1.编辑一个配置文件 flume-app.conf 拷贝至fulme的安装目录的conf下
1 # The configuration file needs to define the sources, 2 # the channels and the sinks. 3 4 ### define agent 5 a3.sources = r3 6 a3.channels = c3 7 a3.sinks = k3 8 9 10 ### define sources 11 a3.sources.r3.type = spooldir 12 ### 要扫描的文件夹 13 a3.sources.r3.spoolDir = /opt/cdh-5.3.6/flume-1.5.0-cdh5.3.6/spoollogs 14 ### 以.log结尾的文件不扫描 15 a3.sources.r3.ignorePattern = ^(.)*\.log$ 16 ### 扫描完成的文件加一个后缀 17 a3.sources.r3.fileSuffix = .delete 18 19 ### define channels 20 a3.channels.c3.type = file 21 a3.channels.c3.checkpointDir = /opt/cdh-5.3.6/flume-1.5.0-cdh5.3.6/filechannel/checkpoint 22 a3.channels.c3.dataDirs = /opt/cdh-5.3.6/flume-1.5.0-cdh5.3.6/filechannel/data 23 24 ### define sink 25 a3.sinks.k3.type = hdfs 26 ### 已当天日期在hdfs上创建一个文件夹 27 a3.sinks.k3.hdfs.path = hdfs://hadoop:8020/user/xuyou/flume/splogs/%Y%m%d 28 a3.sinks.k3.hdfs.fileType = DataStream 29 a3.sinks.k3.hdfs.writeFormat = Text 30 a3.sinks.k3.hdfs.batchSize = 10 31 a3.sinks.k3.hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp = true 32 33 34 ### bind the soures and sink to the channel 35 a3.sources.r3.channels = c3 36 a3.sinks.k3.channel = c3
创建 spoollogs 文件夹 准备一些数据 测试 .log结尾的文件是否被扫描到
1 bin/flume-ng agent 2 -c conf 3 -n a3 4 -f conf/flume-app.conf 5 -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console
查看文件 .log结尾的文件果然没有被读取到 已经读取的文件也被加上后缀了
然后测试 是否一直监控这个文件夹
创建一个文件 然后在查询发现被标记 后缀了 (ps:如果此文件夹是空的 不会在hdfs生成对应的文件)