一、/etc/profile 环境变量
/etc/profile.d/file /etc/profile /etc/bashrc /root/.bashrc /root/.bash_profile
二、/etc/rc.local 开机自启动
以下是 在/etc/rc.loacl 配置的开机启动elk系列应用
[root@test-2-45 /]# more /etc/rc.local #!/bin/bash # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # # It is highly advisable to create own systemd services or udev rules # to run scripts during boot instead of using this file. # # In contrast to previous versions due to parallel execution during boot # this script will NOT be run after all other services. # # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure # that this script will be executed during boot. #启动elk系统应用 /home/elasticsearch/es_node/bin/elasticsearch.sh start sleep 10s /home/elasticsearch/es_date/bin/elasticsearch.sh start sleep 10s /usr/local/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start sleep 10s /home/elasticsearch/kafka/kafka start sleep 10s /home/elasticsearch/logstash_kafka/logstash_kafka start sleep 10s /home/elasticsearch/filebeat/filebeat start sleep 10s /home/elasticsearch/kibana/kibana start sleep 10s touch /var/lock/subsys/local