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  • 简单js条码生成器

    <!doctype html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <style type="text/css">
            .barcode {
            float: left;
            clear: both;
            padding: 0 10px; /*quiet zone*/
            overflow: auto;
            height: 0.5in; /*size*/
            .right {
                float: right;
            .barcode + * {
                clear: both;
            .barcode div {
                float: left;
                height: 0.35in; /*size*/
            .barcode .bar1 {
                border-left: 1px solid black;
            .barcode .bar2 {
                border-left: 2px solid black;
            .barcode .bar3 {
                border-left: 3px solid black;
            .barcode .bar4 {
                border-left: 4px solid black;
            .barcode .space0 {
                margin-right: 0
            .barcode .space1 {
                margin-right: 1px
            .barcode .space2 {
                margin-right: 2px
            .barcode .space3 {
                margin-right: 3px
            .barcode .space4 {
                margin-right: 4px
            .barcode label {
                clear: both;
                display: block;
                text-align: center;
                font: 0.125in/100% helvetica; /*size*/
            /*** bigger ******************************************/
            .barcode2 {
                float: left;
                clear: both;
                padding: 0 10px; /*quiet zone*/
                overflow: auto;
                height: 1in; /*size*/
            .barcode2 + * {
                clear: both;
            .barcode2 div {
                float: left;
                height: 0.7in; /*size*/
            .barcode2 .bar1 {
                border-left: 2px solid black;
            .barcode2 .bar2 {
                border-left: 4px solid black;
            .barcode2 .bar3 {
                border-left: 6px solid black;
            .barcode2 .bar4 {
                border-left: 8px solid black;
            .barcode2 .space0 {
                margin-right: 0
            .barcode2 .space1 {
                margin-right: 2px
            .barcode2 .space2 {
                margin-right: 4px
            .barcode2 .space3 {
                margin-right: 6px
            .barcode2 .space4 {
                margin-right: 8px
            .barcode2 label {
                clear: both;
                display: block;
                text-align: center;
                font: 0.250in/100% helvetica; /*size*/
            .divCent {
                width: 100%;
                background-color: transparent;
                text-align: center;
                margin: 0 auto;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function() {
                if (!exports)
                    var exports = window;
                var BARS = [ 212222, 222122, 222221, 121223, 121322, 131222, 122213,
                        122312, 132212, 221213, 221312, 231212, 112232, 122132, 122231,
                        113222, 123122, 123221, 223211, 221132, 221231, 213212, 223112,
                        312131, 311222, 321122, 321221, 312212, 322112, 322211, 212123,
                        212321, 232121, 111323, 131123, 131321, 112313, 132113, 132311,
                        211313, 231113, 231311, 112133, 112331, 132131, 113123, 113321,
                        133121, 313121, 211331, 231131, 213113, 213311, 213131, 311123,
                        311321, 331121, 312113, 312311, 332111, 314111, 221411, 431111,
                        111224, 111422, 121124, 121421, 141122, 141221, 112214, 112412,
                        122114, 122411, 142112, 142211, 241211, 221114, 413111, 241112,
                        134111, 111242, 121142, 121241, 114212, 124112, 124211, 411212,
                        421112, 421211, 212141, 214121, 412121, 111143, 111341, 131141,
                        114113, 114311, 411113, 411311, 113141, 114131, 311141, 411131,
                        211412, 211214, 211232, 23311120 ], START_BASE = 38, STOP = 106;
                function code128(code, barcodeType) {
                    if (arguments.length < 2)
                        barcodeType = code128Detect(code);
                    if (barcodeType == 'C' && code.length % 2 == 1)
                        code = '0' + code;
                    var a = parseBarcode(code, barcodeType);
                    return bar2html(a.join('')) + '<label>' + code + '</label>';
                function bar2html(s) {
                    for (var pos = 0, sb = []; pos < s.length; pos += 2) {
                        sb.push('<div class="bar' + s.charAt(pos) + ' space'
                                + s.charAt(pos + 1) + '"></div>');
                    return sb.join('');
                function code128Detect(code) {
