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  • Android源码学习之适配器模式应用



    Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatile interfaces.





    如上图所示(截取自《Head First Design Patterns》一书),主要包括三个部分:

        1. Target目标角色。该角色定义把其他类转换为我们的期待接口。

        2. Adaptee源角色。就是原始的类和接口对象,它是已经存在的,只是不符合现有的要求,而需要利用适配器角色的包装。

        3. Adapter适配器角色。适配器模式的核心角色,其它两个角色都是已经存在的角色,而适配器角色是需要新建立的,它的职责非常简单;把源角色转换为目标角色;通过继承或是组合的方式。






        在ListView中有一个变量ListAdapter mAdapter;是显示在view试图上的数据:

         * The adapter containing the data to be displayed by this view
        ListAdapter mAdapter;


    package android.widget;
     * Extended {@link Adapter} that is the bridge between a {@link ListView}
     * and the data that backs the list. Frequently that data comes from a Cursor,
     * but that is not
     * required. The ListView can display any data provided that it is wrapped in a
     * ListAdapter.
    public interface ListAdapter extends Adapter {
         * Indicates whether all the items in this adapter are enabled. If the
         * value returned by this method changes over time, there is no guarantee
         * it will take effect.  If true, it means all items are selectable and
         * clickable (there is no separator.)
         * @return True if all items are enabled, false otherwise.
         * @see #isEnabled(int) 
        public boolean areAllItemsEnabled();
         * Returns true if the item at the specified position is not a separator.
         * (A separator is a non-selectable, non-clickable item).
         * The result is unspecified if position is invalid. An {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException}
         * should be thrown in that case for fast failure.
         * @param position Index of the item
         * @return True if the item is not a separator
         * @see #areAllItemsEnabled() 
        boolean isEnabled(int position);


    View Code
    package android.widget;
    import android.database.DataSetObserver;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewGroup;
     * An Adapter object acts as a bridge between an {@link AdapterView} and the
     * underlying data for that view. The Adapter provides access to the data items.
     * The Adapter is also responsible for making a {@link android.view.View} for
     * each item in the data set.
     * @see android.widget.ArrayAdapter
     * @see android.widget.CursorAdapter
     * @see android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
    public interface Adapter {
         * Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the data used by this adapter.
         * @param observer the object that gets notified when the data set changes.
        void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer);
         * Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this
         * adapter via {@link #registerDataSetObserver}.
         * @param observer the object to unregister.
        void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer);
         * How many items are in the data set represented by this Adapter.
         * @return Count of items.
        int getCount();   
         * Get the data item associated with the specified position in the data set.
         * @param position Position of the item whose data we want within the adapter's 
         * data set.
         * @return The data at the specified position.
        Object getItem(int position);
         * Get the row id associated with the specified position in the list.
         * @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set whose row id we want.
         * @return The id of the item at the specified position.
        long getItemId(int position);
         * Indicates whether the item ids are stable across changes to the
         * underlying data.
         * @return True if the same id always refers to the same object.
        boolean hasStableIds();
         * Get a View that displays the data at the specified position in the data set. You can either
         * create a View manually or inflate it from an XML layout file. When the View is inflated, the
         * parent View (GridView, ListView...) will apply default layout parameters unless you use
         * {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup, boolean)}
         * to specify a root view and to prevent attachment to the root.
         * @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set of the item whose view
         *        we want.
         * @param convertView The old view to reuse, if possible. Note: You should check that this view
         *        is non-null and of an appropriate type before using. If it is not possible to convert
         *        this view to display the correct data, this method can create a new view.
         *        Heterogeneous lists can specify their number of view types, so that this View is
         *        always of the right type (see {@link #getViewTypeCount()} and
         *        {@link #getItemViewType(int)}).
         * @param parent The parent that this view will eventually be attached to
         * @return A View corresponding to the data at the specified position.
        View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent);
         * An item view type that causes the {@link AdapterView} to ignore the item
         * view. For example, this can be used if the client does not want a
         * particular view to be given for conversion in
         * {@link #getView(int, View, ViewGroup)}.
         * @see #getItemViewType(int)
         * @see #getViewTypeCount()
        static final int IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE = AdapterView.ITEM_VIEW_TYPE_IGNORE;
         * Get the type of View that will be created by {@link #getView} for the specified item.
         * @param position The position of the item within the adapter's data set whose view type we
         *        want.
         * @return An integer representing the type of View. Two views should share the same type if one
         *         can be converted to the other in {@link #getView}. Note: Integers must be in the
         *         range 0 to {@link #getViewTypeCount} - 1. {@link #IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE} can
         *         also be returned.
         * @see #IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE
        int getItemViewType(int position);
         * <p>
         * Returns the number of types of Views that will be created by
         * {@link #getView}. Each type represents a set of views that can be
         * converted in {@link #getView}. If the adapter always returns the same
         * type of View for all items, this method should return 1.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * This method will only be called when when the adapter is set on the
         * the {@link AdapterView}.
         * </p>
         * @return The number of types of Views that will be created by this adapter
        int getViewTypeCount();
        static final int NO_SELECTION = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
          * @return true if this adapter doesn't contain any data.  This is used to determine
          * whether the empty view should be displayed.  A typical implementation will return
          * getCount() == 0 but since getCount() includes the headers and footers, specialized
          * adapters might want a different behavior.
         boolean isEmpty();

