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  • MyBatis 示例-联合查询


    MyBatis 提供了两种联合查询的方式,一种是嵌套查询,一种是嵌套结果。先说结论:在项目中不建议使用嵌套查询,会出现性能问题,可以使用嵌套结果。






    • 其中学生表是我们关注的中心,学生证表和它是一对一的关联关系;
    • 而学生表和课程成绩表是一对多的关系,一个学生可能有多门课程;
    • 课程表和课程成绩表也是一对多的关系;
    • 学生有男有女,而健康项目也有所不一,所以女性学生和男性学生的健康表也会有所不同,这些是根据学生的性别来决定的,而鉴别学生性别的就是鉴别器。



    • 一对一的关系;
    • 一对多的关系;
    • 多对多的关系,实际使用过程中是把多对多的关系分解为两个一对多的关系,以降低关系的复杂度;
    • 还有一种是鉴别关系,比如我们去体检,男女有别,男性和女性的体检项目并不完全一样;

    所以在 MyBatis 中联合分为这么3种:association、collection 和 discriminator。

    • association:代表一对一关系;
    • collection:代表一对多关系;
    • discriminator:代表鉴别器,它可以根据实际选择采用哪种类作为实例,允许你根据特定的条件去关联不同的结果集;



    以学生表作为关注的中心,学生表和学生证表是一对一的关系。POJO 对象和映射文件的实现如下:


    public class StudentDO {
        private Long id;
        private String name;
        private Sex sex;
        private Long selfcardNo;
        private String note;
        private StudentSelfcardDO studentSelfcard;
        // get set 方法


    <!-- 联合查询:嵌套查询 -->
    <resultMap id="studentMap1" type="studentDO">
        <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
        <result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />
        <result column="sex" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="sex"
        <result column="selfcard_no" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="selfcardNo" />
        <result column="note" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="note" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:一对一级联 -->
        <association property="studentSelfcard" column="{studentId=id}"
                     select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentSelfcardDao.listByConditions" />

    一对一的关系建立通过 <association> 元素实现,该元素中的属性描述如下所示:

    • property:JavaBean 中对应的属性字段;
    • column:数据库的列名或者列标签别名。与传递给 resultSet.getString(columnName) 的参数名称相同。注意: 在处理组合键时,您可以使用 column= "{prop1=col1,prop2=col2}" 这样的语法,设置多个列名传入到嵌套查询语句。这就会把 prop1 和 prop2 设置到目标嵌套选择语句的参数对象中;
    • select:通过这个属性,通过 ID 引用另一个加载复杂类型的映射语句。
    • fetchType: 设置局部延迟加载,它有两个取值范围,即 eager 和 lazy。它的默认值取决于你在配置文件settings 的配置,如果没有配置它,默认是 eager,一旦配置了,全局配置(lazyLoadingEnabled)就会被他们覆盖;


    以学生表作为关注的中心,学生表和课程表是一对多的关系。POJO 对象和映射文件的实现如下:


    public class StudentDO {
        private Long id;
        private String name;
        private Sex sex;
        private Long selfcardNo;
        private String note;
        private StudentSelfcardDO studentSelfcard;
        private List<StudentLectureDO> studentLectures;
        // get set 方法


    <!-- 联合查询:嵌套查询 -->
    <resultMap id="studentMap1" type="studentDO">
        <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
        <result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />
        <result column="sex" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="sex"
        <result column="selfcard_no" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="selfcardNo" />
        <result column="note" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="note" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:一对一级联 -->
        <association property="studentSelfcard" column="{studentId=id}"
                     select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentSelfcardDao.listByConditions" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:一对多级联 -->
        <collection property="studentLectures" column="{studentId=id}"
                    select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentLectureDao.listByConditions" />

    一对一的关系建立通过 <collection> 元素实现,该元素中的属性描述和 <association> 元素一样


    以学生表作为关注的中心,不同性别的学生关联不同的健康指标。POJO 对象和映射文件的实现如下:

