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  • 20171111 Sa Oct 消参

    2017-11-11 Sa Oct 消参

    Prior versions:

    • 2017-11-04 Sa Oct 消参
    • 2017-11-10 Fr Oct 消参

    2017-11-04 Sa

    $ P(-3, 0) $ 在圆C $ (x-3)^2 + y^2 = 8^2 $ 内,动圆M与圆相切且过P点,求M点轨迹。

    设切点 $ A(a, b) $,圆心 $M(x, y)$,则有 $R_M = MA = MP = R_C-MC$:

    $$ \left{ \begin{aligned}
    (a-3)^2 + b^2 &= 8^2 \
    \sqrt{(x-a)2+(y-b)2} &= \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2} \
    &= 8-\sqrt{(x-3)2+y2}
    \end{aligned} \right. $$

    UPD 2017-11-10 Fr 10:39PM

    I thought about it at school on Monday. We can solve the relationship between $a$ and $b$ in $ (a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2 $, and $x$ and $y$ in $ \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2} = 8-\sqrt{(x-3)2+y2} $. Now there are just two unknowns left, and another equation $\sqrt{(x-a)2+(y-b)2} = \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2}$. Then we can solve it.

    On Monday I simplfied it by hand but the last step involved a polynomial with too much terms, thus I decided to go to Maxima at the weekend.

    UPD 2017-11-11 Sa 2:50PM

    Yesterday night, I have made some attempts on Maxima but failed. Let's do it again.



    Maxima 5.25.0 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
    using Lisp Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.7-r14925M  (WindowsX8632)
    Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
    Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
    The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
    (%i1) expand((x+3)^2+y^2-(8-sqrt((x-3)^2+y^2))^2)
                                 2    2
    (%o1)               16 sqrt(y  + x  - 6 x + 9) + 12 x - 64
    (%i2) expand(16*16*(y^2+x^2-6*x+9)-(64-12*x)^2)
                                     2        2
    (%o2)                       256 y  + 112 x  - 1792
    (%i3) plot2d(%o2, [x,-10,10], [y,-10,10]);
    plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value everywhere in plotting range.
    plot2d: nothing to plot.
    (%o3)                                false
    (%i4) plot2d(%o2=0, [x,-10,10], [y,-10,10]);
    plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value everywhere in plotting range.
    plot2d: nothing to plot.
    (%o4)                                false
    (%i5) contour_plot(%o2=0, [x,-10,10], [y,-10,10]);contour_plot(%o2=0, [x,-10,10], [y,-10,10]);
    (%i7) contour_plot(%o2, [x,-10,10], [y,-10,10]);
    (%i8) expand((a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2)
                                 2    2
    (%o8)                       b  + a  - 6 a + 9 = 64
    (%i9) expand((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 = (x+3)^2+y^2)
                  2            2            2    2    2    2
    (%o9)        y  - 2 b y + x  - 2 a x + b  + a  = y  + x  + 6 x + 9
    (%i10) expand((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 - (x+3)^2+y^2);
                          2                          2    2
    (%o10)             2 y  - 2 b y - 2 a x - 6 x + b  + a  - 9
    (%i11) solve([(a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2], [b]);
                              2                          2
    (%o11)     [b = - sqrt(- a  + 6 a + 55), b = sqrt(- a  + 6 a + 55)]
    (%i12) solve([(a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2], [a]);
                                        2                  2
    (%o12)          [a = 3 - sqrt(64 - b ), a = sqrt(64 - b ) + 3]
    (%i13) solve([%o2], [y]);
                                         2                          2
                      sqrt(7) sqrt(16 - x )      sqrt(7) sqrt(16 - x )
    (%o13)     [y = - ---------------------, y = ---------------------]
                                4                          4
    (%i14) solve([(x-3)^2 + y^2 = 8^2], [y]);
                              2                          2
    (%o14)     [y = - sqrt(- x  + 6 x + 55), y = sqrt(- x  + 6 x + 55)]
    (%i15) tentex(%o9);
                     2            2            2    2    2    2
    (%o15)   tentex(y  - 2 b y + x  - 2 a x + b  + a  = y  + x  + 6 x + 9)
    (%i16) load(tentex);
    ;Compiler warnings for "C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/tentex.lisp" :
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function CONTI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function CONTI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function NAME
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function NAME
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function DERI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function DERI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function COVI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function DERI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function COVI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function COVI
    ;   In TENREFORM: Undefined function RPOBJ
    (%o16) C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/tentex.lisp
    (%i17) tentex(%o9);
    Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
     Undefined function RPOBJ called with arguments (((MEQUAL SIMP) ((MPLUS SIMP) ((MEXPT SIMP) $A 2) ((MEXPT SIMP) $B 2) ((MTIMES SIMP) -2 $A $X) ((MEXPT SIMP) $X 2) ((MTIMES SIMP) -2 $B $Y) ((MEXPT SIMP) $Y 2)) ((MPLUS SIMP) 9 ((MTIMES SIMP) 6 $X) ((MEXPT SIMP) $X 2) ((MEXPT SIMP) $Y 2)))) .
    Automatically continuing.
    To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
    (%i18) tentex(a+b);
    Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
     Undefined function RPOBJ called with arguments (((MPLUS SIMP) $A $B)) .
    Automatically continuing.
    To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
    (%i19) load(itensor);
    ;Compiler warnings for "C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/itensor.lisp" :
    ;   In $LC_L: Unused lexical variable L2
    ;Compiler warnings for "C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/itensor.lisp" :
    ;   In $LC_U: Unused lexical variable L1
    (%o19) C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/itensor.lisp
    (%i20) load(tentex);
    (%o20) C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0/share/maxima/5.25.0/share/tensor/tentex.lisp
    (%i21) tentex(%o9);
    (%o21)                               false
    (%i22) tentetx(%o8);
                                     2    2
    (%o22)                  tentetx(b  + a  - 6 a + 9 = 64)
    (%i23) tentex(%o8);
    (%o23)                               false