        其中Adapter定义了getCount()、getItemViewType(int position)等接口函数。

    public abstract class CursorAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable,
            CursorFilter.CursorFilterClient {
           protected Cursor mCursor;
          protected ChangeObserver mChangeObserver;
          protected DataSetObserver mDataSetObserver;
          protected CursorFilter mCursorFilter;
         * Returns the cursor.
         * @return the cursor.
        public Cursor getCursor() {
            return mCursor;
    // 实现ListAdapter目标接口的getCount函数,通过返回源角色mCursor的方法getCount函数
    /** * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getCount() */ public int getCount() { if (mDataValid && mCursor != null) { return mCursor.getCount(); } else { return 0; } }
    // 实现ListAdapter目标接口的getItem函数,通过返回源角色mCursor的方法moveToPosition函数
    /** * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getItem(int) */ public Object getItem(int position) { if (mDataValid && mCursor != null) { mCursor.moveToPosition(position); return mCursor; } else { return null; } } // 实现ListAdapter目标接口的getItemId函数,通过返回源角色mCursor的方法getLong函数 
    /** * @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getItemId(int) */ public long getItemId(int position) { if (mDataValid && mCursor != null) { if (mCursor.moveToPosition(position)) { return mCursor.getLong(mRowIDColumn); } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } @Override public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; }


    public interface Cursor {
         * Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.
         * @return the number of rows in the cursor.
        int getCount();
         * Returns the current position of the cursor in the row set.
         * The value is zero-based. When the row set is first returned the cursor
         * will be at positon -1, which is before the first row. After the
         * last row is returned another call to next() will leave the cursor past
         * the last entry, at a position of count().
         * @return the current cursor position.
        int getPosition();
         * Move the cursor to an absolute position. The valid
         * range of values is -1 &lt;= position &lt;= count.
         * <p>This method will return true if the request destination was reachable, 
         * otherwise, it returns false.
         * @param position the zero-based position to move to.
         * @return whether the requested move fully succeeded.
        boolean moveToPosition(int position);
         * Returns the value of the requested column as a long.
         * <p>The result and whether this method throws an exception when the
         * column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the
         * integer value is outside the range [<code>Long.MIN_VALUE</code>,
         * <code>Long.MAX_VALUE</code>] is implementation-defined.
         * @param columnIndex the zero-based index of the target column.
         * @return the value of that column as a long.
        long getLong(int columnIndex);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yemeishu/p/2848415.html
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