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  • Amber学习第四天:Using Antechamber to Create Leap Input Files

    Antechamber:能产生prmtop and inpcrd 文件用于蛋白-配体复合物的模拟。能解决以下问题:



    首先为从the RT-sustiva复合物中获取的Sustiva.pdb文件加氢:reduce sustiva.pdb > sustiva_h.pdb

    为了与pdb文件的相一致,把文件中的"EFZ" 换为 "SUS",产生sustiva_new.pdb文件。

    为了创建"mol2" 文件, 需要在leap中定义一个新的单元。运行以下命令:

    antechamber -i sustiva_new.pdb -fi pdb -o sustiva.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc -s 2

    -i sustiva.pdb specifies the name of the 3D structure file and the -fi pdb tells antechamber that this is a pdb format file;

    The -o sustiva.mol2 specifies the name of our output file and the -fo mol2 states that we want the output file to be of Tripos Mol2 format

    The -c bcc option tells antechamber to use the AM1-BCC charge model in order to calculate the atomic point charges while the -s 2 option defines the verbosity of the status information provided by antechamber.


    parmchk -i sustiva.mol2 -f mol2 -o sustiva.frcmod 运行这个产生sustiva.frcmod文件,导入到leap中增加丢失的参数。

    We now have everything we need to load sustiva as a unit in Leap:

    $tleap -f leaprc.ff99SB

    >source leaprc.gaff

    Now we can load our sustiva unit (sustiva.mol2):

    >SUS = loadmol2 sustiva.mol2


    >check SUS

    >loadamberparams sustiva.frcmod

    检查完创建(sus.lib)和(sustiva.prmtop, sustiva.inpcrd)文件

    >saveoff SUS sus.lib 

    >saveamberparm SUS sustiva.prmtop sustiva.inpcrd


    source leaprc.ff99SB
    source leaprc.gaff
    SUS = loadmol2 sustiva.mol2
    check SUS
    loadamberparams sustiva.frcmod
    saveoff SUS sus.lib
    saveamberparm SUS sustiva.prmtop sustiva.inpcrd
    通过运行tleap -f tleap.in这个就可以做以上的操作。

    2)为Sustiva-RT 复合物创建 topology and coordinate文件
    为了让1FKO pdb文件能被tleap识别,所以要改变文件中残基EFZ 到 SUS。因为库中含有相同的残基。产生文件:1FKO_trunc_sus.pdb

    tleap -f leaprc.ff99SB

    >source leaprc.gaff

    >loadamberparams sustiva.frcmod

    Now we load the Sustiva library file (sus.lib), followed by the complex pdb file 1FKO_trunc_sus.pdb.

    >loadoff sus.lib

    >complex = loadpdb 1FKO_trunc_sus.pdb

    Finally, we are ready to create our topology and coordinate files of the truncated RT-sustiva complex.

    >saveamberparm complex 1FKO_sus.prmtop 1FKO_sus.inpcrd

    >savepdb complex 1FKO_sus.pdb


    3)Minimize and Equilibrate the Sustiva-RT complex

    Initial minimisation of sustiva-RT complex
      imin=1, maxcyc=200, ncyc=50,
      cut=16, ntb=0, igb=1,

    运行:sander -O -i min.in -o 1FKO_sus_min.out -p 1FKO_sus.prmtop -c 1FKO_sus.inpcrd  -r 1FKO_sus_min.crd  &
    产生最小化的pdb文件:ambpdb -p 1FKO_sus.prmtop <1FKO_sus_min.crd > 1FKO_sus_min.pdb
    Here's our input file, we will run MD (imin=0) and this is not a restart (irest=0).
    Initial MD equilibration
      imin=0, irest=0,
      nstlim=1000,dt=0.001, ntc=1, //I will use a time step of 1 fs and run for 1000 steps
      ntpr=20, ntwx=20, //write to our output file every 20 steps and to our trajectory [mdcrd] file every 20 steps (ntpr=20,ntwx=20)
      cut=16, ntb=0, igb=1,
      ntt=3, gamma_ln=1.0, //We will start our system at 0K and we want a target temperature of 300K (ntt=3, gamma_ln=1.0, tempi=0.0, temp0=300.0).
      tempi=0.0, temp0=300.0,
    Now we run:

    sander -O -i eq.in -o 1FKO_sus_eq.out -p 1FKO_sus.prmtop -c 1FKO_sus_min.crd  -r 1FKO_sus_eq.rst -x 1FKO_sus_eq.mdcrd

    The heating trajectory and restart coordinates are  saved in 1FKO_sus_eq.mdcrd and 1FKO_sus_eq.rst, respectively. Now that the sustiva-RT complex is minimized and heated, you can take a look at the snapshot at 300K. This structure can be used as the starting point for further equilibration.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yanzhi123/p/2564672.html
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