    (%i24) solve([%o8], [a^2+b^2]);
    (%o24)                                []
    (%i25) %o9
                  2            2            2    2    2    2
    (%o25)       y  - 2 b y + x  - 2 a x + b  + a  = y  + x  + 6 x + 9
    (%i26) expand(2 a);
    incorrect syntax: A is not an infix operator
    (%i26) incorrect syntax: Premature termination of input at ;.
    (%i26) expand(2*a);
    (%o26)                                2 a
    (%i27) expand(y^2-2*b*y+x^2-2*a*x+64-9+6*a-y^2-x^2-6*x-9);
    (%o27)                 - 2 b y - 2 a x - 6 x + 6 a + 46
    (%i28) tentex(%);
    (%o28)                               false


    3:14 PM

    (%i29) expend(2*b*y = - 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46);
    (%o29)             expend(2 b y = - 2 a x - 6 x + 6 a + 46)
    (%i30) tentex(%);
    $${\it expend}\left(2\,b\,y=-2\,a\,x-6\,x+6\,a+46\right)$$
    (%o30)                               false
    (%i31) expand(2*b*y = - 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46);
    (%o31)                 2 b y = - 2 a x - 6 x + 6 a + 46
    (%i32) tentex(%);
    (%o32)                               false


    (%i33) %i8
                                      2          2
    (%o33)                    expand(b  + (a - 3)  = 64)
    (%i34) %o8;
                                 2    2
    (%o34)                      b  + a  - 6 a + 9 = 64
    (%i35) expand((2*b*y)^2 = (- 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46)^2);
              2  2      2  2         2       2       2                           2
    (%o35) 4 b  y  = 4 a  x  + 24 a x  + 36 x  - 24 a  x - 256 a x - 552 x + 36 a
                                                                     + 552 a + 2116
    (%i36) b^2 := 64 - a^2 + 6*a - 9;
    define: argument cannot be an atom or a subscripted memoizing function; found: 
     -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
    (%i37) expand(4*(64 - a^2 + 6*a - 9)*y*y - (- 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46)^2);
                2  2         2        2      2  2         2       2       2
    (%o37) - 4 a  y  + 24 a y  + 220 y  - 4 a  x  - 24 a x  - 36 x  + 24 a  x
                                           + 256 a x + 552 x - 36 a  - 552 a - 2116
    (%i38) %o2;
                                     2        2
    (%o38)                      256 y  + 112 x  - 1792
    (%i39) solve([%o2], [y]);
                                         2                          2
                      sqrt(7) sqrt(16 - x )      sqrt(7) sqrt(16 - x )
    (%o39)     [y = - ---------------------, y = ---------------------]
                                4                          4
    (%i40) solve([%o2], [y*y]);
                                    2     7 x  - 112
    (%o40)                        [y  = - ----------]
    (%i41) solve([%o2], [y^2]);
                                    2     7 x  - 112
    (%o41)                        [y  = - ----------]
    (%i42) %o41;
                                    2     7 x  - 112
    (%o42)                        [y  = - ----------]
    (%i43) expand(4*(64 - a^2 + 6*a - 9)*%o41 - (- 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46)^2);
                 2  2         2        2      2  2         2       2       2
    (%o43) [- 4 a  y  + 24 a y  + 220 y  - 4 a  x  - 24 a x  - 36 x  + 24 a  x
     + 256 a x + 552 x - 36 a  - 552 a - 2116 = 
         2  2         2        2
      9 a  x    69 a x    529 x        2                           2
    - ------- - ------- - ------ + 24 a  x + 256 a x + 552 x - 64 a  - 384 a - 576]
         4         2        4
    (%i44) expand(4*(64 - a^2 + 6*a - 9)*(-1/16)*(7*x^2-112) - (- 2*a*x - 6*x + 6*a + 46)^2);
                2  2         2        2
             9 a  x    69 a x    529 x        2                           2
    (%o44) - ------- - ------- - ------ + 24 a  x + 256 a x + 552 x - 64 a  - 384 a
                4         2        4
                                                                              - 576
    (%i45) solve([%o44], [x]);
                                         16 a + 48
    (%o45)                          [x = ---------]
                                         3 a + 23
    (%i46) solve([y^2=(-1/16)*(7*((16*a+48)/(3*a+23))^2-112)], [y^2]);
                               2     49 a  - 294 a - 2695
    (%o46)                   [y  = - --------------------]
                                      9 a  + 138 a + 529
    (%i47) x:=%o44;
    define: argument cannot be an atom or a subscripted memoizing function; found: 
     -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
    (%i48) x:=(16*a+48)/(3*a+23);
    define: argument cannot be an atom or a subscripted memoizing function; found: 
     -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
    (%i49) x
    (%o49)                                 x
    (%i50) x(a):=(16*a+48)/(3*a+23);
                                           16 a + 48
    (%o50)                         x(a) := ---------
                                           3 a + 23
    (%i51) x^2(a);
    incorrect syntax: Syntax error
    (%i51) incorrect syntax: Too many )'s
    (%i51) incorrect syntax: Premature termination of input at ;.
    (%i51) (x(a))^2;
                                     (16 a + 48)
    (%o51)                           ------------
                                     (3 a + 23)
    (%i52) y2(a):=(-1/16)*(7*((16*a+48)/(3*a+23))^2-112);
                                   - 1     16 a + 48 2
    (%o52)                y2(a) := --- (7 (---------)  - 112)
                                   16      3 a + 23
    (%i53) x2(a):=(x(a))^2;
    (%o53)                          x2(a) := x (a)
    (%i54) plot2d([parametric, sqrt(x2), sqrt(y2), [a,-5,11], [nticks,2000]]);
    set_plot_option: unknown plot option: a
     -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
    (%i55) plot2d([parametric, sqrt(x2(a)), sqrt(y2(a)), [a,-5,11], [nticks,2000]]);
    set_plot_option: unknown plot option: a
     -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
    (%i56) x2(a)/16+y2(a)/7;
                                          7 (16 a + 48)
                                          -------------- - 112
                                     2               2
                          (16 a + 48)      (3 a + 23)
    (%o56)               -------------- - --------------------
                                      2           112
                         16 (3 a + 23)
    (%i57) expand(%o56);
                   256 a                    1536 a                    2304
    (%o57) ---------------------- + ---------------------- + ----------------------
                2                        2                        2
           144 a  + 2208 a + 8464   144 a  + 2208 a + 8464   144 a  + 2208 a + 8464
                         16 a                  96 a                 144
                 - ------------------ - ------------------ - ------------------ + 1
                      2                    2                    2
                   9 a  + 138 a + 529   9 a  + 138 a + 529   9 a  + 138 a + 529

