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  • leetcode sql练习

    表: Customers

    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | customer_id   | int     |
    | name          | varchar |
    customer_id 是该表主键.

    表: Orders

    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | order_id      | int     |
    | order_date    | date    |
    | customer_id   | int     |
    | product_id    | int     |
    order_id 是该表主键.

    表: Products

    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | product_id    | int     |
    | product_name  | varchar |
    | price         | int     |
    product_id 是该表主键.

    写一个SQL 语句, 找到每件商品的最新订单(可能有多个).

    返回的结果以 product_name 升序排列, 如果有排序相同, 再以 product_id 升序排列. 如果还有排序相同, 再以 order_id 升序排列.


    | customer_id | name      |
    | 1           | Winston   |
    | 2           | Jonathan  |
    | 3           | Annabelle |
    | 4           | Marwan    |
    | 5           | Khaled    |
    | order_id | order_date | customer_id | product_id |
    | 1        | 2020-07-31 | 1           | 1          |
    | 2        | 2020-07-30 | 2           | 2          |
    | 3        | 2020-08-29 | 3           | 3          |
    | 4        | 2020-07-29 | 4           | 1          |
    | 5        | 2020-06-10 | 1           | 2          |
    | 6        | 2020-08-01 | 2           | 1          |
    | 7        | 2020-08-01 | 3           | 1          |
    | 8        | 2020-08-03 | 1           | 2          |
    | 9        | 2020-08-07 | 2           | 3          |
    | 10       | 2020-07-15 | 1           | 2          |
    | product_id | product_name | price |
    | 1          | keyboard     | 120   |
    | 2          | mouse        | 80    |
    | 3          | screen       | 600   |
    | 4          | hard disk    | 450   |
    | product_name | product_id | order_id | order_date |
    | keyboard     | 1          | 6        | 2020-08-01 |
    | keyboard     | 1          | 7        | 2020-08-01 |
    | mouse        | 2          | 8        | 2020-08-03 |
    | screen       | 3          | 3        | 2020-08-29 |
    keyboard 的最新订单在2020-08-01, 在这天有两次下单.
    mouse 的最新订单在2020-08-03, 在这天只有一次下单.
    screen 的最新订单在2020-08-29, 在这天只有一次下单.
    hard disk 没有被下单, 我们不把它包含在结果表中.
    select product_name, o.product_id, order_id, order_date 
    from orders as o join products p on p.product_id=o.product_id
    where (order_date, o.product_id) in  (select max(order_date), product_id from orders group by product_id)
    order by product_name, o.product_id, order_id

    1555. 银行账户概要


    用户表: Users

    | Column Name  | Type    |
    | user_id      | int     |
    | user_name    | varchar |
    | credit       | int     |
    user_id 是这个表的主键。


    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | trans_id      | int     |
    | paid_by       | int     |
    | paid_to       | int     |
    | amount        | int     |
    | transacted_on | date    |
    trans_id 是这个表的主键。
    ID 为 paid_by 的用户给 ID 为 paid_to 的用户转账。

    力扣银行 (LCB) 帮助程序员们完成虚拟支付。我们的银行在表 Transaction 中记录每条交易信息,我们要查询每个用户的当前余额,并检查他们是否已透支(当前额度小于 0)。

    写一条 SQL 语句,查询:

    • user_id 用户 ID
    • user_name 用户名
    • credit 完成交易后的余额
    • credit_limit_breached 检查是否透支 ("Yes" 或 "No")



    Users 表:
    | user_id    | user_name    | credit      |
    | 1          | Moustafa     | 100         |
    | 2          | Jonathan     | 200         |
    | 3          | Winston      | 10000       |
    | 4          | Luis         | 800         | 
    Transactions 表:
    | trans_id   | paid_by    | paid_to    | amount   | transacted_on |
    | 1          | 1          | 3          | 400      | 2020-08-01    |
    | 2          | 3          | 2          | 500      | 2020-08-02    |
    | 3          | 2          | 1          | 200      | 2020-08-03    |
    | user_id    | user_name  | credit     | credit_limit_breached |
    | 1          | Moustafa   | -100       | Yes                   | 
    | 2          | Jonathan   | 500        | No                    |
    | 3          | Winston    | 9900       | No                    |
    | 4          | Luis       | 800        | No                    |
    Moustafa 在 "2020-08-01" 支付了 $400 并在 "2020-08-03" 收到了 $200 ,当前额度 (100 -400 +200) = -$100
    Jonathan 在 "2020-08-02" 收到了 $500 并在 "2020-08-08" 支付了 $200 ,当前额度 (200 +500 -200) = $500
    Winston 在 "2020-08-01" 收到了 $400 并在 "2020-08-03" 支付了 $500 ,当前额度 (10000 +400 -500) = $9900
    Luis 未收到任何转账信息,额度 = $800
    select a.user_id, user_name, sum(a.credit) credit,
    (case when sum(a.credit)< 0 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) credit_limit_breached
    select paid_by as user_id, sum(-amount) as credit from Transactions group by paid_by
    union all
    select paid_to as user_id, sum(amount) as credit from Transactions group by paid_to
    union all
    select user_id, credit from users) a join users b
    on a.user_id = b.user_id
    group by a.user_id

