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  • 最小生成树之Prim算法和Kruskal算法


    1 最小生成树的概念










    2 算法思想:贪心算法







    3 Prim算法—让一棵小树慢慢长大







    b. 如果图中的顶点数量不等于树的顶点数量-->此图不连通




    void Prim()


      MST = {s};

    while (1) {

    V = 未收录顶点中dist最小者;

    if ( 这样的V不存在 )


    V收录进MST: dist[V] = 0;

    for ( V 的每个邻接点 W )

    if ( dist[W]!=W未被收录 0 )

    if ( E (V,W) < dist[W] ){

    dist[W] = E (V,W) ;

    parent[W] = V;



    if ( MST中收的顶点不到|V|)

    Error ( “生成树不存在” );






    该算法时间复杂度在于如何去 ”未收录顶点中dist最小者”如果是使用暴力搜索的方法,那么时间复杂的为T=O(n^2).此种算法对于稠密图比较适用。

    4 Kruskal 算法—将树合并成森林

    4.1 算法思想




    void Kruskal ( Graph G )


    MST = { } ;

    while ( MST 中不到 |V| 1 条边 && E 中还有边 ) {

    E 中取一条权重最小的边 E (v,w) ; /* 最小堆 */

    E (v,w) E 中删除;

    if ( E (V,W) 不在 MST 中构成回路) /* 并查集 */

    E (V,W) 加入 MST;


    彻底无视 E (V,W) ;



    if ( MST 中不到 |V| 1 条边 )

    Error ( “生成树不存在” );


    如何实现“从 E 中取一条权重最小的边 E (v,w) ”---->最小堆

    如何判断是否产生回路------>” 并查集”

    此算法的时间复杂的为T=O(ELogE),次算法对稀疏图比较友好. 如果改图是稠密图,那么E=v^2


    5 习题












    6 15
    1 2 5
    1 3 3
    1 4 7
    1 5 4
    1 6 2
    2 3 4
    2 4 6
    2 5 2
    2 6 6
    3 4 6
    3 5 1
    3 6 1
    4 5 10
    4 6 8
    5 6 3




