A QDockWidget acts as a wrapper for its child widget, set with setWidget(). Custom size hints, minimum and maximum sizes and size policies should be implemented in the child widget. QDockWidget will respect them, adjusting its own constraints to include the frame and title. Size constraints should not be set on the QDockWidget itself, because they change depending on wether it is docked; a docked QDockWidget has no frame and a smaller title bar.
1 void MainWindow::ReadSettings()
3 {
4 QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("GLZN");
5 QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("glzn.com");
6 QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("IEDClient");
7 QSettings setting;
8 setting.beginGroup(QString::fromUtf8("Catalogue View"));
9 QSize size = setting.value(QString::fromUtf8("lastRuntimeSize"),QSize(500,500)).toSize();
10 setCatalogueViewSize(size);
11 setting.endGroup();
12 }
13 //MainWindow中记录程序结束时QDockWidget的大小信息,在MainWindow的onCloseEvent()中调用。
15 void MainWindow::WriteSettings()
17 {
18 QSettings setting;
19 setting.beginGroup(QString::fromUtf8("Catalogue View"));
20 QSize size = ui->dockWidget_Catalogue->size();
21 setting.setValue(QString::fromUtf8("lastRuntimeSize"),size);
22 //记录下QDockWidget的原先的最大尺寸与最小尺寸
23 setting.setValue(QString::fromUtf8("oldMaxSize"),QSize(16777215,16777215));
24 setting.setValue(QString::fromUtf8("oldMinSize"),QSize(1,1));
25 setting.endGroup();
26 }
27 //ReadSettings中用于调整QDockWidget的函数
29 void MainWindow::setCatalogueViewSize(QSize size)
31 {
32 QDockWidget* dock = ui->dockWidget_Catalogue;
33 if (size.width()>= 0)
34 {
35 int nWidth = dock->width();
36 if (nWidth <size.width())
37 dock->setMinimumWidth(size.width());
38 else
39 dock->setMaximumWidth(size.width());
40 }
41 if (size.height()>= 0)
42 {
43 int nHeight = dock->height();
44 if (nHeight <size.height())
45 dock->setMinimumHeight(size.height());
46 else
47 dock->setMaximumHeight(size.height());
48 }
49 //如果只是设定最小宽度等信息会造成QDockWidget调整大小出现问题
50 QTimer::singleShot(0,this,SLOT(onRestoreCatalogueView()));
51 //需要在构造函数完成之后的事件循环中重新调整最小宽度等信息
52 return;
53 }
54 //MainWindow中响应重新设置最小宽度等信息。
56 void MainWindow::onRestoreCatalogueView()
58 {
59 QSettings setting;
60 QSize oldMaxSize = setting.value(QString::fromUtf8("oldMaxSize"),QSize(16777215,16777215)).toSize();
61 QSize oldMinSize = setting.value(QString::fromUtf8("oldMinSize"),QSize(1,1)).toSize();
62 ui->dockWidget_Catalogue->setMaximumSize(oldMaxSize);
63 ui->dockWidget_Catalogue->setMinimumSize(oldMinSize);
64 }