1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Text;
5namespace CA_HomeWork_1
7 enum returnValue
8 {
9 TRUE = 1,
10 FALSE = 0,
11 OK = 1,
12 ERROR = 0,
14 OVERFLOW = -2
15 }
17 public class Sqlist
18 {
19 public ElemType[] elem;
20 public int length;
21 public int listsize;
22 }
24 public class ElemType
25 {
26 public int data;
27 }
29 public class Program
30 {
31 //private const int LIST_INIT_SIZE = 100;
33 //主函数
34 static void Main(string[] args)
35 {
36 Sqlist La = new Sqlist();
37 Sqlist Lb = new Sqlist();
38 Sqlist Lc = new Sqlist();
39 Initlist(ref La);
40 ShowList(La);
41 Initlist(ref Lb);
42 ShowList(Lb);
43 MergeList(La, Lb, ref Lc);
44 ShowList(Lc);
45 return;
46 }
48 //初始化L
49 private static returnValue Initlist(ref Sqlist L)
50 {
51 int i, n;
52 Console.Write("pleast input the list's Elem Number: ");
53 n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
54 L.elem = new ElemType[n];
55 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
56 {
57 L.elem[i] = new ElemType();
58 Console.Write("please input {0} Elem:", i + 1);
59 L.elem[i].data = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
60 }
61 L.length = L.elem.Length;
62 //L.listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;
63 return (returnValue.OK);
64 }
66 //输出L
67 public static void ShowList(Sqlist L)
68 {
69 int i;
70 Console.Write("This list is: ");
71 for (i = 0; i < L.length; i++)
72 {
73 Console.Write("{0} ", L.elem[i].data);
74 }
75 Console.Write("\n");
76 return;
77 }
79 //取L长度
80 public static int ListLength(Sqlist L)
81 {
82 return (L.length);
83 }
85 //用e返回在L中的第i个值
86 private static returnValue GetElem(Sqlist L, int i, out int e)
87 {
88 e = 0;
89 if (i < 1 || i > L.length) return (returnValue.ERROR);
90 e = L.elem[i - 1].data;
91 return (returnValue.OK);
92 }
94 //"L"增长"len"
95 private static void LengthenList(ref Sqlist L, int len)
96 {
97 int[] La = new int[L.length + len];
98 for (int i = 0; i < L.length; i++)
99 {
100 La[i] = L.elem[i].data;
101 }
103 L.elem = new ElemType[L.length + len];
105 int j = 0;
106 foreach (int l in La)
107 {
108 L.elem[j] = new ElemType();
109 L.elem[j++].data = l;
110 }
111 L.length += len;
112 }
114 //在"L"中第"i"个位置之前插入新的数据元素"e","L"的长度加1的函数
115 private static returnValue ListInsert(ref Sqlist L, int i, int e)
116 {
117 if (i < 1 || i > L.length + 1) return (returnValue.ERROR);
118 LengthenList(ref L, 1);
119 i -= 1;
120 for (int j = 0; j < L.length; j++)
121 {
122 if (i == j)
123 {
124 for (int k = L.length - 1; k > i; k--)
125 {
126 L.elem[k].data = L.elem[k - 1].data;
127 }
128 L.elem[i].data = e;
129 }
130 }
131 return (returnValue.OK);
132 }
134 //归并La和Lb为Lc
135 private static void MergeList(Sqlist La, Sqlist Lb, ref Sqlist Lc)
136 {
137 int i, j, k, La_len, Lb_len;
138 int ai, bj;
139 i = 1;
140 j = 1;
141 k = 0;
142 //Lc = new Sqlist();
143 La_len = ListLength(La);
144 Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);
145 while ((i <= La_len) && (j <= Lb_len))
146 {
147 GetElem(La, i, out ai);
148 GetElem(Lb, j, out bj);
149 if (ai <= bj)
150 {
151 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, ai);
152 ++i;
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, bj);
157 ++j;
158 }
159 }
160 while (i <= La_len)
161 {
162 GetElem(La, i++, out ai);
163 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, ai);
164 }
165 while (j <= Lb_len)
166 {
167 GetElem(Lb, j++, out bj);
168 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, bj);
169 }
