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  • AirCrack中文手册 1.0

    //                       AirCrack中文手册 1.0
    //                   翻译:GaA.Ra(zhoufan#yahoo.cn)
    //                 随意转载,但请保留此部分信息,谢谢
      Aircrack is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, aircrack is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.
      Aircrack-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine
      usage: aircrack-ng [options] <.cap / .ivs file(s)>
      使用方法: aircrack-ng [选项] <.cap 或 .ivs文件>
      Common options:  				//命令选项
          -a <amode> : force attack mode (1/WEP, 2/WPA-PSK) //设置攻击模式(1是WEP,2是WPA-PSK)
          -e <essid> : target selection: network identifier //目标选择:网络标识(如TP-LINK)
          -b <bssid> : target selection: access point's MAC //目标选择:AP的MAC地址
          -p <nbcpu> : # of CPU to use  (default: all CPUs) //使用的CPU(缺省值:全部CPU)
          -q         : enable quiet mode (no status output) //开启安静模式(不输出状态)
          -C <macs>  : merge the given APs to a virtual one //归并给的AP到一个虚拟的
          -l <file>  : write key to file					//把密钥key写入文件
      Static WEP cracking options:	//静态WEP破解选项
          -c         : search alpha-numeric characters only //只搜索字母和数字的字符
          -t         : search binary coded decimal chr only //只搜索二-十进制的字符
          -h         : search the numeric key for Fritz!BOX //搜索数字密钥(给Fritz!BOX)
          -d <mask>  : use masking of the key (A1:XX:CF:YY) //使用密钥掩码,就是用户提供密钥片段
          -m <maddr> : MAC address to filter usable packets //MAC地址用以过滤掉无用数据包
          -n <nbits> : WEP key length :  64/128/152/256/512 //WEP密钥长度:64/128/152/256/512
          -i <index> : WEP key index (1 to 4), default: any //WEP密钥索引(1至4),缺省值:任何
          -f <fudge> : bruteforce fudge factor,  default: 2 //穷举猜测因子,缺省值:2
          -k <korek> : disable one attack method  (1 to 17) //取消Korek的某一种攻击方法(1到17)
          -x or -x0  : disable bruteforce for last keybytes //取消最后一个密钥字节的穷举
          -x1        : last keybyte bruteforcing  (default) //最后一个密钥字节进行穷举(缺省)
          -x2        : enable last  2 keybytes bruteforcing //设置最后两个密钥字节进行穷举
          -y         : experimental  single bruteforce mode //实验性的单一穷举模式
          -K         : use only old KoreK attacks (pre-PTW) //只是用旧KoreK攻击(Pre-PTW方式)
          -s         : show the key in ASCII while cracking //破解时显示密钥的ASCII值
          -M <num>   : specify maximum number of IVs to use //指定最大使用的IVs(初始向量)
          -D         : WEP decloak, skips broken keystreams //WEP伪装,跳过坏掉的密钥流
          -P <num>   : PTW debug:  1: disable Klein, 2: PTW //PTW排错:1:取消Klein(方式),2:PTW
          -1         : run only 1 try to crack key with PTW //只运行一次尝试用PTW破解密钥
      WEP and WPA-PSK cracking options:  //WEP和WPA-PSK破解选项
          -w <words> : path to wordlist(s) filename(s)		//字典文件路径
          -r <DB>    : path to airolib-ng database			//airolib-ng数据库路径,不能和-w选项同时用
                       (Cannot be used with -w)
          --help     : Displays this usage screen			//显示这个帮助界面
      decrypts WEP/WPA capture files. Part of the aircrack suite. 
      解密抓到的WEP/WPA数据包,是AirCrack(工具)组的一部分. //将数据包解密后可以看到明文,查找关键信息
      Airdecap-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine
      usage: airdecap-ng [options] <pcap file>
      使用方法: airdecap-ng [选项] <pcap文件>
      Common options:  		//命令选项
          -l         : don't remove the 802.11 header	//不要去除802.11头部
          -b <bssid> : access point MAC address filter	//AP的MAC地址用以过滤
          -e <essid> : target network SSID				//目标网络SSID(如TP-LINK)
      WEP specific option:	//WEP特殊选项
          -w <key>   : target network WEP key in hex	//目标网络十六进制WEP密钥
      WPA specific options:	//WPA特殊选项
          -p <pass>  : target network WPA passphrase    //目标网络WPA密码
          -k <pmk>   : WPA Pairwise Master Key in hex	//WPA十六进制成对主密钥(PMK)
          --help     : Displays this usage screen		//显示这个帮助界面
      802.11 packet injection program. Part of the aircrack suite. 
