通过pip 安装,方便简洁,如下图所示:
import xlrd
book = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')#create a workbook
sheet = book.add_sheet('Sheet1')#create a sheet
#set style
font = xlwt.Font() # 字体
font.name = 'Times New Roman'
font.bold = True
font.underline = False
font.italic = False
style = xlwt.XFStyle() # 创建一个格式
style.font = font # 设置格式字体
sheet.write(0, 0, "no",style)#第1行,第1列
sheet.write(0, 1, "file_name",style)#第1行,第2列
sheet.write(0, 2, "file_version",style)#第1行,第3列
1 #coding=utf-8 2 ''' 3 Created on 2018年11月12日 4 5 @author: yanerfree 6 7 get the version number of the file (.dll/.exe) in bulk 8 批量获取文件版本号,适合量少的,因为是单线程 9 ''' 10 import os 11 import sys 12 import win32api 13 import xlwt 14 from xlwt import * 15 import time 16 from PyQt5.QtGui import * 17 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 18 from PyQt5.QtCore import * 19 20 21 #测试调试输出开关,正式发布需调整为False 22 mytest = True 23 mytest = False 24 25 class GetFileVersionNo(QWidget): 26 def __init__(self): 27 super().__init__() 28 self.setupUi() 29 self.myList = []#save result 30 self.status = 0#记录目前是否在获取版本状态下 31 32 def setupUi(self): 33 34 glayout = QGridLayout() 35 glayout.setSpacing(10) 36 self.button1 = QPushButton("需要获取版本号的文件路径") 37 self.button1.clicked.connect(self.open_dir) 38 self.button2 = QPushButton("选择文件保存位置") 39 self.button2.clicked.connect(self.save_file_dialog) 40 self.lineEdit1 = QLineEdit() 41 self.lineEdit2 = QLineEdit() 42 self.button3 = QPushButton("获取版本号") 43 #self.button3.setCheckable(True) 44 self.button3.clicked.connect(self.getVer) 45 self.textEdit1 = QTextEdit() 46 47 self.label1 = QLabel(" 选择文件类型:") 48 self.combobox1 = QComboBox() 49 self.combobox1.addItem("exe") 50 self.combobox1.addItem("dll") 51 self.combobox1.currentTextChanged.connect(self.textEdit1.clear) 52 glayout.addWidget(self.button1,1,1) 53 glayout.addWidget(self.button2,2,1) 54 glayout.addWidget(self.label1,3,1) 55 glayout.addWidget(self.combobox1,3,2) 56 glayout.addWidget(self.button3,4,1) 57 glayout.addWidget(self.lineEdit1,1,2,1,2) 58 glayout.addWidget(self.lineEdit2,2,2,1,2) 59 glayout.addWidget(self.textEdit1,4,2,10,2) 60 61 self.setGeometry(20,50,500,450) 62 self.setWindowTitle("GetFileVersionNo")#设置窗体标题 63 64 self.setLayout(glayout) 65 66 def getVer(self): 67 if self.status == 0: 68 self.textEdit1.clear() 69 self.status = 1#状态设置为1,获取版本中 70 self.changestatus() 71 file_path = self.lineEdit1.text() 72 if not os.path.exists(file_path): 73 self.showMsg("warning","请选择正确的路径") 74 return 75 76 save_path = self.lineEdit2.text() 77 if save_path == "": 78 self.showMsg("warning","请选择结果保存路径") 79 return 80 tmp1 = str(save_path).split("/")[-1] 81 #print("tmp:",tmp1) 82 tmp2 = str(save_path).split(tmp1)[0] 83 #print("tmp:",tmp2) 84 if not os.path.exists(tmp2): 85 self.showMsg("warning","请选择正确的保存路径") 86 return 87 88 self.writeToExcel(file_path,save_path) 89 self.status = 0 90 self.changestatus() 91 else: 92 self.showMsg("warning", "正在获取版本号,请等待...") 93 94 def changestatus(self): 95 if self.status == 0: 96 self.myList=[] 97 self.button1.setEnabled(True) 98 self.button2.setEnabled(True) 99 self.button3.setEnabled(True) 100 101 else: 102 self.button1.setEnabled(False) 103 self.button2.setEnabled(False) 104 self.button3.setEnabled(False) 105 106 def open_dir(self): 107 dir_path=QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,"choose directory",r"C:\") 108 if not os.path.exists(dir_path): 109 return -1 110 #dir_path = self.dir_path.replace('/','\')#windows下需要进行文件分隔符转换 