this is my first mini python project
1 function&&more operations
function starts with key word "def",such as an example
def compute_area(base,height):
area= ( 1 /2 ) * base * height;
return area
the end of the header is a colon,means the following lines indented belongs to the function,no matther how many lines, but with the same amount
so,the block indented with a same amount belongs to the function
in last case , it has 2 lines(with the same amount indented).
when you stop the indentation , the block of code is done
Call the function
a1 = compute_area(3,8)
print a1
#print 12
def print_hello():
print "hello world"
Call the function
print a;
#will print "None"
if you forget or you dont need a return statement,it automatically add one
more operations
print a,b,":00"
#show "0 1 :00"
combine the strings
print a+b+":00"
#show "01:00"
function str: convert something to string
such as
print str(hour)
import module:
such as
improt math
improt simplegui
print math.pi
improt random