    5.2 比较Prim算法和Kruskal算法






    5.2.2 时间复杂的比较




      1 /*
      2  * prim.c
      3  *
      4  *  Created on: 2017年5月15日
      5  *      Author: ygh
      6  */
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 100 /*define the max number of the vertex*/
     11 #define INFINITY 65535     /*define double byte no negitive integer max number is 65535*/
     12 #define ERROR -1
     14 typedef int vertex; /*define the data type of the vertex*/
     15 typedef int weightType; /*define the data type of the weight*/
     16 typedef char dataType; /*define the data type of the vertex value*/
     18 /*define the data structure of the Edge*/
     19 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;
     20 typedef struct eNode {
     21     vertex v1, v2; /*two vertex between the edge <v1,v2>*/
     22     weightType weight; /*the value of the edge's weight */
     23 };
     24 typedef ptrToENode edge;
     26 /*==================A adjacent matrix to describe a graph=========================================*/
     28 /*define the data structure of the graph*/
     29 typedef struct gMNode *ptrTogMNode;
     30 typedef struct gMNode {
     31     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
     32     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
     33     weightType g[MAX_VERTEX_NUM][MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the adjacent matrix weight of graph*/
     34     dataType data[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the dataType array to store the value of vertex*/
     35 };
     36 typedef ptrTogMNode adjacentMatrixGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent matrix*/
     38 /*
     39  create a graph given the vertex number.
     40  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
     41  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
     42  */
     43 adjacentMatrixGraph createMGraph(int vertexNum) {
     44     vertex v, w;
     45     adjacentMatrixGraph graph;
     46     graph = (adjacentMatrixGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gMNode));
     47     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
     48     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
     49     /*initialize the adjacent matrix*/
     50     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
     51         for (w = 0; w < graph->vertex_number; w++) {
     52             graph->g[v][w] = INFINITY;
     53         }
     54     }
     56     return graph;
     57 }
     59 /*
     60  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
     61  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
     62  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
     63  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
     64  we will set adjacent matrix [n][m]=[m][n]=edge's weight,else we only set
     65  the adjacent matrix [n][m]=edge's weight
     66  */
     67 void inserEdgeToMatrix(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
     68     graph->g[e->v1][e->v2] = e->weight;
     69     if (!isOriented) {
     70         graph->g[e->v2][e->v1] = e->weight;
     71     }
     72 }
     74 /*
     75  construct a graph according user's input
     77  @return a graph has been filled good
     78  */
     79 adjacentMatrixGraph buildMGraph(int isOrdered) {
     80     adjacentMatrixGraph graph;
     81     edge e;
     82     vertex i;
     83     int vertex_num;
     84     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
     85     graph = createMGraph(vertex_num);
     86     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
     87     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
     88         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
     89         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
     90             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
     91             e->v1--;
     92             e->v2--;
     93             inserEdgeToMatrix(graph, e, isOrdered);
     94         }
     95     }
     96     return graph;
     98 }
    100 /*==================A adjacent link to describe a graph=========================================*/
    101 /*define the data structure adjacent table node*/
    102 typedef struct adjNode *ptrToAdjNode;
    103 typedef struct adjNode {
    104     vertex adjVerx; /*the index of the vertex*/
    105     weightType weight; /*the value of the weight*/
    106     ptrToAdjNode next; /*the point to point the next node*/
    107 };
    109 /*define the data structure of the adjacent head*/
    110 typedef struct vNode *ptrToVNode;
    111 typedef struct vNode {
    112     ptrToAdjNode head; /*the point to point the adjacent table node*/
    113     dataType data; /*the space to store the name of the vertex,but some time the vertex has no names*/
    114 } adjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
    116 /*define the data structure of graph*/
    117 typedef struct gLNode *ptrTogLNode;
    118 typedef struct gLNode {
    119     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
    120     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
    121     adjList g; /*adjacent table*/
    122 };
    123 typedef ptrTogLNode adjacentTableGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent table*/
    125 /*
    126  create a graph given the vertex number.
    127  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
    128  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
    129  */
    130 adjacentTableGraph createLGraph(int vertexNum) {
    131     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    133     vertex v;
    134     graph = (adjacentTableGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gLNode));
    135     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
    136     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
    137     /*initialize the adjacent table*/
    138     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    139         graph->g[v].head = NULL;
    140     }
    141     return graph;
    142 }
    144 /*
    145  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
    146  The e->v1 and e->v2 are the vertexs' indexs in the adjacent table
    147  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
    148  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
    149  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
    150  we will set adjacent table graph[v1]->head=v2 and set graph[v1].head=v2
    151  otherwise we only set graph[v1].head=v2
    152  */
    153 void insertEdgeToLink(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
    154     /*build node<v1,v2>*/
    155     ptrToAdjNode newNode;
    156     newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
