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  • ASP图片三行四列的显示


     if request("lai") <> "" then
     end if
     dim pic_lai
     if pic_lai<>"" then 
     sql="select * From pic where lai='"&pic_lai&"'and xs='yes' order by id desc"
     set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
     rs.Open sql,conn,1
     sql="select * From pic where lai ='开瓶器'and xs='yes' order by id desc"
     set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
     rs.Open sql,conn,1
     end if
     IF not IsNumeric(Request("page")) Or IsEmpty(Request("page")) Then
     End if
     rs.pagesize =16
     total = rs.RecordCount
     rs.absolutepage = page


    <% if not rs.EOF or not rs.BOF then %><%=rs("lai")%><%end if%></div>
      <%if Not rs.EOF Or Not rs.BOF Then %>
        <table width="120"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10">
    <%for j=1 to (rs.pagesize\4)%>
          <tr align="center" valign="top">
    <%for i=1 to 3%>
           <td height="140">
       <table width="93%" border="0" align="center"  class="tab">
            <td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top"><a href="products_show.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>"><img  src="uppic/<%=rs("img")%>" width="140" height="120" border="0" ></a></td>
         <td width="16%" align="center" valign="middle"><img src="images/link3.gif" width="14" height="13" /> </td>
             <td width="84%" align="left"><div style="100px; overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="pic_show.asp?id=<%=rs("id")%>"> <%=rs("名称")%></a></div></td>
             </table>    </td>
         if rs.eof then
         exit for
         end if
        if rs.eof then
        exit for
        end if
     <table width="60%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
        <td height="54" align="center">
         共<font color=#fff><b><%=rs.pagecount%></b></font>页<font color=#fff><b><%=total%></b></font>个 当前第<font color=#fff><b><%=page%></b></font>页
         <%if page>1 then%> <a href=products.asp?page=<%=page-1%>&lai=<%=lai%>>上一页</a>
         <%else%> <a href=#>上一页</a>
         <%end if%> <%if page<rs.pagecount then%> <a href=products.asp?page=<%=page+1%>&lai=<%=lai%> >下一页</a>
         <%else%> <a href="#" >下一页</a>
         <%end if%>
         <select name="menu1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,1)">
         <option value="#">请选择</option>
         <%for i=1 to rs.pagecount%>
          <option value="products.asp?lai=<%=lai%>&page=<%=i%>">第<%=i%>页</option>
    <%end if %>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yeye518/p/2231786.html
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