      Aireplay-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine
      usage: aireplay-ng <options> <replay interface>
      使用方法: aireplay-ng <选项> <重放攻击接口>
      Filter options:	//过滤器选项
          -b bssid  : MAC address, Access Point		//AP的MAC地址
          -d dmac   : MAC address, Destination		//目标MAC地址
          -s smac   : MAC address, Source			//源MAC地址
          -m len    : minimum packet length			//数据包最小长度
          -n len    : maximum packet length			//数据包最大长度
          -u type   : frame control, type    field  //帧控制,type域
          -v subt   : frame control, subtype field	//帧控制,subtype域
          -t tods   : frame control, To      DS bit //帧控制,ToDS位
          -f fromds : frame control, From    DS bit //帧控制,FromDS位
          -w iswep  : frame control, WEP     bit	//帧控制,WEP位
          -D        : disable AP detection			//取消AP探测
      Replay options:	//重放攻击选项
          -x nbpps  : number of packets per second	//每秒发送数据包数
          -p fctrl  : set frame control word (hex)  //设置帧控制字(十六进制)
          -a bssid  : set Access Point MAC address  //设置AP的MAC地址
          -c dmac   : set Destination  MAC address  //设置目标MAC地址
          -h smac   : set Source       MAC address	//设置源目标MAC地址
          -g value  : change ring buffer size (default: 8)	//改变环形缓冲区大小(缺省值:8)
          -F        : choose first matching packet	//选择第一个匹配的数据包
    	  Fakeauth attack options:		//伪连接攻击选项
          -e essid  : set target AP SSID								//设置目标AP的SSID(如TP-LINK)
          -o npckts : number of packets per burst (0=auto, default: 1)	//每组数据包数(0为自动,缺省值:1)
          -q sec    : seconds between keep-alives						//发送keep-alives包的间隔时间
          -y prga   : keystream for shared key auth 					//共享密钥认证的密钥流
          -T n      : exit after retry fake auth request n time			//当重复尝试n次伪连接失败后退出
    	  Arp Replay attack options:	//Arp重放攻击选项
          -j        : inject From DS packets				//从DS数据包注入
          Fragmentation attack options:	//碎片攻击选项
          -k IP     : set destination IP in fragments		//设置碎片里的目标IP
          -l IP     : set source IP in fragments			//设置碎片里的源IP
          Test attack options:			//测试攻击选项
          -B        : activates the bitrate test			//激活比特率(码率)测试
      Source options:					//源选项
          -i iface  : capture packets from this interface	//从指定接口里抓取数据包
          -r file   : extract packets from this pcap file	//从指定pcap文件里提取数据包
      Miscellaneous options:			//其他选项
          -R        : disable /dev/rtc usage				//取消/dev/rtc的使用
      Attack modes (numbers can still be used):	//攻击模式(数字仍然可以使用)
          --deauth      count : deauthenticate 1 or all stations (-0)	//解除一个或者全部站的连接
          --fakeauth    delay : fake authentication with AP (-1)		//对AP进行伪连接攻击
          --interactive       : interactive frame selection (-2)		//交互注入攻击
          --arpreplay         : standard ARP-request replay (-3)		//标准Arp请求包重放攻击
          --chopchop          : decrypt/chopchop WEP packet (-4)		//解码或断续WEP数据包攻击
          --fragment          : generates valid keystream   (-5)		//产生合法密钥流
          --caffe-latte       : query a client for new IVs  (-6)		//向一个客户端查询新IV(初始向量)
          --cfrag             : fragments against a client  (-7)		//对一个客户端的片段
          --test              : tests injection and quality (-9)		//测试注入和质量
          --help              : Displays this usage screen				//显示这个帮助界面
      a utility to check an wifi interfaces status and placing the interface into monitor mode. Part of the aircrack suite. 
      usage: airmon-ng <start|stop|check> <interface> [channel or frequency]
      使用方法: airmon-ng <start或stop或check> <接口> [信道或频率]
      802.11 packet capture program. Part of the aircrack suite. 
      Airodump-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine
      usage: airodump-ng <options> <interface>[,<interface>,...]
      使用方法: airodump-ng <选项> <接口>[,<接口>,...]