                    if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(code))
                        return 'C';
                    if (/[a-z]/.test(code))
                        return 'B';
                    return 'A';
                function parseBarcode(barcode, barcodeType) {
                    var bars = [];
                    bars.add = function(nr) {
                        var nrCode = BARS[nr];
                        this.check = this.length == 0 ? nr : this.check + nr * this.length;
                        this.push(nrCode || ("UNDEFINED: " + nr + "->" + nrCode));
                    bars.add(START_BASE + barcodeType.charCodeAt(0));
                    for (var i = 0; i < barcode.length; i++) {
                        var code = barcodeType == 'C' ? +barcode.substr(i++, 2) : barcode
                        converted = fromType[barcodeType](code);
                        if (isNaN(converted) || converted < 0 || converted > 106)
                            throw new Error("Unrecognized character (" + code
                                    + ") at position " + i + " in code '" + barcode + "'.");
                    bars.push(BARS[bars.check % 103], BARS[STOP]);
                    return bars;
                var fromType = {
                    A : function(charCode) {
                        if (charCode >= 0 && charCode < 32)
                            return charCode + 64;
                        if (charCode >= 32 && charCode < 96)
                            return charCode - 32;
                        return charCode;
                    B : function(charCode) {
                        if (charCode >= 32 && charCode < 128)
                            return charCode - 32;
                        return charCode;
                    C : function(charCode) {
                        return charCode;
                // --| Export
                exports.code128 = code128;
             * showDiv:代表需要显示的divID, textVlaue : 代表需要生成的值, barcodeType:代表生成类型(A、B、C)三种类型
            function createBarcode(showDiv, textValue, barcodeType) {
                var divElement = document.getElementById(showDiv);
                divElement.innerHTML = code128(textValue, barcodeType);
            function createBarcode2(showDiv, textValue, barcodeType) {
                var divElement = document.getElementById(showDiv);
                divElement.innerHTML = code128(textValue, barcodeType);
             * 页面加载时先选择B类型
            function onloadfct() {
                document.getElementById("hidStr").value = 'B';
             * 选择类型时将类型值赋给隐藏控件
            function ChangeDdl(obj) {
                document.getElementById("hidStr").value = obj.value;
            var num = 1;    //全局变量存储按钮点击次数
            function creta(){
                var a = num++;
                var divid = "div"+a;    //定义div的id
                document.all.pertxt.innerHTML = "";    //清空说明文档
                document.all.tddiv.innerHTML = "</br><div class='barcode2' style='text-align:center;' id='"+divid+"'></div></br></br>"+document.all.tddiv.innerHTML;
             *    设置快捷键
            document.onkeydown = function(e){
                if((e||event).keyCode==13){        //按下enter键
                if((e||event).keyCode==9){        //按下tab键
                if((e||event).keyCode==46){        //按下delete键
                if((e||event).keyCode==36){        //按下home键
            function selectText(){
        <body onload="onloadfct();">
            <input id="hidStr" name="hidStr" type="hidden" />
            <table width="100%" border="0" id="tab">
                <tr height="50px">
                  <td width="30%">&nbsp;</td>
                  <td width="40%">条码:<input type="text" id="txtCode" style="300px;"></td>
                  <td width="30%">&nbsp;</td>
                <tr height="50px">
                      <label><input name="rad" type="radio" onclick="ChangeDdl(this);" value="A" />A</label>
                      <label><input name="rad" type="radio" onclick="ChangeDdl(this);" checked value="B" />B</label>
                      <label><input name="rad" type="radio" onclick="ChangeDdl(this);" value="C" />C</label>
                      <input type="button" value ="生成(enter)" title="快捷键:enter或者tab" id="btn"  style="80px;" onclick="creta();"/>
                      <input type="button" value ="重置(delete)" title="快捷键:delete或者home"  style="80px;" onclick="history.go(0);"/>
                <tr height="150px">
                  <td id="tddiv">
                  <pre id="pertxt" style="color:#021294; 360px; white-space: pre-wrap; line-height:2; font-size:14px;">
    作 者:逊王之王
    出 处:<a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/yeyerl" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/yeyerl</a>


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yeyerl/p/7099157.html
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