Given a set of candidate numbers (candidates
) (without duplicates) and a target number (target
), find all unique combinations in candidates
where the candidate numbers sums to target
The same repeated number may be chosen from candidates
unlimited number of times.
- All numbers (including
) will be positive integers. - The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.
Example 1:
Input: candidates =[2,3,6,7],
target =7
, A solution set is: [ [7], [2,2,3] ]
Example 2:
Input: candidates = [2,3,5],
target = 8,
A solution set is:
Runtime: 8 ms
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target) { vector<vector<int>> res; if(candidates.size() == 0) return res; sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()); vector<int> tmp; combinationSum(candidates, target, res, tmp, 0); return res; } void combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target, vector<vector<int>>& res, vector<int>& tmp, int begin){ if(!target){ res.push_back(tmp); //如果target在等于0的时候添加到res,只有target等于0时进入 return; } for(int i = begin; i != candidates.size() && target - candidates[i] >= 0; ++i){ tmp.push_back(candidates[i]); //加入到tmp中 combinationSum(candidates, target - candidates[i], res, tmp, i); //遍历下一个元素,进入递归 tmp.pop_back(); //跳过上次遍历,开始输入后续元素,直到tmp为空,向后移位继续遍历 } } };
DP[0] = [[ ]],
DP[j] = DP[j] + (DP[j - score] + tmp)
运行时间:12 ms
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int> > combinationSum(vector<int> &candidates, int target) { sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end()); //先对数组进行排序 vector< vector< vector<int> > > DP(target + 1, vector<vector<int>>()); //初始化DP数组,长度为target + 1 DP[0].push_back(vector<int>()); // 初始化DP[0]为[[]] for (auto& score : candidates) // 开始遍历给定的数组 for (int j = score; j <= target; j++){ //从DP的j~target遍历 auto tmp = DP[j - score]; //找到tmp位置使得tmp + score = j if (tmp.size() > 0) { for (auto& s : tmp) s.push_back(score); //将score添加到tmp的每一个元组里 DP[j].insert(DP[j].end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); //在DP[j]的末尾加入tmp } } return DP[target]; } };