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  • Proj THUDBFuzz: AFLplusplus


    Andrea Fioraldi, Dominik Maier, Heiko Eißfeldt, and Marc Heuse. “AFL++: Combining incremental steps of fuzzing research”. In 14th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 20). USENIX Association, Aug. 2020.

    为了对比,应当使用fuzzbench aflplusplus setup或者afl-clang-fast + AFL_LLVM_COMLOG=1



    1. 带有多种变异方法和设置参数的fuzzer: afl-fuzz
    2. 不同的源代码插桩模块:LLVM mode, afl-as, GCC plugin
    3. 不同的二进制代码插桩模块: QEMU mode, Unicorn mode, QBDI mode
    4. testcase/corpus reduction: afl-tmin, afl-cmin
    5. 其他Helper libraries: libtokencap, libdislocator, libcompcov



    1. llvm 11
    2. QEMU 5.1
    3. BSD and Android Support
    4. AFL fast的power schedule功能 https://github.com/mboehme/aflfast
    5. MOpt变异 https://github.com/puppet-meteor/MOpt-AFL
    6. InsTrim: 高效的CFG llvm_mode插桩实现 https://github.com/csienslab/instrim
    7. afl-fuzz Python mutator + llvm mode whitelist support: https://github.com/choller/afl
    8. Custom mutator by a library
    9. Unicorn mode: allows fuzzin of binaries from different platforms
    10. LAF-Intel/CompCov support for llvm_mode,qemu_mode and unicorn_mode
    11. NeverZero patch, 使得wrapping map值不为0
    12. Persistent mode and deferred forkserver for qemu_mode
    13. Win32 PE binary-only fuzzing with QEMU and wine
    14. Radamsa mutator
    15. QBDI mode(fuzz android native libs)
    16. CmpLog instrumentation for LLVM and QEMU(inspired by RedQueen)

    Fuzzing binary-only programs with afl++ 如何对只有源码的程序进行模糊测试

    1. afl-fuzz -n是不插桩模式,但是效果并不好。
    2. 官方建议按照以下优先顺序
    3. qemu_mode + persistent mode最快,不过要求程序足够稳定
    4. retrowrite
    5. afl-dyninst
    6. qemu_mode with AFL_ENTRYPOINT



    1. using AFL_ENTRYPOINT to move the forkserver entry to a later basic block in the binary (+5-10% speed)
    2. persistent mode(150-300% overall speed increase)
    3. using AFL_CODE_START/AFL_CODE_END to only instrument specific parts



    wine + python3 + pefile(python package) + qemu可以在Linux上测win32


    UNICORN是QEMU的fork,不过,UNICORN提供的不是整个系统或者用户界面仿真。用户需要从头写runtime environment 或者是loaders。此外,UNICORN中的区块链已经被删除了。

    AFL Frida

    frida-gum + utils/afl_frida,此时使用afl-frida.c作为模板来调用library中的目标函数

    AFL Untracer











    硬件需求: 新世代Intel CPU
    效果: 利用intels processor trace
    As a result, the overall speed decrease is about 70-90%







    Dynamorio solutions:
    https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl/ <= very good but windows only

    Pintool solutions:
    https://github.com/spinpx/afl_pin_mode <= only old Pintool version supported


    为了避免出现ENV的笔误,Afl++中的一些工具可能会警告自己不用也不知道的环境变量,那时可以用AFL_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_ENVS 来避免这个问题

    AFL custom mutators

    该目录下一共有grammar mutator, honggfuzz, libfuzzer, libprotobuf-mutator-example, radamsa, rust, symcc这几个子目录。此外,还提到了superion这个项目。

    grammar mutator

    使用git submodule update --init来初始化子项目
    该项目是AFL++内部为了兼容高度结构化的测试样例而做的,其功能或者思想基本来自 F1 fuzzer and Nautilus


