gamification is not making everything a game .gamification says you still in the real world and let make the experience better,learn from game,not pull you out of the real world
gamiffication is not any games in the workspace,is not use games in business,is not simulations
gamification is to use the game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts
1,listening what games can teach up
2,learning from game design
3,appreciating fun,game creates the sense that we call fun
2.2 what is a game
ludwig wittgenstein ---there is no boundry to define what is a game,so impossibles
bernard suits ---
1,pre-lusory goal
2,constitutive rule
3,lusory attitude,game-like attitude
4,voluntarily overcoming unnecessary obstacles(to follow the rules)
juhan huizina---come up with an idea called the magic circle,apart from the real world,when you in the magic circle ,the game rules matter instead of the rules of reality
so,gamification is to deep people as much as can to let people in the magic circle
2.3 game and play
the difference between game and play
roger caillois------
play is do everything ,there is a boundry,inside the world,you can be yourself and try out anything
games is a list of choices ,and each of them leads for the outcomes and maybe give new choices
takeaways for gamification:
learning or problem solving
balance of structure and exploration
2.4 video games
how big the market is
2.5 just a game?
本节主要讲了game对现实的影响,比如 部分中国人花钱雇人 在魔兽世界中挖矿 将金币转卖------虚拟←→现实