Generate 10,000 random numbers and create a histogram. Thehistogram
function automatically chooses
an appropriate number of bins to cover the range of values inx
and show the shape of the
underlying distribution.
x = randn(10000,1); h = histogram(x)
randn(100001)产生10 000个均值0,标准差
clc clear close all imgColor = imread('one_section_bianjihou.jpg'); imgGray = rgb2gray(imgColor); %% imhist figure('name', 'imhist'), imhist(imgGray); %% histogram figure('name', 'histogram auto'), % histogram函数自动计算NumBins值 hist2 = histogram(imgGray); % Find the bin counts binCounts = hist2.Values; % Get bin number binNum = hist2.NumBins; %% histogram 指定NumBins值 % Specify number of histogram bins figure('name', 'histogram256'), hist256 = histogram(imgGray, 256); % 等同于 imhist(imgGray)