    首先,我们需要新建两个健康情况的 POJO,即 StudentHealthMaleDO和 StudentHealthFemaleDO,分别存储男性和女性的基础信息,再新建两个 StudentDO 的子类:MaleStudentDO 和 FemaleStudentDO,关联健康情况的 POJO。

     * 男生
    public class MaleStudentDO extends StudentDO {
        private List<StudentHealthMaleDO> studentHealthMales;
        // get set 方法
     * 女生
    public class FemaleStudentDO extends StudentDO {
        private List<StudentHealthFemaleDO> studentHealthFemales;
        // get set 方法


    <!-- 联合查询:嵌套查询 -->
    <resultMap id="studentMap1" type="studentDO">
        <id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
        <result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />
        <result column="sex" jdbcType="TINYINT" property="sex"
        <result column="selfcard_no" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="selfcardNo" />
        <result column="note" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="note" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:一对一级联 -->
        <association property="studentSelfcard" column="{studentId=id}"
                     select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentSelfcardDao.listByConditions" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:一对多级联 -->
        <collection property="studentLectures" column="{studentId=id}"
                    select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentLectureDao.listByConditions" />
        <!-- 嵌套查询:鉴别器 -->
        <!-- discriminator:使用结果值来决定使用哪个 resultMap -->
        <!-- case:基于某些值的结果映射 -->
        <discriminator javaType="int" column="sex">
            <case value="1" resultMap="maleStudentMap1" />
            <case value="2" resultMap="femaleStudentMap1" />
    <!-- 男 -->
    <resultMap id="maleStudentMap1" type="maleStudentDO" extends="studentMap1">
        <collection property="studentHealthMales" column="{studentId=id}"
                    select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentHealthMaleDao.listByConditions" />
    <!-- 女 -->
    <resultMap id="femaleStudentMap1" type="femaleStudentDO" extends="studentMap1">
        <collection property="studentHealthFemales" column="{studentId=id}"
                    select="com.yjw.demo.mybatis.biz.dao.StudentHealthFemaleDao.listByConditions" />

    MyBatis 中的鉴别器通过 <discriminator> 元素实现,它对应的列(column)是 sex,对应的 Java 类型(javaType)是 int,case 类似 Java 中的 switch 语句,当 sex=1(男性)时,引入的是 maleStudentMap1,当 sex=2(女性)时,引入的是 femaleStudentMap1,然后我们分别对这两个 resultMap 定义。

    N+1 问题

    嵌套查询存在 N+1 的问题,每次取一个 Student 对象,那么它所有的信息都会被取出来,这样会造成 SQL 执行过多导致性能下降。

    我们通过日志信息来看一下嵌套查询 N+1 的问题:

    2019-09-12 15:38:24.717 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : ==>  Preparing: select * from t_student 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.762 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : ==> Parameters: 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.839 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, check_date, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, prostate, note from t_student_health_male WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.840 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 1(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.843 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.848 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, native_place, issue_date, end_date, note, student_effective from t_student_selfcard WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.849 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 1(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.852 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.856 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, lecture_id, grade, note from t_student_lecture WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.857 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 1(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.859 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======>  Preparing: select id, lecture_name, note from t_lecture where id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.860 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======> Parameters: 1(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.862 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : <======      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.864 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======>  Preparing: select id, lecture_name, note from t_lecture where id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.864 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======> Parameters: 2(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.867 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : <======      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.868 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======>  Preparing: select id, lecture_name, note from t_lecture where id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.869 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : ======> Parameters: 3(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.870 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.LectureDao.getByPrimaryKey   : <======      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.871 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 3
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.874 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, check_date, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, uterus, note from t_student_health_female WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.875 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 2(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.878 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.879 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, native_place, issue_date, end_date, note, student_effective from t_student_selfcard WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.879 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 2(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.881 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 1
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.882 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, lecture_id, grade, note from t_student_lecture WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.882 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 2(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.886 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 3
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.887 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, check_date, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, prostate, note from t_student_health_male WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.887 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 3(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.893 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 0
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.894 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, native_place, issue_date, end_date, note, student_effective from t_student_selfcard WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.897 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 3(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.899 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 0
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.900 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====>  Preparing: select id, student_id, lecture_id, grade, note from t_student_lecture WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.901 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ====> Parameters: 3(Long)
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.908 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <====      Total: 0
    2019-09-12 15:38:24.909 DEBUG 2660 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : <==      Total: 3

