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  • APP 接口开发及读取静态缓存

     1 <?php
     2 /**
     3  * Description: App 接口
     4  * Create date:2015-10-19 13:36
     5  * Author: zhaoyingnan
     6  **/
     7 class Response
     8 {
     9     /**
    10      * 综合方式
    11      * @author  zhaoyingnan 2015-10-19 11:24
    12      * @param   int         $iCode  状态码
    13      * @param   string      $sMsg   提示信息                                                                                                                                                 
    14      * @param   mix         $mixData    data
    15      * @param   string      $sType  接口返回类型
    16      * @return  string
    17      **/
    18     static function show($iCode, $sMsg = '', $mixData = '', $sType = 'json')
    19     {   
    20         if(!is_numeric($iCode))
    21             return ''; 
    22         $arData =   array(
    23             'code'      =>  $iCode,
    24             'message'   =>  $sMsg,
    25             'data'      =>  $mixData
    26         );  
    27         switch($sType)
    28         {   
    29         case 'array':
    30             echo '<pre>';
    31             print_r($arData);
    32             echo '</pre>';
    33             break;
    34         case 'xml':
    35             self::xml($arData);
    36             break;
    37         default:
    38             self::json($arData);
    39         }   
    40     }   
    42     /** 
    43      * json
    44      * @author  zhaoyingnan 2015-10-19 10:21
    45      * @param   array       $arData
    46      * @return  string  
    47      **/
    48     private function json($arData= array())
    49     {   
    50         exit(json_encode($arData));
    51     }  
    53     /**
    54      * xml
    55      * @author  zhaoyingnan 2015-10-19 10:21
    56      * @param   array       $arData
    57      * @return  string  
    58      **/
    59     private function xml($arData = array())
    60     {
    61         header('Content-Type:text/xml');
    62         $sXml   =   '';
    63         $sXml   .=  "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    64         $sXml   .=  "<root>
    65         $sXml   .=  self::xmlEncode($arData);
    66         $sXml   .=  "</root>
    67         exit($sXml);
    68     }
    70     /**
    71      * xml encode
    72      * @author  zhaoyingnan 2015-10-19 11:10
    73      * @param   array       $arData
    74      * @return  string  
    75      **/
    76     private function xmlEncode($arData = array())
    77     {
    78         if(!$arData)
    79             return '';
    80         $sXml = $sAttr= '';
    81         foreach($arData as $mKey => $mVal)
    82         {
    83             if(is_numeric($mKey))
    84             {
    85                 $sAttr  =   " id='{$mKey}'";
    86                 $mKey   =   'item';
    87             }
    88             $sXml   .=  is_array($mVal) ? self::xmlEncode($mVal) : "<{$mKey}{$sAttr}>{$mVal}</{$mKey}>";
    89         }
    90         return $sXml;
    91     }
    92 }
    93 ?>
     1 <?php                                                                                                                                                                                        
     2 /**
     3  * Description: 静态缓存
     4  * Create date:2015-10-19 13:36
     5  * Author: zhaoyingnan
     6  **/
     7 class file
     8 {
     9     private $sExt   =   '.txt';
    11     /** 
    12      * 生成/删除/获取 缓存
    13      * @author  zhaoyingnan 2015-10-19 11:33
    14      * @param   string      $sKey       文件名
    15      * @param   mix         $mixValue   被缓存的数据(为''时表示获取缓存,为NUll时为删除缓存文件,否则为生成缓存)
    16      * @param   string      $sPath      文件保存的路径
    17      * @param   int         $iCacheTime 缓存时间(秒),0为永不过期    
    18      * @return  boolean
    19      **/
    20     public function cacheData($sKey, $mixValue = '', $sPath = '/alidata/www/lianxi/file/', $iCacheTime = 0)
    21     {   
    22         $sPath  =   rtrim($sPath, '/').'/';
    23         $sFileName  =   $sPath.$sKey.$this->sExt;
    24         //生成缓存文件
    25         if($mixValue)
    26         {   
    27             if(!is_dir($sPath))
    28                 mkdir($sPath, 0777);
    29             $iCacheTime =   sprintf('%011d', $iCacheTime);
    30             return file_put_contents($sFileName, $iCacheTime.json_encode($mixValue));
    31         }   
    33         if(is_file($sFileName) && !$mixValue)
    34         {   
    35             if(is_null($mixValue))
    36             {   
    37                 //删除缓存
    38                 return unlink($sFileName);
    39             }   
    41             //获取缓存
    42             $sContent   =   file_get_contents($sFileName);
    43             $iTime = intval(substr($sContent, 0, 11));
    44             $sContent   =   substr($sContent, 11);
    45             if($iTime != 0 && $iTime + filemtime($sFileName) < time())
    46             {   
    47                 //过期了,删除
    48                 unlink($sFileName);
    49                 return FALSE;
    50             }   
    51             return $sContent;
    52         }
    53         else
    54         {
    55             return FALSE;
    56         }
    57     }
    58 }
    59 ?>
     1 <?php                                                                                                                                                                                        
     2 include 'response.php';
     3 include 'file.php';
     4 $_GET['format'] =   isset($_GET['format']) && in_array($_GET['format'], array('xml', 'json', 'array')) ? $_GET['format'] : 'json';
     5 $file = new File();
     6 //删除缓存
     7 //exit(var_dump($file->cacheData('index_cache', null)));
     9 if(!$sContent = $file->cacheData('index_cache'))
    10 {
    11     //echo "获取缓存失败
    12     //echo "获取数据
    13     $arData =   array(
    14         'id'    =>  1,  
    15         'name'  =>  'TeddyNan',
    16         'sex'   =>  23, 
    17         array(
    18             'nani'=>array(
    19                 'g'=>'gg',
    20                 2,  
    21                 4   
    22             )   
    23         )   
    24     );  
    25     //echo "生成缓存
    27     $file->cacheData('index_cache', $arData, '/alidata/www/lianxi/file/', 0); 
    28     Response::show(0, 'success', $arData, $_GET['format']);
    29 }
    30 else
    31 {
    32     Response::show(0, 'success', json_decode($sContent, TRUE), $_GET['format']);
    33 }
    34 ?>
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    将大数组里面的小数组平行展开的实现(Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python)
    bootstrap table表格加载本地数据
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yingnan/p/4891986.html
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