    about that magic number:

    圆心m到p(-3,0) 的距离为r
    所以M的轨迹为 以(-3,0)和(3,0)为焦点的椭圆.
    x^2/16 + y^2/7 =1

    3:32 PM

    I thought I have found the answer at %i50 but it's not. Let's see what's the wrong.

    $$ \left{ \begin{aligned}
    (a-3)^2 + b^2 &= 8^2 \
    \sqrt{(x-a)2+(y-b)2} &= \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2} \
    &= 8-\sqrt{(x-3)2+y2}
    \end{aligned} \right. $$

    (%i8) expand((a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2)
                                 2    2
    (%o8)                       b  + a  - 6 a + 9 = 64

    $$(a-3)^2 + b^2 = 8^2 \Longrightarrow b2+a2-6,a+9=64 $$

    (%i1) expand((x+3)^2+y^2-(8-sqrt((x-3)^2+y^2))^2)
                                 2    2
    (%o1)               16 sqrt(y  + x  - 6 x + 9) + 12 x - 64
    (%i2) expand(16*16*(y^2+x^2-6*x+9)-(64-12*x)^2)
                                     2        2
    (%o2)                       256 y  + 112 x  - 1792
    (%i41) solve([%o2], [y^2]);
                                    2     7 x  - 112
    (%o41)                        [y  = - ----------]

    $$ \begin{aligned}
    \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2} &= 8-\sqrt{(x-3)2+y2} \
    \Longrightarrow 16,\sqrt{y2+x2-6,x+9}+12,x-64 &= 0 \
    \Longrightarrow 256,y2+112,x2-1792 &= 0 \
    \Longrightarrow y^2 &= -{{7,x^2-112}\over{16}}
    \end{aligned} $$

    (%i10) expand((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 - (x+3)^2+y^2);
                          2                          2    2
    (%o10)             2 y  - 2 b y - 2 a x - 6 x + b  + a  - 9

    $$ \begin{aligned}
    \sqrt{(x-a)2+(y-b)2} &= \sqrt{(x+3)2+y2} \
    \Longrightarrow (x-a)2+(y-b)2 &= (x+3)2+y2 \
    \Longrightarrow 2,y2-2,b,y-2,a,x-6,x+b2+a^2-9 &= 0
    \end{aligned} $$

    4:04 PM

    I'll do it next week. Do course-selection spider first.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yanhuihang/p/7819043.html
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