    学生数据有3条,在查询学生证件、学生成绩等这些信息的时候,分别执行了3次,每次都用 id = ? 执行,如果学生数据比较多时,严重影响性能。

    为了处理嵌套查询带来的 N+1 的问题,MyBatis 引入了延迟加载的功能。在 MyBatis 的配置中有两个全局的参数 lazyLoadingEnabled、aggressiveLazyLoading。

    我们设置延迟加载的全局开关(lazyLoadingEnabled)为 true 的时候,当访问学生信息的时候,MyBatis 已经把学生的健康情况也查询出来了,当访问学生的课程信息的时候,MyBatis 同时也把其学生证信息查询出来了,为什么是这样一个结果呢?因为在默认情况下 MyBatis 是按层级延迟加载的,让我们看看这个延迟加载的层级:

    这不是我们需要的加载数据方式,我们不希望在访问学生信息的时候去加载学生的健康情况数据。那么这个时候就需要设置 aggressiveLazyLoading 属性了,当它为 true 的时候,MyBatis 的内容按层级加载,否则就按我们调用的要求加载。

    这两项配置既可以在 Spring Boot 配置文件中配置,也可以在 MyBatis  配置文件中配置,在 setting 元素中加入下面的代码:

      <setting name="lazyLoadingEnabled" value="true"/>
      <setting name="aggressiveLazyLoading" value="false"/>


     * 联合查询-嵌套查询(一对一、一对多、鉴别器)
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    public void listStudentByNestingQuery() throws JsonProcessingException, InterruptedException {
        List<StudentDO> students = studentDao.listStudentByNestingQuery();


    2019-09-12 16:24:46.341  INFO 16772 --- [           main] com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource   : {dataSource-1} inited
    2019-09-12 16:24:46.355 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : ==>  Preparing: select * from t_student 
    2019-09-12 16:24:46.402 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : ==> Parameters: 
    2019-09-12 16:24:46.630 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listStudentByNestingQuery  : <==      Total: 3
    2019-09-12 16:24:49.655 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ==>  Preparing: select id, student_id, native_place, issue_date, end_date, note, student_effective from t_student_selfcard WHERE student_id = ? 
    2019-09-12 16:24:49.659 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : ==> Parameters: 1(Long)
    2019-09-12 16:24:49.666 DEBUG 16772 --- [           main] c.y.d.m.b.d.S.listByConditions           : <==      Total: 1

    看上面的日志输出,延迟加载的配置实现了按需加载的功能。但是嵌套查询还是不建议使用,因为不可控,我们不确定哪些操作会导致 N+1 的问题,比如如果我们使用了 JSON 的工具把查出来的学生信息转成 JSON 字符串的时候,就会导致查询出学生的所有关联信息。

     * 联合查询-嵌套查询(一对一、一对多、鉴别器)
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    public void listStudentByNestingQuery() throws JsonProcessingException, InterruptedException {
        List<StudentDO> students = studentDao.listStudentByNestingQuery();
        // 1.测试延迟加载的效果
        // Thread.sleep(3000L);
        // System.out.println("睡眠3秒钟");
        // students.get(0).getStudentSelfcard();
        // 2.使用JSON功能转JSON字符串会导致N+1的问题

    日志输出和没有使用延迟加载配置的效果一样,其实这里的配置是没有问题的,只是 JSON 工具在生成 JSON 字符串的时候,会逐层调用数据,所以就导致了需要把学生的所有关联信息都查出来。