    • Tree-based mutation: rules mutation, random mutation, random recursive mutation, splicing mutation
    • Tree-based trimming: subtree trimming, recursive trimming
    • An ANTLR4 shim for parsing fuzzing test cases during the runtime


    static void usage(u8 *argv0, int more_help) {
    %s [ options ] -- /path/to/fuzzed_app [ ... ]
          "Required parameters:
          "  -i dir        - input directory with test cases
          "  -o dir        - output directory for fuzzer findings
          "Execution control settings:
          "  -p schedule   - power schedules compute a seed's performance score:
          "                  fast(default), explore, exploit, seek, rare, mmopt, "
          "coe, lin
          "                  quad -- see docs/power_schedules.md
          "  -f file       - location read by the fuzzed program (default: stdin "
          "or @@)
          "  -t msec       - timeout for each run (auto-scaled, default %u ms). "
          "Add a '+'
          "                  to auto-calculate the timeout, the value being the "
          "  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (%u MB, 0 = no limit "
          "  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)
          "  -U            - use unicorn-based instrumentation (Unicorn mode)
          "  -W            - use qemu-based instrumentation with Wine (Wine "
          "Mutator settings:
          "  -D            - enable deterministic fuzzing (once per queue entry)
          "  -L minutes    - use MOpt(imize) mode and set the time limit for "
          "entering the
          "                  pacemaker mode (minutes of no new paths). 0 = "
          "                  -1 = immediately and together with normal mutation).
          "                  See docs/README.MOpt.md
          "  -c program    - enable CmpLog by specifying a binary compiled for "
          "                  if using QEMU, just use -c 0.
          "  -l cmplog_opts - CmpLog configuration values (e.g. "2AT"):
          "                  1=small files (default), 2=larger files, 3=all "
          "                  A=arithmetic solving, T=transformational solving.
          "Fuzzing behavior settings:
          "  -Z            - sequential queue selection instead of weighted "
          "  -N            - do not unlink the fuzzing input file (for devices "
          "  -n            - fuzz without instrumentation (non-instrumented mode)
          "  -x dict_file  - fuzzer dictionary (see README.md, specify up to 4 "
          "Testing settings:
          "  -s seed       - use a fixed seed for the RNG
          "  -V seconds    - fuzz for a specified time then terminate
          "  -E execs      - fuzz for an approx. no. of total executions then "
          "                  Note: not precise and can have several more "
          "Other stuff:
          "  -M/-S id      - distributed mode (see docs/parallel_fuzzing.md)
          "                  -M auto-sets -D, -Z (use -d to disable -D) and no "
          "  -F path       - sync to a foreign fuzzer queue directory (requires "
          "-M, can
          "                  be specified up to %u times)
          "  -d            - skip deterministic fuzzing in -M mode
          "  -T text       - text banner to show on the screen
          "  -I command    - execute this command/script when a new crash is "
          //"  -B bitmap.txt - mutate a specific test case, use the out/fuzz_bitmap
          //" "file
          "  -C            - crash exploration mode (the peruvian rabbit thing)
          "  -b cpu_id     - bind the fuzzing process to the specified CPU core "
          "  -e ext        - file extension for the fuzz test input file (if "
      if (more_help > 1) {
    #if defined USE_COLOR && !defined ALWAYS_COLORED
      #define DYN_COLOR 
        "AFL_NO_COLOR or AFL_NO_COLOUR: switch colored console output off
      #define DYN_COLOR
          "Environment variables used:
          "LD_BIND_LAZY: do not set LD_BIND_NOW env var for target
          "ASAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for ASAN
          "              (must contain abort_on_error=1 and symbolize=0)
          "MSAN_OPTIONS: custom settings for MSAN
          "              (must contain exitcode="STRINGIFY(MSAN_ERROR)" and symbolize=0)
          "AFL_AUTORESUME: resume fuzzing if directory specified by -o already exists