    157     newNode->adjVerx = e->v2;
    158     newNode->weight = e->weight;
    159     newNode->next = graph->g[e->v1].head;
    160     graph->g[e->v1].head = newNode;
    161     /*if the graph is directed graph*/
    162     if (!isOriented) {
    163         newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
    164         newNode->adjVerx = e->v1;
    165         newNode->weight = e->weight;
    166         newNode->next = graph->g[e->v2].head;
    167         graph->g[e->v2].head = newNode;
    168     }
    169 }
    171 /*
    172  build a graph stored by adjacent table
    173  */
    174 adjacentTableGraph buildLGraph() {
    175     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    176     edge e;
    177     vertex i;
    178     int vertex_num;
    180     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
    181     graph = createLGraph(vertex_num);
    182     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
    183     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
    184         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    185         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
    186             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
    187             insertEdgeToLink(graph, e, 0);
    188         }
    189     }
    191     return graph;
    192 }
    194 /*
    195  * Find the minimal node closest to created tree
    196  */
    197 vertex findMinDist(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, weightType dist[]) {
    198     vertex minV, v;
    199     weightType minDist = INFINITY;
    200     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    201         if (dist[v] != 0 && dist[v] < minDist) {
    202             minDist = dist[v];
    203             minV = v;
    204         }
    205     }
    206     if (minDist < INFINITY) {
    207         return minV;
    208     } else {
    209         return ERROR;
    210     }
    211 }
    213 /*
    214  * Prim algorithms,we will store the minimal created tree with a adjacent
    215  * list table and return the minimal weight
    216  * @param mGraph The graph showed by adjacent matrix is to store graph
    217  * @param lGraph The graph showed by adjacent list is to store the minimal created tree
    218  * @return The weight of the minimal created tree if the graph is connected, otherwise return
    219  * <code>ERROR</code>
    220  */
    221 int prim(adjacentMatrixGraph mGraph, adjacentTableGraph lGraph) {
    223     weightType dist[mGraph->vertex_number], totalWeight;
    224     vertex parent[mGraph->vertex_number], v, w;
    225     int vCounter;
    226     edge e;
    228     /*
    229      * Initialize dist and parent,default the start point is 0 index
    230      */
    231     for (v = 0; v < mGraph->vertex_number; v++) {
    232         dist[v] = mGraph->g[0][v];
    233         parent[v] = 0;
    234     }
    236     /*
    237      * Initialize weight and vertex counter
    238      */
    239     totalWeight = 0;
    240     vCounter = 0;
    241     /*
    242      * Initialize a edge
    243      */
    244     e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    246     /*
    247      * Initialize dist[0] as the root of tree and set parent[0] to -1
    248      */
    249     dist[0] = 0;
    250     vCounter++;
    251     parent[0] = -1;
    252     /*
    253      * Execute Prim algorithms
    254      */
    255     while (1) {
    256         v = findMinDist(mGraph, dist);
    257         if (v == ERROR) {
    258             break;
    259         }
    261         /*
    262          * Put <v,parent[v]> to tree
    263          */
    264         e->v1 = parent[v];
    265         e->v2 = v;
    266         e->weight = dist[v];
    267         insertEdgeToLink(lGraph, e, 1);
    268         totalWeight += dist[v];
    269         vCounter++;
    270         dist[v] = 0;
    272         /*
    273          * Update the v adjacent vertex distance with minimal tree
    274          */
    275         for (w = 0; w < mGraph->vertex_number; w++) {
    276             /*
    277              * If w is v adjacent vetex and not be added to minimal tree
    278              */
    279             if (dist[w] != 0 && mGraph->g[v][w] < INFINITY) {
    280                 /*
    281                  * Update the distance to minimal created tree
    282                  */
    283                 if (mGraph->g[v][w] < dist[w]) {
    284                     dist[w] = mGraph->g[v][w];
    285                     parent[w] = v;
    286                 }
    287             }
    288         }
    289     }
    290     if (vCounter < mGraph->vertex_number) {
    291         return ERROR;
    292     } else {
    293         return totalWeight;
    294     }
    295 }
    297 /*========Use DFS to print the result of the minimal created tree==========*/
    298 /*
    299  * A method to access graph
    300  */
    301 void visit(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex v) {
    302     printf("%d ", v);
    303 }
    305 /*
    306  Depth first search a graph
    307  @param graph The graph need to search
    308  @param startPoint The fisrt point we start search the graph
    309  @paran int *visited The array we use to tag the vertex we has accessed.
    310  */
    311 void DFS(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) {
    312     ptrToAdjNode p;
    313     visit(graph, startPoint);
    314     p = graph->g[3].head;
    315     visited[startPoint] = 1;
    316     for (p = graph->g[startPoint].head; p; p = p->next) {
    317         if (visited[p->adjVerx] == 0) {
    318             DFS(graph, p->adjVerx, visited);
    319         }
    320     }
    321 }
    323 /*
    324  * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero
    325  */
    326 void initVisited(int length, int *visited) {
    327     int i;
    328     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    329         visited[i] = 0;
    330     }
    331 }
    333 int main() {
    334     adjacentTableGraph lGraph;
    335     adjacentMatrixGraph mGraph = buildMGraph(0);
    336     vertex visited[mGraph->vertex_number];
    337     lGraph = createLGraph(mGraph->vertex_number);
    338     weightType totalWeigt = prim(mGraph, lGraph);
    339     printf("totalWeigh:%d
    ", totalWeigt);
    340     initVisited(mGraph->vertex_number, visited);
    341     DFS(lGraph, 0, visited);
    342     return 0;
    343 }


     1 7 12
     2 1 2 2
     3 1 4 1
     4 2 5 10
     5 2 4 3
     6 3 1 4
     7 3 6 5
     8 4 3 2
     9 4 6 8
    10 4 7 4
    11 4 5 7
    12 5 7 6
    13 7 6 1
    15 Test result:
    16 totalWeigh:16
    17 0 1 3 6 4 5 2 
    Prime_Base_testData And result


