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  • 视图、序列、索引的创建及用户权限

    select * from scott.emp;
    create view waa as
    select * from scott.emp;
    drop view waa;
    select * from wan;
    --修改视图 or replace view
    create or replace view waa(ename) as
    select ename||'hfh' from scott.emp ;
    --视图中有 group by ,distinct ,rownum 时 不能使用delete
    create view wan as
    select sal from scott.emp group by sal ;
    delete from wan;
    --只读视图 不可以修改
    create view wa as
    select * from scott.emp where sal>3000
    with read only ;
    select * from wa;
    insert into wa(empno) values (2);
    drop view waa;
    -- 创建系列
    CREATE SEQUENCE dept_deptid_seq
    INCREMENT BY 10 --增量
    START WITH 50 --开始值
    MAXVALUE 9999 --最大值
    NOCACHE --不写入内存
    NOCYCLE; --不循环 到最大值结束

    select dept_deptid_seq.nextval from dual ; --查询下一个 先
    select dept_deptid_seq.currval from dual ; --查询当前值 后
    --修改序列 增量 最大值 循环与否
    alter sequence dept_deptid_seq
    increment by 20
    maxvalue 300
    cycle ;
    -- 删除序列
    drop sequence dept_deptid_seq;
    create index suoyin
    on wan(name); --在表的某一列创建索引
    drop index suoyin;

    create user scott --用户名
    identified by tiger; --密码
    -- 修改密码
    alter user scott
    identified by tiger;
    create role zu;
    Grant create table ,create session,create view,create procedure
    To zu;
    Grant zu To scott,num1,num2;

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    Web MVC模式中的基本表单提交
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuekai/p/7241520.html
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