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  • 分区管理工具-gdisk命令实战案例









    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# yum -y install gdisk
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Determining fastest mirrors
     * base: mirror.bit.edu.cn
     * extras: mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn
     * updates: mirror.bit.edu.cn
    base                                                                                                                                                 | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
    extras                                                                                                                                               | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
    updates                                                                                                                                              | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
    (1/4): updates/7/x86_64/primary_db                                                                                                                   | 168 kB  00:00:00     
    (2/4): extras/7/x86_64/primary_db                                                                                                                    | 190 kB  00:00:00     
    (3/4): base/7/x86_64/group_gz                                                                                                                        | 153 kB  00:00:01     
    (4/4): base/7/x86_64/primary_db                                                                                                                      | 6.1 MB  00:00:03     
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package gdisk.x86_64 0:0.8.10-3.el7 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Dependencies Resolved
     Package                                Arch                                    Version                                         Repository                             Size
     gdisk                                  x86_64                                  0.8.10-3.el7                                    base                                  190 k
    Transaction Summary
    Install  1 Package
    Total download size: 190 k
    Installed size: 660 k
    Downloading packages:
    gdisk-0.8.10-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                        | 190 kB  00:00:00     
    Running transaction check
    Running transaction test
    Transaction test succeeded
    Running transaction
      Installing : gdisk-0.8.10-3.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                1/1 
      Verifying  : gdisk-0.8.10-3.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                1/1 
      gdisk.x86_64 0:0.8.10-3.el7                                                                                                                                               
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# 
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# yum -y install gdisk          #安装gdisk工具


    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# gdisk /dev/sdc         #进入到gdisk工具的管理界面
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.10
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: not present
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: not present
    Creating new GPT entries.
    Command (? for help): 


    Command (? for help): ?
    b    back up GPT data to a file
    c    change a partition's name
    d    delete a partition
    i    show detailed information on a partition
    l    list known partition types
    n    add a new partition
    o    create a new empty GUID partition table (GPT)
    p    print the partition table
    q    quit without saving changes
    r    recovery and transformation options (experts only)
    s    sort partitions
    t    change a partition's type code
    v    verify disk
    w    write table to disk and exit
    x    extra functionality (experts only)
    ?    print this menu
    Command (? for help): 


    Command (? for help): n                #执行新建分区的指令
    Partition number (1-128, default 1): 
    First sector (34-838860766, default = 2048) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: 
    Last sector (2048-838860766, default = 838860766) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: +100G        #这里的结束位置我这里写+100G
    Current type is 'Linux filesystem'
    Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = 8300):       #我们可以自定义创建分区的代码(默认是8300),输入字母"l"可以查看所有的代码标签哟~通常情况下我们直接回车即可。
    Changed type of partition to 'Linux filesystem'
    Command (? for help): 


    Command (? for help): p
    Disk /dev/sdc: 838860800 sectors, 400.0 GiB
    Logical sector size: 512 bytes
    Disk identifier (GUID): 37B1331C-C436-48CA-B5A6-B157D0BB9AD0
    Partition table holds up to 128 entries
    First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 838860766
    Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
    Total free space is 629145533 sectors (300.0 GiB)
    Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
       1            2048       209717247   100.0 GiB   8300  Linux filesystem
    Command (? for help): 


    Command (? for help): w            #保存分区信息到磁盘(默认所有的修改都放在内存中,直到执行当前的写入指令才会写入到磁盘。)
    Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
    Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): Y        #注意哈,这里得输入字母"Y"才能保存成功哟~
    OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/sdc.
    The operation has completed successfully.
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# 


    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# gdisk -l /dev/sdc
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.10
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: protective
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: present
    Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
    Disk /dev/sdc: 838860800 sectors, 400.0 GiB
    Logical sector size: 512 bytes
    Disk identifier (GUID): C4A5426E-BE89-46EE-B842-3CAC96156388
    Partition table holds up to 128 entries
    First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 838860766
    Partitions will be aligned on 2048-sector boundaries
    Total free space is 629145533 sectors (300.0 GiB)
    Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
       1            2048       209717247   100.0 GiB   8300  Linux filesystem
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# 
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdc
    WARNING: fdisk GPT support is currently new, and therefore in an experimental phase. Use at your own discretion.
    Disk /dev/sdc: 429.5 GB, 429496729600 bytes, 838860800 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk label type: gpt
    Disk identifier: C4A5426E-BE89-46EE-B842-3CAC96156388
    #         Start          End    Size  Type            Name
     1         2048    209717247    100G  Linux filesyste Linux filesystem
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# 
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# 
    [root@yinzhengjie.com ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdc          #对于GPT分区的磁盘虽然也可以使用fdisk工具查看,但还是推荐大家使用gdisk去管理GPT分区。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yinzhengjie/p/12359770.html
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