      1 /*
      2  * kruskal.c
      3  *
      4  *  Created on: 2017年5月15日
      5  *      Author: ygh
      6  */
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     11 #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 10001 /*define the max number of the vertex*/
     12 #define INFINITY 65535     /*define double byte no negitive integer max number is 65535*/
     13 #define ERROR -1
     15 typedef int vertex; /*define the data type of the vertex*/
     16 typedef int weightType; /*define the data type of the weight*/
     17 typedef char dataType; /*define the data type of the vertex value*/
     19 /*define the data structure of the Edge*/
     20 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;
     21 typedef struct eNode {
     22     vertex v1, v2; /*two vertex between the edge <v1,v2>*/
     23     weightType weight; /*the value of the edge's weight */
     24 };
     25 typedef ptrToENode edge;
     27 /*==================A adjacent link to describe a graph=========================================*/
     28 /*define the data structure adjacent table node*/
     29 typedef struct adjNode *ptrToAdjNode;
     30 typedef struct adjNode {
     31     vertex adjVerx; /*the index of the vertex*/
     32     weightType weight; /*the value of the weight*/
     33     ptrToAdjNode next; /*the point to point the next node*/
     34 };
     36 /*define the data structure of the adjacent head*/
     37 typedef struct vNode *ptrToVNode;
     38 typedef struct vNode {
     39     ptrToAdjNode head; /*the point to point the adjacent table node*/
     40     dataType data; /*the space to store the name of the vertex,but some time the vertex has no names*/
     41 } adjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
     43 /*define the data structure of graph*/
     44 typedef struct gLNode *ptrTogLNode;
     45 typedef struct gLNode {
     46     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
     47     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
     48     adjList g; /*adjacent table*/
     49 };
     50 typedef ptrTogLNode adjacentTableGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent table*/
     52 /*
     53  create a graph given the vertex number.
     54  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
     55  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
     56  */
     57 adjacentTableGraph createLGraph(int vertexNum) {
     58     adjacentTableGraph graph;
     60     vertex v;
     61     graph = (adjacentTableGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gLNode));
     62     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
     63     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
     64     /*initialize the adjacent table*/
     65     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
     66         graph->g[v].head = NULL;
     67     }
     68     return graph;
     69 }
     71 /*
     72  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
     73  The e->v1 and e->v2 are the vertexs' indexs in the adjacent table
     74  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
     75  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
     76  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
     77  we will set adjacent table graph[v1]->head=v2 and set graph[v1].head=v2
     78  otherwise we only set graph[v1].head=v2
     79  */
     80 void insertEdgeToLink(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
     81     /*build node<v1,v2>*/
     82     ptrToAdjNode newNode;
     83     newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
     84     newNode->adjVerx = e->v2;
     85     newNode->weight = e->weight;
     86     newNode->next = graph->g[e->v1].head;
     87     graph->g[e->v1].head = newNode;
     88     /*if the graph is directed graph*/
     89     if (!isOriented) {
     90         newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
     91         newNode->adjVerx = e->v1;
     92         newNode->weight = e->weight;
     93         newNode->next = graph->g[e->v2].head;
     94         graph->g[e->v2].head = newNode;
     95     }
     96 }
     98 /*
     99  build a graph stored by adjacent table
    100  */
    101 adjacentTableGraph buildLGraph(int isOrdered) {
    102     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    103     edge e;
    104     vertex i;
    105     int vertex_num;
    107     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
    108     graph = createLGraph(vertex_num);
    109     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
    110     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
    111         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    112         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
    113             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
    114             e->v1--;
    115             e->v2--;
    116             insertEdgeToLink(graph, e, isOrdered);
    117         }
    118     }
    120     return graph;
    121 }
    123 /*----------------------define collection and some operator of graph's nodes-----------------------------*/
    125 /*
    126  * The element of collection
    127  */
    128 typedef vertex elementType;
    130 /*
    131  * The index of root element,we use it as the collection name
    132  */
    133 typedef vertex setName;
    135 /*
    136  * A array to store the collection,we set the
    137  * first index is 0
    138  */
    139 typedef elementType setType[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
    141 /*
    142  * Initialize collection
    143  * @param A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    144  * many collection will be stored in this array
    145  * @param n The length of the collection
    146  */
    147 void initializeVSet(setType s, int n) {
    148     elementType x;
    149     for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    150         s[x] = -1;
    151     }
    152 }
    154 /*
    155  * Union two collections which is showed by root element.We will union smaller collection
    156  * to greater collection and we will update the quantity for greater collection
    157  * @param s A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    158  * many collection will be stored in this array
    159  * @param root1 The root element of the first collection
    160  * @param root2 The root element of the second collection
    161  */
    162 void unionCollection(setType s, setName root1, setName root2) {
    163     /*
    164      * If root2's quantity greater than root1
    165      */
    166     if (s[root2] < s[root1]) {
    167         s[root2] += s[root1];
    168         s[root1] = root2;
    169     } else {
    170         s[root1] += s[root2];
    171         s[root2] = root1;
    172     }
    173 }
    175 /*
    176  * Find the element in which collection and use the root element
    177  * to represent this collection and return it.In this method,we will compress path
    178  * @param s A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    179  * many collection will be stored in this array
    180  * @param x The element we find which collection it in.
    181  */
    182 setName find(setType s, elementType x) {
    183     if (s[x] < 0) {
    184         return x;
    185     } else {
    186         /*
    187          *compress path
    188          */
    189         return s[x] = find(s, s[x]);
    190     }
    191 }
    193 /*
    194  * Check v1 and v1 whether is belong to a same collection. If not union these
    195  * two collection,otherwise do nothing.
    196  * @param vSet A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    197  * many collection will be stored in this array
    198  * @param v1 The index of node in the graph,also the element is the collection.
    199  * @param v2 The index of node in the graph,also the element is the collection.
    200  * @return If the two element is belong same collection,union them and return 1
    201  * else do nothing and return 0;
    202  */
    203 int checkCircle(setType vSet, vertex v1, vertex v2) {
