- 查看服务器状态
rabbitmqctl status
list_queues[-p vhostpath] [queueinfoitem ...]
The queueinfoitem parameter is used to indicate which queue information items to include in the results. The column order
in the results will match the order of the parameters. queueinfoitem can take any value from the list that follows:
- name: The name of the queue.
- messages: Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages.
- consumers: Number of consumers.
list_bindings [-p vhost] [bindinginfoitem ...]
The bindinginfoitem parameter is used to indicate which binding information items to include in the results. The column order
in the results will match the order of the parameters. bindinginfoitem can take any value from the list that follows:
- source_name: The name of the source of messages to which the binding is attached. 当 source_kind 是 exchange 时, source_name 展示的是 exchange 名称. 如果为空则表示使用的默认 exchange
- source_kind: The kind of the source of messages to which the binding is attached. Currently always exchange.
- destination_name: The name of the destination of messages to which the binding is attached. 当 destination_kind 是 queue 时, destination_name 展示的是 queue 名称.
- destination_kind: The kind of the destination of messages to which the binding is attached.
- routing_key: The binding's routing key.
list_connections [connectioninfoitem ...]
Returns TCP/IP connection statistics.
The connectioninfoitem parameter is used to indicate which connection information items to include in the results. The column
order in the results will match the order of the parameters. connectioninfoitem can take any value from the list that follows:
- name: Readable name for the connection.
- state: Connection state; one of starting, tuning, opening, running, flow, blocking, blocked, closing, closed.
- channels: Number of channels using the connection.