    MyBatis 还提供了另外一种关联查询的方式(嵌套结果),这种方式更为简单和直接,没有 N+1 的问题,因为它的数据是一条 SQL 查出来的,代码如下所示。

    嵌套结果中的一对一、一对多、鉴别器和嵌套查询类似,只是不引用外部的 select 语句,属性都配置在了一个 resultMap 中。

    <!-- 联合查询:嵌套结果 -->
    <resultMap id="studentMap2" type="studentDO">
        <id property="id" column="id"/>
        <result property="name" column="name"/>
        <result property="selfcardNo" column="selfcard_no"/>
        <result property="note" column="note"/>
        <association property="studentSelfcard" javaType="studentSelfcardDO">
            <result property="id" column="ssid"/>
            <result property="nativePlace" column="native_place"/>
            <result property="issueDate" column="issue_date"/>
            <result property="endDate" column="end_date"/>
            <result property="note" column="ssnote"/>
        <collection property="studentLectures" ofType="studentLectureDO">
            <result property="id" column="slid"/>
            <result property="grade" column="grade"/>
            <result property="note" column="slnote"/>
            <association property="lecture" javaType="lectureDO">
                <result property="id" column="lid"/>
                <result property="lectureName" column="lecture_name"/>
                <result property="note" column="lnote"/>
        <discriminator javaType="int" column="sex">
            <case value="1" resultMap="maleStudentMap2"/>
            <case value="2" resultMap="femaleStudentMap2"/>
    <!-- 男 -->
    <resultMap id="maleStudentMap2" type="maleStudentDO" extends="studentMap2">
        <collection property="studentHealthMales" ofType="studentHealthMaleDO">
            <id property="id" column="hid"/>
            <result property="checkDate" column="check_date"/>
            <result property="heart" column="heart"/>
            <result property="liver" column="liver"/>
            <result property="spleen" column="spleen"/>
            <result property="lung" column="lung"/>
            <result property="kidney" column="kidney"/>
            <result property="prostate" column="prostate"/>
            <result property="note" column="shnote"/>
    <!-- 女 -->
    <resultMap id="femaleStudentMap2" type="femaleStudentDO" extends="studentMap2">
        <collection property="studentHealthFemales" ofType="studentHealthFemaleDO">
            <id property="id" column="hid"/>
            <result property="checkDate" column="check_date"/>
            <result property="heart" column="heart"/>
            <result property="liver" column="liver"/>
            <result property="spleen" column="spleen"/>
            <result property="lung" column="lung"/>
            <result property="kidney" column="kidney"/>
            <result property="uterus" column="uterus"/>
            <result property="note" column="shnote"/>
    <select id="listStudentByNestingResult" resultMap="studentMap2">
        SELECT s.id,s.name,s.sex,s.note,s.selfcard_no,
            if(sex=1,shm.id,shf.id) AS hid,
            if(sex=1,shm.check_date,shf.check_date) AS check_date,
            if(sex=1,shm.heart,shf.heart) AS heart,
            if(sex=1,shm.liver,shf.liver) AS liver,
            if(sex=1,shm.spleen,shf.spleen) AS spleen,
            if(sex=1,shm.lung,shf.lung) AS lung,
            if(sex=1,shm.kidney,shf.kidney) AS kidney,
            if(sex=1,shm.note,shf.note) AS shnote,
            ss.id AS ssid,ss.native_place,
            ss.issue_date,ss.end_date,ss.note AS ssnote,
            sl.id AS slid,sl.grade,sl.note AS slnote,
            l.lecture_name,l.note AS lnote
        FROM t_student s
        LEFT JOIN t_student_health_male shm ON s.id=shm.student_id
        LEFT JOIN t_student_health_female shf ON s.id = shf.student_id
        LEFT JOIN t_student_selfcard ss ON s.id = ss.student_id
        LEFT JOIN t_student_lecture sl ON s.id=sl.student_id
        LEFT JOIN t_lecture l ON sl.lecture_id = l.id

    collection 元素中的 ofType 属性定义的是 collection 里面的 Java 类型。

    MyBatis 实用篇

    MyBatis 概念

    MyBatis 示例-简介

    MyBatis 示例-类型处理器

    MyBatis 示例-传递多个参数

    MyBatis 示例-主键回填

    MyBatis 示例-动态 SQL

    MyBatis 示例-联合查询

    MyBatis 示例-缓存

    MyBatis 示例-插件

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