      Options:		//选项
          --ivs               : Save only captured IVs				//只保存初始向量数据包
          --gpsd              : Use GPSd							//使用GPSd
          --write    <prefix> : Dump file prefix					//转储文件名前缀
          -w                  : same as --write						//和--write相同
          --beacons           : Record all beacons in dump file		//在转储文件里记录所有信标
          --update     <secs> : Display update delay in seconds		//显示校正延迟时间
          --showack           : Prints ack/cts/rts statistics		//显示ack,cts,rts统计
          -h                  : Hides known stations for --showack	//对--showack命令隐藏已知站点
          -f          <msecs> : Time in ms between hopping channels	//跳跃信道的时间,毫秒表示
          --berlin     <secs> : Time before removing the AP/client	//从屏幕移除AP或客户端的时间
                                from the screen when no more packets//当没有收到更多数据包的时候
                                are received (Default: 120 seconds) //缺省值是120秒
          -r           <file> : Read packets from that file			//从指定文件中读取数据包
          -x          <msecs> : Active Scanning Simulation			//模拟主动扫描
                    <formats> : Output format. Possible values:		//输出格式.可能的取值:如下行
                                pcap, ivs, csv, gps, kismet, netxml	
      Filter options:	//过滤器选项
          --encrypt   <suite> : Filter APs by cipher suite			//通过加密方式过滤AP
          --netmask <netmask> : Filter APs by mask					//通过掩码过滤AP
          --bssid     <bssid> : Filter APs by BSSID					//通过BSSID过滤AP
          -a                  : Filter unassociated clients			//过滤无客户端连接
      By default, airodump-ng hop on 2.4Ghz channels.				//通常airodump-ng在2.4Ghz的信道上跃变
      You can make it capture on other/specific channel(s) by using://你可以让它抓取其他(特定)信道
          --channel <channels>: Capture on specific channels		//抓取指定信道
          --band <abg>        : Band on which airodump-ng should hop//airodump-ng跃变的频带
          -C    <frequencies> : Uses these frequencies in MHz to hop//使用这些频率(单位MHz)跃变
          --cswitch  <method> : Set channel switching method		//设置信道转换的方法
                        0     : FIFO (default)						//先进先出(缺省)
                        1     : Round Robin							//循环
                        2     : Hop on last							//最后一次跃变
          -s                  : same as --cswitch					//功能如--cswitch
          --help              : Displays this usage screen			//显示这个帮助界面
      Packetforge-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine and Martin Beck
      Usage: packetforge-ng <mode> <options>
      使用方法: packetforge-ng <模式> <选项>
      Forge options:	//伪造选项
          -p <fctrl>     : set frame control word (hex)		//设置帧控制字(十六进制)
          -a <bssid>     : set Access Point MAC address		//设置AP的MAC地址
          -c <dmac>      : set Destination  MAC address		//设置目标MAC地址
          -h <smac>      : set Source       MAC address		//设置源MAC地址
          -j             : set FromDS bit					//设置FromDS位
          -o             : clear ToDS bit					//设置ToDS位
          -e             : disables WEP encryption			//取消WEP加密
          -k <ip[:port]> : set Destination IP [Port]		//设置目标IP[端口]
          -l <ip[:port]> : set Source      IP [Port]		//设置源IP[端口]
          -t ttl         : set Time To Live					//设置存活时间
          -w <file>      : write packet to this pcap file	//将数据包写入指定pcap文件
          -s <size>      : specify size of null packet		//指定空数据包的大小
          -n <packets>   : set number of packets to generate//设置要产生的数据包数目
      Source options:	//源选项
          -r <file>      : read packet from this raw file	//从指定原始文件读取数据包
          -y <file>      : read PRGA from this file			//从指定文件读取PRGA(WEP加密中间量)
      Modes:			//模式
          --arp          : forge an ARP packet    (-0)		//伪造ARP数据包
          --udp          : forge an UDP packet    (-1)		//伪造UDP数据包
          --icmp         : forge an ICMP packet   (-2)		//伪造ICMP数据包
          --null         : build a null packet    (-3)		//建一个空的数据包
          --custom       : build a custom packet  (-9)		//建一个自定义数据包
          --help         : Displays this usage screen		//显示这个帮助界面
      BackTrack工具列表中没有工具说明,这是进行WPA Rainbow Table攻击时使用,用于建立特定数据库文件.(by 杨哲)
      Airolib-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 ebfe
      Usage: airolib-ng <database> <operation> [options]
      使用方法: airolib-ng <数据库> <操作> [选项]
      Operations:	//操作
           --stats        : Output information about the database.					//输出数据库信息
           --sql <sql>    : Execute specified SQL statement.						//执行指定的SQL语句
           --clean [all]  : Clean the database from old junk. 'all' will also		//从数据库清理旧的无用数据.'all'选项
                            reduce filesize if possible and run an integrity check. //将会减少文件大小如果可以,同时对数据
           --batch        : Start batch-processing all combinations of ESSIDs		//开始批处理所有ESSID和密码的组合
                            and passwords.