    # 注:
    #UNION用的比较多union all是直接连接,取到得是所有值,记录可能有重复
    #union 是取唯一值,记录没有重复
    # 不用group by,更加简单
    select a.user_id,user_name, sum(a.credit) credit,(case when sum(a.credit)< 0 then 'Yes' else 'No' end) credit_limit_breached from
    (select paid_by as user_id, -amount as credit from Transactions  
    union all
    select paid_to as user_id, amount as credit from Transactions 
    union all
    select user_id, credit from users) as a join users b 
    on a.user_id = b.user_id
    group by a.user_id


    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | customer_id   | int     |
    | name          | varchar |
    customer_id 是该表主键


    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | order_id      | int     |
    | order_date    | date    |
    | customer_id   | int     |
    | product_id    | int     |
    order_id 是该表主键
    该表包含顾客 customer_id 的订单信息
    没有顾客会在一天内订购相同的商品 多于一次


    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | product_id    | int     |
    | product_name  | varchar |
    | price         | int     |
    product_id 是该表主键

    写一个 SQL 语句,找到每一个顾客最经常订购的商品。

    结果表单应该有每一位至少下过一次单的顾客 customer_id , 他最经常订购的商品的 product_id 和 product_name

    返回结果 没有顺序要求。


    | customer_id | name  |
    | 1           | Alice |
    | 2           | Bob   |
    | 3           | Tom   |
    | 4           | Jerry |
    | 5           | John  |
    | order_id | order_date | customer_id | product_id |
    | 1        | 2020-07-31 | 1           | 1          |
    | 2        | 2020-07-30 | 2           | 2          |
    | 3        | 2020-08-29 | 3           | 3          |
    | 4        | 2020-07-29 | 4           | 1          |
    | 5        | 2020-06-10 | 1           | 2          |
    | 6        | 2020-08-01 | 2           | 1          |
    | 7        | 2020-08-01 | 3           | 3          |
    | 8        | 2020-08-03 | 1           | 2          |
    | 9        | 2020-08-07 | 2           | 3          |
    | 10       | 2020-07-15 | 1           | 2          |
    | product_id | product_name | price |
    | 1          | keyboard     | 120   |
    | 2          | mouse        | 80    |
    | 3          | screen       | 600   |
    | 4          | hard disk    | 450   |
    Result 表:
    | customer_id | product_id | product_name |
    | 1           | 2          | mouse        |
    | 2           | 1          | keyboard     |
    | 2           | 2          | mouse        |
    | 2           | 3          | screen       |
    | 3           | 3          | screen       |
    | 4           | 1          | keyboard     |
    Alice (customer 1) 三次订购鼠标, 一次订购键盘, 所以鼠标是 Alice 最经常订购的商品.
    Bob (customer 2) 一次订购键盘, 一次订购鼠标, 一次订购显示器, 所以这些都是 Bob 最经常订购的商品.
    Tom (customer 3) 只两次订购显示器, 所以显示器是 Tom 最经常订购的商品.
    Jerry (customer 4) 只一次订购键盘, 所以键盘是 Jerry 最经常订购的商品.
    John (customer 5) 没有订购过商品, 所以我们并没有把 John 包含在结果表中.
    select customer_id, a.product_id, b.product_name from
    (select customer_id, product_id, count(product_id) ct from orders group by customer_id, product_id) as a , products as b
    where a.product_id=b.product_id
    and (customer_id,ct) in
    (select customer_id, max(ct) from (
        select customer_id,count(product_id) ct from orders group by customer_id, product_id
    ) as tmp  group by customer_id)

    1613. 找到遗失的ID


    表: Customers

    | Column Name   | Type    |
    | customer_id   | int     |
    | customer_name | varchar |
    customer_id 是该表主键.

    写一个 SQL 语句, 找到所有遗失的顾客id. 遗失的顾客id是指那些不在 Customers 表中, 值却处于 1 和表中最大 customer_id 之间的id.

    注意: 最大的 customer_id 值不会超过 100.

    返回结果按 ids 升序排列


    Customers 表:
    | customer_id | customer_name |
    | 1           | Alice         |
    | 4           | Bob           |
    | 5           | Charlie       |
    Result 表:
    | ids |
    | 2   |
    | 3   |
    表中最大的customer_id是5, 所以在范围[1,5]内, ID2和3从表中遗失.


    with recursive a as (
        select 1 as n
        union all 
        select n+1 from a where n<100
    select n as ids
    from a 
    where  n not in (select customer_id from Customers) 
    and n<=(select max(customer_id) from Customers)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ya-cpp/p/14428450.html
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