111 112 #将获取的路径写入lineedit中 113 self.lineEdit1.setText(dir_path) 114 return (dir_path) 115 116 def save_file_dialog(self): 117 save_fileName, ok2 = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 118 "文件保存", 119 r"C:\", 120 "Text Files (*.xls);;All Files (*)") 121 #print("save_fileName,ok2:",save_fileName,ok2) 122 #将获取的路径写入lineedit中 123 self.lineEdit2.setText(save_fileName) 124 125 return(save_fileName) 126 127 def showMsg(self,t,msg): 128 if(t=="warning"): 129 QMessageBox.information(self,"warning",msg,QMessageBox.Yes,QMessageBox.Yes) 130 self.status = 0#状态设置为1,获取版本中 131 self.changestatus() 132 133 def traverse_dir(self,file_path): 134 #traverse the directory of file_path(the file are .dll) 135 #myList=[]#save result,如果该函数递归调用,则不能在此处保存结果, 136 #否则每次递归都会清楚之前保存的数据 137 try: 138 filelist = os.listdir(file_path) 139 for i in range(0,len(filelist)): 140 print(i,filelist[i]) 141 tmp_path = os.path.join(file_path,filelist[i]) 142 tmp_path = tmp_path.replace('/','\')#windows下需要进行文件分隔符转换 143 print("tmp_path:",tmp_path) 144 if os.path.isfile(tmp_path): 145 #if str(list[i]).split(".")[1] =="dll": 146 #if str(filelist[i])[-3:] == "exe": 147 print("self.combobox1.currentText():",self.combobox1.currentText()) 148 #print("str(filelist[i])[-3:]:",str(filelist[i])[-3:]) 149 if str(filelist[i])[-3:] == self.combobox1.currentText(): 150 #judge if the filename ended with ".dll" 151 #print tmp_path,getFileVersion(tmp_path) 152 print ("add to mylis",(filelist[i],self.getFileVersion(tmp_path))) 153 self.myList.append((filelist[i],self.getFileVersion(tmp_path))) 154 155 #将内容更新到textedit中去 156 content = "" 157 for item in self.myList: 158 content = content + "%s %s "%(item[0],item[1]) 159 self.textEdit1.setText(content) 160 else: 161 self.traverse_dir(tmp_path) 162 except: 163 self.showMsg("warning","未知错误") 164 self.myList = [] 165 166 return self.myList 167 168 def getFileVersion(self,file_name): 169 #get the version of file 170 try: 171 info = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(file_name, os.sep) 172 ms = info['FileVersionMS'] 173 ls = info['FileVersionLS'] 174 version = '%d.%d.%d.%04d' % (win32api.HIWORD(ms), win32api.LOWORD(ms), win32api.HIWORD(ls), win32api.LOWORD(ls)) 175 print("version:",version) 176 except: 177 version = " " 178 179 return version 180 181 182 def writeToExcel(self,file_path,save_path): 183 #file_path = self.file_path 184 #save_path = self.save_path 185 #write to excel 186 print("create a workbook") 187 book = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')#create a workbook 188 sheet = book.add_sheet('Sheet1')#create a sheet 189 #set style 190 font = xlwt.Font() # 字体 191 font.name = 'Times New Roman' 192 font.bold = True 193 font.underline = False 194 font.italic = False 195 style = xlwt.XFStyle() # 创建一个格式 196 style.font = font # 设置格式字体 197 198 #sheet.write(0, 0, label = 'Formatted value', style) # Apply the Style to the Cell 199 sheet.write(0, 0, "no",style) 200 sheet.write(0, 1, "file_name",style) 201 sheet.write(0, 2, "file_version",style) 202 list = self.traverse_dir(file_path) 203 204 row=0 205 num=0 206 for item in list: 207 row += 1 208 num += 1 209 print(item[0] ,item[1]) 210 sheet.write(row, 0, num, style) 211 sheet.write(row, 1,item[0] , style) 212 sheet.write(row, 2,item[1] , style) 213 214 book.save(save_path) 215 216 if __name__ == '__main__': 217 app = QApplication(sys.argv) 218 demo = GetFileVersionNo() 219 demo.show() 220 sys.exit(app.exec_()) 221