           --verify [all] : Verify a set of randomly chosen PMKs.					//验证一组随机选择的PMK
                            If 'all' is given, all invalid PMK will be deleted.		//'all'选项会使所有不合法的PMK被删除
           --import [essid|passwd] <file>   :										
                            Import a text file as a list of ESSIDs or passwords.	//导入文件文件作为ESSID或者密码清单
           --import cowpatty <file>         :				
                            Import a cowpatty file.									//导入一个cowpatty文件
           --export cowpatty <essid> <file> :
                            Export to a cowpatty file.								//导出一个cowpatty文件
      Airbase is a SoftAP acting much like karma it will respond to any request probe allowing may client side attacks to be preformed. This works by using monitor mode and injection allowing a simulated master mode. 
    Airbase-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Martin Beck
      usage: airbase-ng <options> <replay interface>
      使用方式: airbase-ng <选项> <重放攻击接口>
      Options:		//选项
          -a bssid         : set Access Point MAC address						 	//设置AP的MAC地址
          -i iface         : capture packets from this interface				 	//从指定接口抓取数据包
          -w WEP key       : use this WEP key to en-/decrypt packets			  	//使用指定WEP密钥进行加密/解密数据包
          -h MAC           : source mac for MITM mode							  	//MITM模式使用的源MAC地址
          -f disallow      : disallow specified client MACs (default: allow)	  	//不允许指定客户端MAC地址(缺省:允许)
          -W 0|1           : [don't] set WEP flag in beacons 0|1 (default: auto)  	//[不要]设置WEP标志在信标0|1(缺省:自动)
          -q               : quiet (do not print statistics)					  	//安静模式(不要打印统计信息)
          -v               : verbose (print more messages)						  	//冗长模式(打印更多信息)
          -A               : Ad-Hoc Mode (allows other clients to peer)			  	//Ad-Hoc模式(允许其他客户端处于同等级)
          -Y in|out|both   : external packet processing							  	//外部数据包处理
          -c channel       : sets the channel the AP is running on				  	//设置AP运行在的信道
          -X               : hidden ESSID										  	//隐藏ESSID
          -s               : force shared key authentication (default: auto)	  	//强制使用共享密钥验证(缺省:自动)
          -S               : set shared key challenge length (default: 128)		  	//设置共享密钥挑战长度(缺省:128)
          -L               : Caffe-Latte WEP attack (use if driver can't send frags)//Caffe-LatteWEP攻击(当不能发送碎片时)
          -N               : cfrag WEP attack (recommended)						  	//cfragWEP攻击(推荐)
          -x nbpps         : number of packets per second (default: 100)		  	//每秒发送数据包个数(缺省:100)
          -y               : disables responses to broadcast probes				  	//取消对广播探查的响应
          -0               : set all WPA,WEP,open tags. can't be used with -z & -Z	//设置所有WPA,WEP,OPN标记,不能与-z同时用
          -z type          : sets WPA1 tags. 1=WEP40 2=TKIP 3=WRAP 4=CCMP 5=WEP104	//设置WPA1标记.