    204     setName root1 = find(vSet, v1);
    205     setName root2 = find(vSet, v2);
    206     if (root1 == root2) {
    207         return 0;
    208     } else {
    209         unionCollection(vSet, root1, root2);
    210         return 1;
    211     }
    212 }
    214 /*-------------define the minimal heap of edge-------------------*/
    216 /*
    217  * Update the tree whose root element index is p into minimal heap,we use the edgs's
    218  * weight as the to construct the minimal heap.
    219  *
    220  * @param eset A array of edge to store the heap,because the edge is point variable
    221  * So the eSet is a edge type array,you can compare it with <code>int* arr</code>
    222  * @param The index of the root element.
    223  * @param n The length of the heap,the max index is n-1 in this case. And
    224  * this heap index is start from zero.
    225  */
    226 void percDowm(edge eSet, int p, int n) {
    227     int parent, child;
    228     struct eNode x;
    230     x = eSet[p];
    231     for (parent = p; (parent * 2 + 1) < n; parent = child) {
    232         /*
    233          * Because the first index if from zero,so the left child
    234          * is parent*2+1
    235          */
    236         child = parent * 2 + 1;
    237         /*
    238          * Find smaller weigh between the left child and right child
    239          */
    240         if ((child != n - 1) && eSet[child].weight > eSet[child + 1].weight) {
    241             child++;
    242         }
    243         if (x.weight <= eSet[child].weight) {
    244             break;
    245         } else {
    246             eSet[parent] = eSet[child];
    247         }
    248     }
    249     eSet[parent] = x;
    250 }
    252 /*
    253  * Initialize eSet heap and update it to be the minimal heap
    254  * @param graph A graph which is stored by adjacent list
    255  * @param eSet A array of the edge as the minimal heap
    256  */
    257 void initializeESet(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge eSet) {
    258     vertex v;
    259     ptrToAdjNode w;
    260     int counter = 0;
    261     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    262         for (w = graph->g[v].head; w; w = w->next) {
    263             /*
    264              * expect for put same edge to it,we only
    265              * put <v1,v2> to it.
    266              */
    267             if (v < w->adjVerx) {
    268                 eSet[counter].v1 = v;
    269                 eSet[counter].v2 = w->adjVerx;
    270                 eSet[counter].weight = w->weight;
    271                 counter++;
    272             }
    274         }
    275     }
    276     /*
    277      * Initialize the minimal heap
    278      */
    279     for (counter = graph->edge_nunber / 2; counter >= 0; counter--) {
    280         percDowm(eSet, counter, graph->edge_nunber);
    281     }
    282 }
    284 /*
    285  * Get minimal edge from the minimal weight heap
    286  * @param eset A array of edge to store the heap,because the edge is point variable
    287  * So the eSet is a edge type array,you can compare it with <code>int* arr</code>
    288  * @param The current size of the minimal heap
    289  * @return The index of the minimal edge in this heap(array)
    290  */
    291 int getEdge(edge eSet, int currentSize) {
    292     if (currentSize == 0) {
    293         return currentSize - 1;
    294     }
    295     struct eNode temp = eSet[currentSize - 1];
    296     eSet[currentSize - 1] = eSet[0];
    297     eSet[0] = temp;
    298     percDowm(eSet, 0, currentSize - 1);
    299     return currentSize - 1;
    300 }
    302 /*
    303  * Implement the kruskal algorithms to find the minimal created tree
    304  * Algorithms thought:we choose the minimal edge from graph but don't
    305  * construct a circle each time. Until we choose the V-1 edges. The V
    306  * is equal with the quantity of the graph's vertex
    307  * In this program,we will use a counter to record the quantity of edges
    308  * At last of this method,if we check the quantity of the edge is less than
    309  * V-1, it indicates the graph is not collected,so -1 will be return,otherwise we will return
    310  * the minimal created tree total weight.
    311  * @param graph A graph which is stored by adjacent list
    312  * @param mst A A graph which is stored by adjacent list to store the minimal created tree
    313  * @return If the graph is collected,the weight of the minimal created tree
    314  * will be return, otherwise return -1
    315  */
    316 int kruskal(adjacentTableGraph graph, adjacentTableGraph mst) {
    317     /*
    318      * totalWeight is to record the total weight
    319      * of the minimal created tree
    320      */
    321     weightType totalWeight;
    322     /*
    323      * eCounter is to record the quantity of edges which has been
    324      * insert the <code>mst<code>
    325      *
    326      * nextEdge is to record the next minimal edge in the minimal heap
    327      */
    328     int eCounter, nextEdge;
    330     /*
    331      *A set of the vertex to store the vertex and implement
    332      *some operation such as union find and so on
    333      */
    334     setType vSet;
    336     /*
    337      * A array of edge to as the minimal heap to store the egdes
    338      */
    339     edge eSet;
    341     /*
    342      * Initialize some variables
    343      */
    344     initializeVSet(vSet, graph->vertex_number);
    345     eSet = (edge) malloc((sizeof(struct eNode)) * (graph->edge_nunber));
    346     initializeESet(graph, eSet);
    347 //    mst = createLGraph(graph->vertex_number);
    348     totalWeight = 0;
    349     eCounter = 0;
    350     nextEdge = graph->edge_nunber;
    351     while (eCounter < graph->vertex_number - 1) {
    352         nextEdge = getEdge(eSet, nextEdge);
    353         if (nextEdge < 0) {
    354             break;
    355         }
    356         /*
    357          * Check whether a circle between two vertex
    358          */
    359         if (checkCircle(vSet, eSet[nextEdge].v1, eSet[nextEdge].v2)) {
    360             insertEdgeToLink(mst, eSet + nextEdge, 0);
    361             totalWeight += eSet[nextEdge].weight;
    362             eCounter++;
    363         }
    364     }
    365     if (eCounter < graph->vertex_number - 1) {
    366         totalWeight = -1;
    367     }
    368     return totalWeight;
    369 }
    371 /*========Use DFS to print the result of the minimal created tree==========*/
    372 /*
    373  * A method to access graph
    374  */
    375 void visit(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex v) {
    376     printf("%d ", v);
    377 }
    379 /*
    380  Depth first search a graph
    381  @param graph The graph need to search
    382  @param startPoint The fisrt point we start search the graph
    383  @paran int *visited The array we use to tag the vertex we has accessed.
    384  */
    385 void DFS(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) {
    386     ptrToAdjNode p;
    387     visit(graph, startPoint);
    388     p = graph->g[3].head;
    389     visited[startPoint] = 1;
    390     for (p = graph->g[startPoint].head; p; p = p->next) {
    391         if (visited[p->adjVerx] == 0) {
    392             DFS(graph, p->adjVerx, visited);
    393         }
    394     }
    395 }
    397 /*
    398  * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero
    399  */
    400 void initVisited(int length, int *visited) {
    401     int i;
    402     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    403         visited[i] = 0;
    404     }
    405 }
    407 int main() {
    408     adjacentTableGraph graph = buildLGraph(0);
    409     adjacentTableGraph mst = createLGraph(graph->vertex_number);
    410     vertex visited[graph->vertex_number];
    411     weightType totalWeight = kruskal(graph, mst);
    412     printf("totalWeight:%d
    ", totalWeight);
    413     initVisited(graph->vertex_number, visited);
    414     DFS(mst, 0, visited);
    415     return 0;
    416 }


