1:Proc sql中的选项
Double Spacing your output to make it easier to read.
1.4:FLOW | NOFLOW | FLOW=n | FLOW=n m
The FLOW option causes text to be flowed in its column instead of wrapping the entire row
n sets the width of the flowed column
n m使得列的宽度在n - m之间
1.6:Resetting Options
You can use the RESET statement to add, drop, or change PROC SQL options without reinvoking the SQL procedure.
proc sql outobs=5; select flightnumber, destination from sasuser.internationalflights; reset number; select flightnumber, destination from sasuser.internationalflights where boarded gt 200; quit;
proc sql number; select name, address, city, state, zipcode from sasuser.frequentflyers; reset nonumber; select name, address, city, state, zipcode from sasuser.frequentflyers where pointsearned gt 7000 and pointsused lt 3000; quit;
Dictionary tables are special, read-only SAS tables that contain information about SAS data libraries, SAS macros, and external files that are in use or available in the current SAS session.(除了不能改变表,其他的一切对已表的基本操作都可以做)
Dictionary tables also contain the settings for SAS system options and SAS titles and footnotes that are currently in effect,Dictionary.Columns table contains information (such as name, type, length, and format) about all columns
Dictionary table by referring to the PROC SQL view of the table that is stored in the Sashelp library.
dictionary tables只能通过sql访问,表或视图都行
proc sql; describe table dictionary.tables; quit;
create table DICTIONARY.TABLES ( libname char(8) label='Library Name', memname char(32) label='Member Name', memtype char(8) label='Member Type', dbms_memtype char(32) label='DBMS Member Type', memlabel char(256) label='Data Set Label', typemem char(8) label='Data Set Type', crdate num format=DATETIME informat=DATETIME label='Date Created', modate num format=DATETIME informat=DATETIME label='Date Modified', nobs num label='Number of Physical Observations', obslen num label='Observation Length', nvar num label='Number of Variables', protect char(3) label='Type of Password Protection', compress char(8) label='Compression Routine', encrypt char(8) label='Encryption',
proc sql; select memname format=$20., nobs, nvar, crdate from dictionary.tables where libname='SASUSER';
proc sql; select memname from dictionary.columns where libname='SASUSER' and name='EmpID';