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  • Python基础(五) python装饰器使用

    # -*- coding:gbk -*-
    '''示例1: 最简单的函数,表示调用了两次'''
    def myfunc():
        print("myfunc() called.")
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例2: 替换函数(装饰) 装饰函数的参数是被装饰的函数对象,返回原函数对象 装饰的实质语句: myfunc = deco(myfunc)''' def deco(func): print("before myfunc() called.") func() print(" after myfunc() called.") return func def myfunc(): print(" myfunc() called.") myfunc = deco(myfunc) myfunc() myfunc()
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例3: 使用语法糖@来装饰函数,相当于“myfunc = deco(myfunc)” 但发现新函数只在第一次被调用,且原函数多调用了一次''' def deco(func): print("before myfunc() called.") func() print(" after myfunc() called.") return func @deco def myfunc(): print(" myfunc() called.") myfunc() myfunc()

    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例4: 使用内嵌包装函数来确保每次新函数都被调用, 内嵌包装函数的形参和返回值与原函数相同,装饰函数返回内嵌包装函数对象''' def deco(func): def _deco(): print("before myfunc() called.") func() print(" after myfunc() called.") # 不需要返回func,实际上应返回原函数的返回值 return _deco @deco def myfunc(): print(" myfunc() called.") return 'ok' myfunc() myfunc()
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例5: 对带参数的函数进行装饰, 内嵌包装函数的形参和返回值与原函数相同,装饰函数返回内嵌包装函数对象''' def deco(func): def _deco(a, b): print("before myfunc() called.") ret = func(a, b) print(" after myfunc() called. result: %s" % ret) return ret return _deco @deco def myfunc(a, b): print(" myfunc(%s,%s) called." % (a, b)) return a + b myfunc(1, 2) myfunc(3, 4)

    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例6: 对参数数量不确定的函数进行装饰, 参数用(*args, **kwargs),自动适应变参和命名参数''' def deco(func): def _deco(*args, **kwargs): print("before %s called." % func.__name__) ret = func(*args, **kwargs) print(" after %s called. result: %s" % (func.__name__, ret)) return ret return _deco @deco def myfunc(a, b): print(" myfunc(%s,%s) called." % (a, b)) return a+b @deco def myfunc2(a, b, c): print(" myfunc2(%s,%s,%s) called." % (a, b, c)) return a+b+c myfunc(1, 2) myfunc(3, 4) myfunc2(1, 2, 3) myfunc2(3, 4, 5)
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例7: 在示例4的基础上,让装饰器带参数, 和上一示例相比在外层多了一层包装。 装饰函数名实际上应更有意义些''' def deco(arg): def _deco(func): def __deco(): print("before %s called [%s]." % (func.__name__, arg)) func() print(" after %s called [%s]." % (func.__name__, arg)) return __deco return _deco @deco("mymodule") def myfunc(): print(" myfunc() called.") @deco("module2") def myfunc2(): print(" myfunc2() called.") myfunc() myfunc2()
    第八步:让装饰器带 类 参数
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例8: 装饰器带类参数''' class locker: def __init__(self): print("locker.__init__() should be not called.") @staticmethod def acquire(): print("locker.acquire() called.(这是静态方法)") @staticmethod def release(): print(" locker.release() called.(不需要对象实例)") def deco(cls): '''cls 必须实现acquire和release静态方法''' def _deco(func): def __deco(): print("before %s called [%s]." % (func.__name__, cls)) cls.acquire() try: return func() finally: cls.release() return __deco return _deco @deco(locker) def myfunc(): print(" myfunc() called.") myfunc() myfunc()
    # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''mylocker.py: 公共类 for 示例9.py''' class mylocker: def __init__(self): print("mylocker.__init__() called.") @staticmethod def acquire(): print("mylocker.acquire() called.") @staticmethod def unlock(): print(" mylocker.unlock() called.") class lockerex(mylocker): @staticmethod def acquire(): print("lockerex.acquire() called.") @staticmethod def unlock(): print(" lockerex.unlock() called.") def lockhelper(cls): '''cls 必须实现acquire和release静态方法''' def _deco(func): def __deco(*args, **kwargs): print("before %s called." % func.__name__) cls.acquire() try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: cls.unlock() return __deco return _deco # -*- coding:gbk -*- '''示例9: 装饰器带类参数,并分拆公共类到其他py文件中 同时演示了对一个函数应用多个装饰器''' from mylocker import * class example: @lockhelper(mylocker) def myfunc(self): print(" myfunc() called.") @lockhelper(mylocker) @lockhelper(lockerex) def myfunc2(self, a, b): print(" myfunc2() called.") return a + b if __name__=="__main__": a = example() a.myfunc() print(a.myfunc()) print(a.myfunc2(1, 2)) print(a.myfunc2(3, 4))

    def login(url,data):#装饰器两个参数
        def war(func):
            def  ck(a): #函数一个参数
                a='555' #这里将函数的参数值给改了。
                print "Start"
                ret = func(a)
                print ret
                print "End"
                return ret
            return ck
        return war

    def to_int(str):

    print to_int('777') #调用函数

    D:Python27python.exe D:/HttpRunnerManager-master/HttpRunnerManager-master/test.py
    1. Python装饰器学习 http://blog.csdn.net/thy38/article/details/4471421 2. Python装饰器与面向切面编程 http://www.cnblogs.com/huxi/archive/2011/03/01/1967600.html 3. Python装饰器的理解 http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/17572338


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