     1 7 12
     2 1 2 2
     3 1 4 1
     4 2 5 10
     5 2 4 3
     6 3 1 4
     7 3 6 5
     8 4 3 2
     9 4 6 8
    10 4 7 4
    11 4 5 7
    12 5 7 6
    13 7 6 1
    15 Test result:
    16 totalWeigh:16
    17 0 1 3 6 4 5 2 
    Kruskal_Base_testData And result


      1 /*
      2  * path.c
      3  *
      4  *  Created on: 2017年5月15日
      5  *      Author: ygh
      6  */
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 10001 /*define the max number of the vertex*/
     11 #define INFINITY 65535     /*define double byte no negitive integer max number is 65535*/
     12 #define ERROR -1
     14 typedef int vertex; /*define the data type of the vertex*/
     15 typedef int weightType; /*define the data type of the weight*/
     16 typedef char dataType; /*define the data type of the vertex value*/
     18 /*define the data structure of the Edge*/
     19 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;
     20 typedef struct eNode {
     21     vertex v1, v2; /*two vertex between the edge <v1,v2>*/
     22     weightType weight; /*the value of the edge's weight */
     23 };
     24 typedef ptrToENode edge;
     26 /*==================A adjacent matrix to describe a graph=========================================*/
     28 /*define the data structure of the graph*/
     29 typedef struct gMNode *ptrTogMNode;
     30 typedef struct gMNode {
     31     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
     32     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
     33     weightType g[MAX_VERTEX_NUM][MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the adjacent matrix weight of graph*/
     34     dataType data[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the dataType array to store the value of vertex*/
     35 };
     36 typedef ptrTogMNode adjacentMatrixGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent matrix*/
     38 /*
     39  create a graph given the vertex number.
     40  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
     41  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
     42  */
     43 adjacentMatrixGraph createMGraph(int vertexNum) {
     44     vertex v, w;
     45     adjacentMatrixGraph graph;
     46     graph = (adjacentMatrixGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gMNode));
     47     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
     48     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
     49     /*initialize the adjacent matrix*/
     50     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
     51         for (w = 0; w < graph->vertex_number; w++) {
     52             graph->g[v][w] = INFINITY;
     53         }
     54     }
     56     return graph;
     57 }
     59 /*
     60  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
     61  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
     62  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
     63  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
     64  we will set adjacent matrix [n][m]=[m][n]=edge's weight,else we only set
     65  the adjacent matrix [n][m]=edge's weight
     66  */
     67 void inserEdgeToMatrix(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
     68     graph->g[e->v1][e->v2] = e->weight;
     69     if (!isOriented) {
     70         graph->g[e->v2][e->v1] = e->weight;
     71     }
     72 }
     74 /*
     75  construct a graph according user's input
     77  @return a graph has been filled good
     78  */
     79 adjacentMatrixGraph buildMGraph(int isOrdered) {
     80     adjacentMatrixGraph graph;
     81     edge e;
     82     vertex i;
     83     int vertex_num;
     84     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
     85     graph = createMGraph(vertex_num);
     86     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
     87     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
     88         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
     89         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
     90             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
     91             e->v1--;
     92             e->v2--;
     93             inserEdgeToMatrix(graph, e, isOrdered);
     94         }
     95     }
     96     return graph;
     98 }
    100 /*==================A adjacent link to describe a graph=========================================*/
    101 /*define the data structure adjacent table node*/
    102 typedef struct adjNode *ptrToAdjNode;
    103 typedef struct adjNode {
    104     vertex adjVerx; /*the index of the vertex*/
    105     weightType weight; /*the value of the weight*/
    106     ptrToAdjNode next; /*the point to point the next node*/
    107 };
    109 /*define the data structure of the adjacent head*/
    110 typedef struct vNode *ptrToVNode;
    111 typedef struct vNode {
    112     ptrToAdjNode head; /*the point to point the adjacent table node*/
    113     dataType data; /*the space to store the name of the vertex,but some time the vertex has no names*/
    114 } adjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
    116 /*define the data structure of graph*/
    117 typedef struct gLNode *ptrTogLNode;
    118 typedef struct gLNode {
    119     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
    120     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
    121     adjList g; /*adjacent table*/
    122 };
    123 typedef ptrTogLNode adjacentTableGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent table*/
    125 /*
    126  create a graph given the vertex number.
    127  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
    128  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
    129  */
    130 adjacentTableGraph createLGraph(int vertexNum) {
    131     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    133     vertex v;
    134     graph = (adjacentTableGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gLNode));
    135     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
    136     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
    137     /*initialize the adjacent table*/
    138     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    139         graph->g[v].head = NULL;
    140     }
    141     return graph;
    142 }
    144 /*
    145  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
    146  The e->v1 and e->v2 are the vertexs' indexs in the adjacent table
    147  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
    148  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
    149  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
    150  we will set adjacent table graph[v1]->head=v2 and set graph[v1].head=v2
    151  otherwise we only set graph[v1].head=v2
    152  */
    153 void insertEdgeToLink(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
    154     /*build node<v1,v2>*/
    155     ptrToAdjNode newNode;
    156     newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
    157     newNode->adjVerx = e->v2;
    158     newNode->weight = e->weight;
    159     newNode->next = graph->g[e->v1].head;
    160     graph->g[e->v1].head = newNode;
    161     /*if the graph is directed graph*/
    162     if (!isOriented) {
    163         newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
    164         newNode->adjVerx = e->v1;
    165         newNode->weight = e->weight;
    166         newNode->next = graph->g[e->v2].head;
    167         graph->g[e->v2].head = newNode;
    168     }
    169 }
    171 /*
    172  build a graph stored by adjacent table
    173  */
    174 adjacentTableGraph buildLGraph() {
    175     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    176     edge e;
    177     vertex i;
    178     int vertex_num;
    180     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
    181     graph = createLGraph(vertex_num);
    182     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
    183     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
    184         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    185         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
    186             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
    187             insertEdgeToLink(graph, e, 0);
    188         }
    189     }
    191     return graph;
    192 }
    194 /*
    195  * Find the minimal node closest to created tree
    196  */
    197 vertex findMinDist(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, weightType dist[]) {
    198     vertex minV, v;
    199     weightType minDist = INFINITY;
    200     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    201         if (dist[v] != 0 && dist[v] < minDist) {
    202             minDist = dist[v];
    203             minV = v;
    204         }
    205     }
    206     if (minDist < INFINITY) {
    207         return minV;
    208     } else {
    209         return ERROR;
    210     }
    211 }
    213 /*
    214  * Prim algorithms,we will store the minimal created tree with a adjacnet
    215  * list table and return the minimal weight
    216  * @param mGraph The graph showed by adjacent matrix is to store graph
    217  * @param lGraph The graph showed by adjacent list is to store the minimal created tree
    218  * @return The weight of the minimal created tree if the graph is connected, otherwise return
    219  * <code>ERROR</code>
    220  */
    221 int prim(adjacentMatrixGraph mGraph, adjacentTableGraph lGraph) {
    223     weightType dist[mGraph->vertex_number], totalWeight;
    224     vertex parent[mGraph->vertex_number], v, w;
    225     int vCounter;
    226     edge e;
    228     /*
    229      * Initialize dist and parent,default the start point is 0 index
    230      */
    231     for (v = 0; v < mGraph->vertex_number; v++) {
    232         dist[v] = mGraph->g[0][v];
    233         parent[v] = 0;
    234     }
    236     /*
    237      * Initialize weight and vertex counter
    238      */
    239     totalWeight = 0;
    240     vCounter = 0;
    241     /*
    242      * Initialize a edge
    243      */
    244     e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    246     /*
    247      * Initialize dist[0] as the root of tree and set parent[0] to -1
    248      */
    249     dist[0] = 0;
    250     vCounter++;
    251     parent[0] = -1;
    252     /*
    253      * Execute Prim algorithms
    254      */
    255     while (1) {
    256         v = findMinDist(mGraph, dist);
    257         if (v == ERROR) {
    258             break;
    259         }
    261         /*
    262          * Put <v,parent[v]> to tree
    263          */
    264         e->v1 = parent[v];
    265         e->v2 = v;
    266         e->weight = dist[v];
    267         insertEdgeToLink(lGraph, e, 1);
    268         totalWeight += dist[v];
    269         vCounter++;
    270         dist[v] = 0;
    272         /*
    273          * Update the v adjacent vertex distance with minimal tree
    274          */
    275         for (w = 0; w < mGraph->vertex_number; w++) {
    276             /*
    277              * If w is v adjacent vetex and not be added to minimal tree
    278              */
    279             if (dist[w] != 0 && mGraph->g[v][w] < INFINITY) {
    280                 /*
    281                  * Update the distance to minimal created tree
    282                  */
    283                 if (mGraph->g[v][w] < dist[w]) {
    284                     dist[w] = mGraph->g[v][w];
    285                     parent[w] = v;
    286                 }
    287             }
    288         }
    289     }
    290     if (vCounter < mGraph->vertex_number) {
    291         return ERROR;
    292     } else {
    293         return totalWeight;
    294     }
    295 }
    297 /*========Use DFS to print the result of the minimal created tree==========*/
    298 /*
    299  * A method to access graph
    300  */
    301 void visit(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex v) {
    302     printf("%d ", v);
    303 }
    305 /*
    306  Depth first search a graph
    307  @param graph The graph need to search
    308  @param startPoint The fisrt point we start search the graph
    309  @paran int *visited The array we use to tag the vertex we has accessed.
    310  */
    311 void DFS(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) {
    312     ptrToAdjNode p;
    313     visit(graph, startPoint);
    314     p = graph->g[3].head;
    315     visited[startPoint] = 1;
    316     for (p = graph->g[startPoint].head; p; p = p->next) {
    317         if (visited[p->adjVerx] == 0) {
    318             DFS(graph, p->adjVerx, visited);
    319         }
    320     }
    321 }
    323 /*
    324  * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero
    325  */
    326 void initVisited(int length, int *visited) {
    327     int i;
    328     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    329         visited[i] = 0;
    330     }
    331 }
    333 int main() {
    334     adjacentTableGraph lGraph;
    335     adjacentMatrixGraph mGraph = buildMGraph(0);
    336     vertex visited[mGraph->vertex_number];
    337     lGraph = createLGraph(mGraph->vertex_number);
    338     weightType totalWeigt = prim(mGraph, lGraph);
    339     printf("%d
    ", totalWeigt);
    340     return 0;
    341 }