170 return;
171 }
173 }
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Text;
5namespace CA_HomeWork_1
7 enum returnValue
8 {
9 TRUE = 1,
10 FALSE = 0,
11 OK = 1,
12 ERROR = 0,
14 OVERFLOW = -2
15 }
17 public class Sqlist
18 {
19 public ElemType[] elem;
20 public int length;
21 public int listsize;
22 }
24 public class ElemType
25 {
26 public int data;
27 }
29 public class Program
30 {
31 //private const int LIST_INIT_SIZE = 100;
33 //主函数
34 static void Main(string[] args)
35 {
36 Sqlist La = new Sqlist();
37 Sqlist Lb = new Sqlist();
38 Sqlist Lc = new Sqlist();
39 Initlist(ref La);
40 ShowList(La);
41 Initlist(ref Lb);
42 ShowList(Lb);
43 MergeList(La, Lb, ref Lc);
44 ShowList(Lc);
45 return;
46 }
48 //初始化L
49 private static returnValue Initlist(ref Sqlist L)
50 {
51 int i, n;
52 Console.Write("pleast input the list's Elem Number: ");
53 n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
54 L.elem = new ElemType[n];
55 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
56 {
57 L.elem[i] = new ElemType();
58 Console.Write("please input {0} Elem:", i + 1);
59 L.elem[i].data = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
60 }
61 L.length = L.elem.Length;
62 //L.listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;
63 return (returnValue.OK);
64 }
66 //输出L
67 public static void ShowList(Sqlist L)
68 {
69 int i;
70 Console.Write("This list is: ");
71 for (i = 0; i < L.length; i++)
72 {
73 Console.Write("{0} ", L.elem[i].data);
74 }
75 Console.Write("\n");
76 return;
77 }
79 //取L长度
80 public static int ListLength(Sqlist L)
81 {
82 return (L.length);
83 }
85 //用e返回在L中的第i个值
86 private static returnValue GetElem(Sqlist L, int i, out int e)
87 {
88 e = 0;
89 if (i < 1 || i > L.length) return (returnValue.ERROR);
90 e = L.elem[i - 1].data;
91 return (returnValue.OK);
92 }
94 //"L"增长"len"
95 private static void LengthenList(ref Sqlist L, int len)
96 {
97 int[] La = new int[L.length + len];
98 for (int i = 0; i < L.length; i++)
99 {
100 La[i] = L.elem[i].data;
101 }
103 L.elem = new ElemType[L.length + len];
105 int j = 0;
106 foreach (int l in La)
107 {
108 L.elem[j] = new ElemType();
109 L.elem[j++].data = l;
110 }
111 L.length += len;
112 }
114 //在"L"中第"i"个位置之前插入新的数据元素"e","L"的长度加1的函数
115 private static returnValue ListInsert(ref Sqlist L, int i, int e)
116 {
117 if (i < 1 || i > L.length + 1) return (returnValue.ERROR);
118 LengthenList(ref L, 1);
119 i -= 1;
120 for (int j = 0; j < L.length; j++)
121 {
122 if (i == j)
123 {
124 for (int k = L.length - 1; k > i; k--)
125 {
126 L.elem[k].data = L.elem[k - 1].data;
127 }
128 L.elem[i].data = e;
129 }
130 }
131 return (returnValue.OK);
132 }
134 //归并La和Lb为Lc
135 private static void MergeList(Sqlist La, Sqlist Lb, ref Sqlist Lc)
136 {
137 int i, j, k, La_len, Lb_len;
138 int ai, bj;
139 i = 1;
140 j = 1;
141 k = 0;
142 //Lc = new Sqlist();
143 La_len = ListLength(La);
144 Lb_len = ListLength(Lb);
145 while ((i <= La_len) && (j <= Lb_len))
146 {
147 GetElem(La, i, out ai);
148 GetElem(Lb, j, out bj);
149 if (ai <= bj)
150 {
151 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, ai);
152 ++i;
153 }
154 else
155 {
156 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, bj);
157 ++j;
158 }
159 }
160 while (i <= La_len)
161 {
162 GetElem(La, i++, out ai);
163 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, ai);
164 }
165 while (j <= Lb_len)
166 {
167 GetElem(Lb, j++, out bj);
168 ListInsert(ref Lc, ++k, bj);
169 }
170 return;
171 }
173 }