmt,

    int buf_size,

    AVFormatParameters *ap);

    // 以输入方式打开一个媒体文件,也即源文件,codecs并没有打开,只读取了文件的头信息.

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // AVFormatContext **ic_ptr 输入文件容器

    // const char *filename 输入文件名,全路径,并且保证文件存在

    // AVInputFormat *fmt 输入文件格式,填NULL即可

    // int buf_size,缓冲区大小,直接填0即可

    // AVFormatParameters *ap, 格式参数,添NULL即可

    // 成功返回0,其它失败

    // 不赞成使用 avformat_open_input 代替

    9 av_close_input_file()



    * @deprecated use avformat_close_input()

    * Close a media file (but not its codecs).


    * @param s media file handle


    void av_close_input_file(AVFormatContext *s);

    // 关闭使用avformat_close_input()打开的输入文件容器,但并不关系它的codecs

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 使用av_open_input_file 打开的文件容器,可以使用该函数关闭

    // 使用 av_close_input_file 关闭后,就不再需要使用avformat_free_context 进行释放了

    10 av_find_stream_info()



    * Read packets of a media file to get stream information. This

    * is useful for file formats with no headers such as MPEG. This

    * function also computes the real framerate in case of MPEG-2 repeat

    * frame mode.

    * The logical file position is not changed by this function;

    * examined packets may be buffered for later processing.


    * @param ic media file handle

    * @return >=0 if OK, AVERROR_xxx on error

    * @todo Let the user decide somehow what information is needed so that

    * we do not waste time getting stuff the user does not need.


    int av_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext *ic);

    // 通过读取媒体文件的中的包来获取媒体文件中的流信息,对于没有头信息的文件如(mpeg)是非常有用的,

    // 该函数通常重算类似mpeg-2帧模式的真实帧率,该函数并未改变逻辑文件的position.

    // 引入头文件:#include "libavformat/avformat.h"

    // 也就是把媒体文件中的音视频流等信息读出来,保存在容器中,以便解码时使用

    // 返回>=0时成功,否则失败


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuanyuanchen/p/2423388.html
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