      1 /*
      2  * kruskal.c
      3  *
      4  *  Created on: 2017年5月15日
      5  *      Author: ygh
      6  */
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     11 #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 10001 /*define the max number of the vertex*/
     12 #define INFINITY 65535     /*define double byte no negitive integer max number is 65535*/
     13 #define ERROR -1
     15 typedef int vertex; /*define the data type of the vertex*/
     16 typedef int weightType; /*define the data type of the weight*/
     17 typedef char dataType; /*define the data type of the vertex value*/
     19 /*define the data structure of the Edge*/
     20 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;
     21 typedef struct eNode {
     22     vertex v1, v2; /*two vertex between the edge <v1,v2>*/
     23     weightType weight; /*the value of the edge's weight */
     24 };
     25 typedef ptrToENode edge;
     27 /*==================A adjacent link to describe a graph=========================================*/
     28 /*define the data structure adjacent table node*/
     29 typedef struct adjNode *ptrToAdjNode;
     30 typedef struct adjNode {
     31     vertex adjVerx; /*the index of the vertex*/
     32     weightType weight; /*the value of the weight*/
     33     ptrToAdjNode next; /*the point to point the next node*/
     34 };
     36 /*define the data structure of the adjacent head*/
     37 typedef struct vNode *ptrToVNode;
     38 typedef struct vNode {
     39     ptrToAdjNode head; /*the point to point the adjacent table node*/
     40     dataType data; /*the space to store the name of the vertex,but some time the vertex has no names*/
     41 } adjList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
     43 /*define the data structure of graph*/
     44 typedef struct gLNode *ptrTogLNode;
     45 typedef struct gLNode {
     46     int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/
     47     int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/
     48     adjList g; /*adjacent table*/
     49 };
     50 typedef ptrTogLNode adjacentTableGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent table*/
     52 /*
     53  create a graph given the vertex number.
     54  @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph
     55  @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs
     56  */
     57 adjacentTableGraph createLGraph(int vertexNum) {
     58     adjacentTableGraph graph;
     60     vertex v;
     61     graph = (adjacentTableGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gLNode));
     62     graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;
     63     graph->edge_nunber = 0;
     64     /*initialize the adjacent table*/
     65     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
     66         graph->g[v].head = NULL;
     67     }
     68     return graph;
     69 }
     71 /*
     72  insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph
     73  The e->v1 and e->v2 are the vertexs' indexs in the adjacent table
     74  @param graph The graph you want to insert edge
     75  @param e The edge you want to insert the graph
     76  @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented
     77  we will set adjacent table graph[v1]->head=v2 and set graph[v1].head=v2
     78  otherwise we only set graph[v1].head=v2
     79  */
     80 void insertEdgeToLink(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {
     81     /*build node<v1,v2>*/
     82     ptrToAdjNode newNode;
     83     newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
     84     newNode->adjVerx = e->v2;
     85     newNode->weight = e->weight;
     86     newNode->next = graph->g[e->v1].head;
     87     graph->g[e->v1].head = newNode;
     88     /*if the graph is directed graph*/
     89     if (!isOriented) {
     90         newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));
     91         newNode->adjVerx = e->v1;
     92         newNode->weight = e->weight;
     93         newNode->next = graph->g[e->v2].head;
     94         graph->g[e->v2].head = newNode;
     95     }
     96 }
     98 /*
     99  build a graph stored by adjacent table
    100  */
    101 adjacentTableGraph buildLGraph(int isOrdered) {
    102     adjacentTableGraph graph;
    103     edge e;
    104     vertex i;
    105     int vertex_num;
    107     scanf("%d", &vertex_num);
    108     graph = createLGraph(vertex_num);
    109     scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));
    110     if (graph->edge_nunber) {
    111         e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));
    112         for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {
    113             scanf("%d %d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2, &e->weight);
    114             e->v1--;
    115             e->v2--;
    116             insertEdgeToLink(graph, e, isOrdered);
    117         }
    118     }
    120     return graph;
    121 }
    123 /*----------------------define collection and some operator of graph's nodes-----------------------------*/
    125 /*
    126  * The element of collection
    127  */
    128 typedef vertex elementType;
    130 /*
    131  * The index of root element,we use it as the collection name
    132  */
    133 typedef vertex setName;
    135 /*
    136  * A array to store the collection,we set the
    137  * first index is 0
    138  */
    139 typedef elementType setType[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
    141 /*
    142  * Initialize collection
    143  * @param A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    144  * many collection will be stored in this array
    145  * @param n The length of the collection
    146  */
    147 void initializeVSet(setType s, int n) {
    148     elementType x;
    149     for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    150         s[x] = -1;
    151     }
    152 }
    154 /*
    155  * Union two collections which is showed by root element.We will union smaller collection
    156  * to greater collection and we will update the quantity for greater collection
    157  * @param s A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    158  * many collection will be stored in this array
    159  * @param root1 The root element of the first collection
    160  * @param root2 The root element of the second collection
    161  */
    162 void unionCollection(setType s, setName root1, setName root2) {
    163     /*
    164      * If root2's quantity greater than root1
    165      */
    166     if (s[root2] < s[root1]) {
    167         s[root2] += s[root1];
    168         s[root1] = root2;
    169     } else {
    170         s[root1] += s[root2];
    171         s[root2] = root1;
    172     }
    173 }
    175 /*
    176  * Find the element in which collection and use the root element
    177  * to represent this collection and return it.In this method,we will compress path
    178  * @param s A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    179  * many collection will be stored in this array
    180  * @param x The element we find which collection it in.
    181  */
    182 setName find(setType s, elementType x) {
    183     if (s[x] < 0) {
    184         return x;
    185     } else {
    186         /*
    187          *compress path
    188          */
    189         return s[x] = find(s, s[x]);
    190     }
    191 }
    193 /*
    194  * Check v1 and v1 whether is belong to a same collection. If not union these
    195  * two collection,otherwise do nothing.
    196  * @param vSet A <code>elementType</code> array to store the collections,maybe
    197  * many collection will be stored in this array
    198  * @param v1 The index of node in the graph,also the element is the collection.
    199  * @param v2 The index of node in the graph,also the element is the collection.
    200  * @return If the two element is belong same collection,union them and return 1
    201  * else do nothing and return 0;
    202  */
    203 int checkCircle(setType vSet, vertex v1, vertex v2) {
    204     setName root1 = find(vSet, v1);
    205     setName root2 = find(vSet, v2);
