==StringIO 模块== [Example 2-8 #eg-2-8] 展示了 ``StringIO`` 模块的使用. 它实现了一个工作在内存的文件对象 (内存文件). 在大多需要标准文件对象的地方都可以使用它来替换. ====Example 2-8. 使用 StringIO 模块从内存文件读入内容====[eg-2-8] ``` File: stringio-example-1.py import StringIO MESSAGE = "That man is depriving a village somewhere of a computer scientist." file = StringIO.StringIO(MESSAGE) print file.read() *B*That man is depriving a village somewhere of a computer scientist.*b* ``` ``StringIO`` 类实现了内建文件对象的所有方法, 此外还有 ``getvalue`` 方法用来返回它内部的字符串值. [Example 2-9 #eg-2-9] 展示了这个方法. ====Example 2-9. 使用 StringIO 模块向内存文件写入内容====[eg-2-9] ``` File: stringio-example-2.py import StringIO file = StringIO.StringIO() file.write("This man is no ordinary man. ") file.write("This is Mr. F. G. Superman.") print file.getvalue() *B*This man is no ordinary man. This is Mr. F. G. Superman.*b* ``` ``StringIO`` 可以用于重新定向 Python 解释器的输出, 如 [Example 2-10 #eg-2-10] 所示. ====Example 2-10. 使用 StringIO 模块捕获输出====[eg-2-10] ``` File: stringio-example-3.py import StringIO import string, sys stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = file = StringIO.StringIO() print """ According to Gbaya folktales, trickery and guile are the best ways to defeat the python, king of snakes, which was hatched from a dragon at the world's start. -- National Geographic, May 1997 """ sys.stdout = stdout print string.upper(file.getvalue()) *B*ACCORDING TO GBAYA FOLKTALES, TRICKERY AND GUILE ARE THE BEST WAYS TO DEFEAT THE PYTHON, KING OF SNAKES, WHICH WAS HATCHED FROM A DRAGON AT THE WORLD'S START. -- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, MAY 1997*b* ```