          "AFL_BENCH_JUST_ONE: run the target just once
          "AFL_BENCH_UNTIL_CRASH: exit soon when the first crashing input has been found
          "AFL_CMPLOG_ONLY_NEW: do not run cmplog on initial testcases (good for resumes!)
          "AFL_CRASH_EXITCODE: optional child exit code to be interpreted as crash
          "AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY: lib with afl_custom_fuzz() to mutate inputs
          "AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_ONLY: avoid AFL++'s internal mutators
          "AFL_CYCLE_SCHEDULES: after completing a cycle, switch to a different -p schedule
          "AFL_DEBUG: extra debugging output for Python mode trimming
          "AFL_DEBUG_CHILD: do not suppress stdout/stderr from target
          "AFL_DISABLE_TRIM: disable the trimming of test cases
          "AFL_DUMB_FORKSRV: use fork server without feedback from target
          "AFL_EXIT_WHEN_DONE: exit when all inputs are run and no new finds are found
          "AFL_EXPAND_HAVOC_NOW: immediately enable expand havoc mode (default: after 60 minutes and a cycle without finds)
          "AFL_FAST_CAL: limit the calibration stage to three cycles for speedup
          "AFL_FORCE_UI: force showing the status screen (for virtual consoles)
          "AFL_FORKSRV_INIT_TMOUT: time spent waiting for forkserver during startup (in milliseconds)
          "AFL_HANG_TMOUT: override timeout value (in milliseconds)
          "AFL_I_DONT_CARE_ABOUT_MISSING_CRASHES: don't warn about core dump handlers
          "AFL_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_ENVS: don't warn on unknown env vars
          "AFL_IMPORT_FIRST: sync and import test cases from other fuzzer instances first
          "AFL_KILL_SIGNAL: Signal ID delivered to child processes on timeout, etc. (default: SIGKILL)
          "AFL_MAP_SIZE: the shared memory size for that target. must be >= the size
          "              the target was compiled for
          "AFL_MAX_DET_EXTRAS: if more entries are in the dictionary list than this value
          "                    then they are randomly selected instead all of them being
          "                    used. Defaults to 200.
          "AFL_NO_AFFINITY: do not check for an unused cpu core to use for fuzzing
          "AFL_NO_ARITH: skip arithmetic mutations in deterministic stage
          "AFL_NO_AUTODICT: do not load an offered auto dictionary compiled into a target
          "AFL_NO_CPU_RED: avoid red color for showing very high cpu usage
          "AFL_NO_FORKSRV: run target via execve instead of using the forkserver
          "AFL_NO_SNAPSHOT: do not use the snapshot feature (if the snapshot lkm is loaded)
          "AFL_NO_UI: switch status screen off
          "AFL_PATH: path to AFL support binaries
          "AFL_PYTHON_MODULE: mutate and trim inputs with the specified Python module
          "AFL_QUIET: suppress forkserver status messages
          "AFL_PRELOAD: LD_PRELOAD / DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES settings for target
          "AFL_TARGET_ENV: pass extra environment variables to target
          "AFL_SHUFFLE_QUEUE: reorder the input queue randomly on startup
          "AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK: skip the check, if the target is an executable
          "AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ: do not warn about variable cpu clocking
          "AFL_SKIP_CRASHES: during initial dry run do not terminate for crashing inputs
          "AFL_STATSD: enables StatsD metrics collection
          "AFL_STATSD_HOST: change default statsd host (default
          "AFL_STATSD_PORT: change default statsd port (default: 8125)
          "AFL_STATSD_TAGS_FLAVOR: set statsd tags format (default: disable tags)
          "                        Supported formats are: 'dogstatsd', 'librato',
          "                        'signalfx' and 'influxdb'
          "AFL_TESTCACHE_SIZE: use a cache for testcases, improves performance (in MB)
          "AFL_TMPDIR: directory to use for input file generation (ramdisk recommended)
          //"AFL_PERSISTENT: not supported anymore -> no effect, just a warning
          //"AFL_DEFER_FORKSRV: not supported anymore -> no effect, just a warning
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuesu/p/14646605.html
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