    206     if (root1 == root2) {
    207         return 0;
    208     } else {
    209         unionCollection(vSet, root1, root2);
    210         return 1;
    211     }
    212 }
    214 /*-------------define the minimal heap of edge-------------------*/
    216 /*
    217  * Update the tree whose root element index is p into minimal heap,we use the edgs's
    218  * weight as the to construct the minimal heap.
    219  *
    220  * @param eset A array of edge to store the heap,because the edge is point variable
    221  * So the eSet is a edge type array,you can compare it with <code>int* arr</code>
    222  * @param The index of the root element.
    223  * @param n The length of the heap,the max index is n-1 in this case. And
    224  * this heap index is start from zero.
    225  */
    226 void percDowm(edge eSet, int p, int n) {
    227     int parent, child;
    228     struct eNode x;
    230     x = eSet[p];
    231     for (parent = p; (parent * 2 + 1) < n; parent = child) {
    232         /*
    233          * Because the first index if from zero,so the left child
    234          * is parent*2+1
    235          */
    236         child = parent * 2 + 1;
    237         /*
    238          * Find smaller weigh between the left child and right child
    239          */
    240         if ((child != n - 1) && eSet[child].weight > eSet[child + 1].weight) {
    241             child++;
    242         }
    243         if (x.weight <= eSet[child].weight) {
    244             break;
    245         } else {
    246             eSet[parent] = eSet[child];
    247         }
    248     }
    249     eSet[parent] = x;
    250 }
    252 /*
    253  * Initialize eSet heap and update it to be the minimal heap
    254  * @param graph A graph which is stored by adjacent list
    255  * @param eSet A array of the edge as the minimal heap
    256  */
    257 void initializeESet(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge eSet) {
    258     vertex v;
    259     ptrToAdjNode w;
    260     int counter = 0;
    261     for (v = 0; v < graph->vertex_number; v++) {
    262         for (w = graph->g[v].head; w; w = w->next) {
    263             /*
    264              * expect for put same edge to it,we only
    265              * put <v1,v2> to it.
    266              */
    267             if (v < w->adjVerx) {
    268                 eSet[counter].v1 = v;
    269                 eSet[counter].v2 = w->adjVerx;
    270                 eSet[counter].weight = w->weight;
    271                 counter++;
    272             }
    274         }
    275     }
    276     /*
    277      * Initialize the minimal heap
    278      */
    279     for (counter = graph->edge_nunber / 2; counter >= 0; counter--) {
    280         percDowm(eSet, counter, graph->edge_nunber);
    281     }
    282 }
    284 /*
    285  * Get minimal edge from the minimal weight heap
    286  * @param eset A array of edge to store the heap,because the edge is point variable
    287  * So the eSet is a edge type array,you can compare it with <code>int* arr</code>
    288  * @param The current size of the minimal heap
    289  * @return The index of the minimal edge in this heap(array)
    290  */
    291 int getEdge(edge eSet, int currentSize) {
    292     if (currentSize == 0) {
    293         return currentSize - 1;
    294     }
    295     struct eNode temp = eSet[currentSize - 1];
    296     eSet[currentSize - 1] = eSet[0];
    297     eSet[0] = temp;
    298     percDowm(eSet, 0, currentSize - 1);
    299     return currentSize - 1;
    300 }
    302 /*
    303  * Implement the kruskal algorithms to find the minimal created tree
    304  * Algorithms thought:we choose the minimal edge from graph but don't
    305  * construct a circle each time. Until we choose the V-1 edges. The V
    306  * is equal with the quantity of the graph's vertex
    307  * In this program,we will use a counter to record the quantity of edges
    308  * At last of this method,if we check the quantity of the edge is less than
    309  * V-1, it indicates the graph is not collected,so -1 will be return,otherwise we will return
    310  * the minimal created tree total weight.
    311  * @param graph A graph which is stored by adjacent list
    312  * @param mst A A graph which is stored by adjacent list to store the minimal created tree
    313  * @return If the graph is collected,the weight of the minimal created tree
    314  * will be return, otherwise return -1
    315  */
    316 int kruskal(adjacentTableGraph graph, adjacentTableGraph mst) {
    317     /*
    318      * totalWeight is to record the total weight
    319      * of the minimal created tree
    320      */
    321     weightType totalWeight;
    322     /*
    323      * eCounter is to record the quantity of edges which has been
    324      * insert the <code>mst<code>
    325      *
    326      * nextEdge is to record the next minimal edge in the minimal heap
    327      */
    328     int eCounter, nextEdge;
    330     /*
    331      *A set of the vertex to store the vertex and implement
    332      *some operation such as union find and so on
    333      */
    334     setType vSet;
    336     /*
    337      * A array of edge to as the minimal heap to store the egdes
    338      */
    339     edge eSet;
    341     /*
    342      * Initialize some variables
    343      */
    344     initializeVSet(vSet, graph->vertex_number);
    345     eSet = (edge) malloc((sizeof(struct eNode)) * (graph->edge_nunber));
    346     initializeESet(graph, eSet);
    347 //    mst = createLGraph(graph->vertex_number);
    348     totalWeight = 0;
    349     eCounter = 0;
    350     nextEdge = graph->edge_nunber;
    351     while (eCounter < graph->vertex_number - 1) {
    352         nextEdge = getEdge(eSet, nextEdge);
    353         if (nextEdge < 0) {
    354             break;
    355         }
    356         /*
    357          * Check whether a circle between two vertex
    358          */
    359         if (checkCircle(vSet, eSet[nextEdge].v1, eSet[nextEdge].v2)) {
    360             insertEdgeToLink(mst, eSet + nextEdge, 0);
    361             totalWeight += eSet[nextEdge].weight;
    362             eCounter++;
    363         }
    364     }
    365     if (eCounter < graph->vertex_number - 1) {
    366         totalWeight = -1;
    367     }
    368     return totalWeight;
    369 }
    371 /*========Use DFS to print the result of the minimal created tree==========*/
    372 /*
    373  * A method to access graph
    374  */
    375 void visit(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex v) {
    376     printf("%d ", v);
    377 }
    379 /*
    380  Depth first search a graph
    381  @param graph The graph need to search
    382  @param startPoint The fisrt point we start search the graph
    383  @paran int *visited The array we use to tag the vertex we has accessed.
    384  */
    385 void DFS(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) {
    386     ptrToAdjNode p;
    387     visit(graph, startPoint);
    388     p = graph->g[3].head;
    389     visited[startPoint] = 1;
    390     for (p = graph->g[startPoint].head; p; p = p->next) {
    391         if (visited[p->adjVerx] == 0) {
    392             DFS(graph, p->adjVerx, visited);
    393         }
    394     }
    395 }
    397 /*
    398  * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero
    399  */
    400 void initVisited(int length, int *visited) {
    401     int i;
    402     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    403         visited[i] = 0;
    404     }
    405 }
    407 int main() {
    408     adjacentTableGraph graph = buildLGraph(0);
    409     adjacentTableGraph mst = createLGraph(graph->vertex_number);
    410     vertex visited[graph->vertex_number];
    411     weightType totalWeight = kruskal(graph, mst);
    412     printf("%d
    ", totalWeight);
    413     /*initVisited(graph->vertex_number, visited);
    414     DFS(mst, 0, visited);*/
    415     return 0;
    416 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yghjava/p/6858364.html
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