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  • CodeForces#275--DIV 2--A

    A. Counterexample
    time limit per test
    1 second
    memory limit per test
    256 megabytes
    standard input
    standard output

    Your friend has recently learned about coprime numbers. A pair of numbers {a, b} is called coprime if the maximum number that divides both a and b is equal to one.

    Your friend often comes up with different statements. He has recently supposed that if the pair (a, b) is coprime and the pair (b, c) is coprime, then the pair (a, c) is coprime.

    You want to find a counterexample for your friend's statement. Therefore, your task is to find three distinct numbers (a, b, c), for which the statement is false, and the numbers meet the condition l ≤ a < b < c ≤ r.

    More specifically, you need to find three numbers (a, b, c), such that l ≤ a < b < c ≤ r, pairs (a, b) and (b, c) are coprime, and pair(a, c) is not coprime.


    The single line contains two positive space-separated integers lr (1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ 1018; r - l ≤ 50).


    Print three positive space-separated integers abc — three distinct numbers (a, b, c) that form the counterexample. If there are several solutions, you are allowed to print any of them. The numbers must be printed in ascending order.

    If the counterexample does not exist, print the single number -1.

    Sample test(s)
    2 4
    2 3 4
    10 11
    900000000000000009 900000000000000029
    900000000000000009 900000000000000010 900000000000000021

    In the first sample pair (2, 4) is not coprime and pairs (2, 3) and (3, 4) are.

    In the second sample you cannot form a group of three distinct integers, so the answer is -1.

    In the third sample it is easy to see that numbers 900000000000000009 and 900000000000000021 are divisible by three.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <cstdio>
    using namespace std;
    long long gcd(long long x, long long y)
        if(!x || !y)    return x > y ? x : y;
        for(long long  t; t = x%y; x = y, y = t);
        return y;
    long long kgcd(long long a, long long b)
        if(a < b)
            swap(a, b);
        if(a == 0)  return b;
        if(b == 0)  return a;
        if(!(a&1) && !(b&1))
            return kgcd(a>>1, b>>1) << 1;
        else if(!(b & 1))
            return kgcd(a, b>>1);
        else if(! (a & 1))
            return  kgcd(a>>1, b);
            return kgcd(b, a - b);
    int main()
        long long l, r;
        while(cin >> l >> r)
            long long a, b, c;
            bool tag = false;
            for(a = l; a < r; a++)
                for(b = a + 1; b < r; b++)
                    for(c = b + 1; c <= r; c++)
                        if(kgcd(a, c) != 1 && kgcd(a, b) == 1 && kgcd(b, c) == 1)
                            tag = true;
                            cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << endl;
                    if(tag == true)
                if(tag == true)
            if(tag == false)
                cout << -1 << endl;
        return 0;

      试着又复习了下GCD KGCD

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