          -Z type          : same as -z, but for WPA2							  	//与-z一样,但是用于WPA2
          -V type          : fake EAPOL 1=MD5 2=SHA1 3=auto						  	//伪装EAPOL(局域网扩展验证协议)
          -F prefix        : write all sent and received frames into pcap file	  	//将所有发送和接受的帧写入pcap文件
          -P               : respond to all probes, even when specifying ESSIDs	  	//响应所有探查,即使指定了ESSID
          -I interval      : sets the beacon interval value in ms				  	//设置信标时间间隔,单位毫秒
          -C seconds       : enables beaconing of probed ESSID values (requires -P)	//允许探查信标的ESSID值(要求-P参数)
      Filter options:	//过滤器选项
          --bssid MAC      : BSSID to filter/use						//过滤/使用的BSSID
          --bssids file    : read a list of BSSIDs out of that file		//从指定文件读取BSSID的清单
          --client MAC     : MAC of client to filter					//客户端的MAC地址用以过滤
          --clients file   : read a list of MACs out of that file		//从指定文件读取客户端MAC地址清单
          --essid ESSID    : specify a single ESSID (default: default)	//指定一个ESSID(缺省值:default)
          --essids file    : read a list of ESSIDs out of that file		//从指定文件读取指定的ESSID清单
          --help           : Displays this usage screen					//显示这个帮助界面
      Airdecloak-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      usage: airdecloak-ng [options]
      使用方法: airdecloak-ng [选项]
      options:		//选项
       Mandatory:	//强制的
         -i <file>             : Input capture file								//输入数据包文件
         --ssid <ESSID>        : ESSID of the network to filter					//用以过滤的网络ESSID
            or																	//或
         --bssid <BSSID>       : BSSID of the network to filter					//用以过滤的网络BSSID
       Optional:	//可选择的
         --filters <filters>   : Apply filters (separated by a comma). Filters: //应用过滤器(用逗号分开)
               signal:               Try to filter based on signal.				//基于信号尝试过滤
               duplicate_sn:         Remove all duplicate sequence numbers		//移除所有AP和客户端的重复顺序号
                                     for both the AP and the client.
               duplicate_sn_ap:      Remove duplicate sequence number for		//移除AP的重复顺序号
                                     the AP only.
               duplicate_sn_client:  Remove duplicate sequence number for the	//移除客户端的重复顺序号
                                     client only.
               consecutive_sn:       Filter based on the fact that IV should	//基于IV必须连续事实的过滤器(只用于AP)
                                     be consecutive (only for AP).	
               duplicate_iv:         Remove all duplicate IV.					//移除所有重复的IV
               signal_dup_consec_sn: Use signal (if available), duplicate and	//使用信号(如果可用),重复和连续的顺序号
                                     consecutive sequence number (filtering is  //筛选将会比一个一个使用过滤器更加精确
                                      much more precise than using all these 
                                      filters one by one).
         --null-packets        : Assume that null packets can be cloaked.		//假设空数据包能够伪装
         --disable-base_filter : Do not apply base filter.						//不要应用基准过滤器
         --drop-frag           : Drop fragmented packets						//丢弃碎片数据包
         --help                : Displays this usage screen						//显示这个帮助界面
      Airtun-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Thomas d'Otreppe
      Original work: Christophe Devine and Martin Beck
      usage: airtun-ng <options> <replay interface>
      使用方法: airtun-ng <选项> <重放攻击接口>
          -x nbpps         : number of packets per second (default: 100)	//每秒发送数据包数目(缺省:100)
          -a bssid         : set Access Point MAC address					//设置AP的MAC地址
          -i iface         : capture packets from this interface			//从指定接口抓取数据包
          -y file          : read PRGA from this file						//从指定文件读取PRGA(WEP加密中间量)
          -w wepkey        : use this WEP-KEY to encrypt packets			//使用指定的WEP密钥加密数据包
          -t tods          : send frames to AP (1) or to client (0)			//发送帧到AP或者客户端
          -r file          : read frames out of pcap file					//从指定pcap文件读取帧
      Repeater options:		//转发器选项
          --repeat         : activates repeat mode							//激活重复模式
          --bssid <mac>    : BSSID to repeat								//用以重复的BSSID
          --netmask <mask> : netmask for BSSID filter						//网络掩码用以进行BSSID过滤
          --help           : Displays this usage screen						//显示这个帮助界面
      Easside-ng 1.0 r1645 - (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Andrea Bittau
      Usage: easside-ng <options>
      使用方法: easside-ng <选项>
           -h                : This help screen						//显示这个帮助界面
           -v   <victim mac> : Victim BSSID							//攻击的BSSID
           -m      <src mac> : Source MAC address					//源MAC地址
           -i           <ip> : Source IP address					//源IP地址
           -r    <router ip> : Router IP address					//路由器IP地址
           -s     <buddy ip> : Buddy-ng IP address (mandatory)		//Buddy-ng的IP地址(必须的)
           -f        <iface> : Interface to use (mandatory)			//使用的接口(必须的)
           -c      <channel> : Lock card to this channel			//锁定网卡到指定信道
           -n                : Determine Internet IP only			//只确定因特网IP

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/y0umer/p/3838895.html
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