package com.de.test; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "How does Java remove the characters specified in the string?"; char delChar = 'a'; System.out.println(deleteString2(str,delChar)); } /** * 删除方法一 * @param str * @param delChar * @return */ public static String deleteString0(String str, char delChar){ String delStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if(str.charAt(i) != delChar){ delStr += str.charAt(i); } } return delStr; } /** * 删除方法一 * @param str * @param delChar * @return */ public static String deleteString2(String str, char delChar) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) != delChar) { stringBuffer.append(str.charAt(i)); } } return stringBuffer.toString(); } }
How does Jv remove the chrcters specified in the string?
方法二:通过采用正则的方式和replaceAll函数,本种方法要注意特殊字符,例如正则中的 “.”字符,需要对特殊字符进行转义
package com.de.test; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "How does Java remove the characters specified in the string?"; char delChar = 'i'; System.out.println(deleteString1(str,delChar)); } /** *删除方法二 * @return */ public static String deleteString1(String str, char delChar){ String delStr = ""; final String strTable = "|^$*+?.(){}\"; String tmpRegex = "["; for (int i = 0; i < strTable.length(); i++) { if (strTable.charAt(i) == delChar) { tmpRegex += "//"; break; } } tmpRegex += delChar + "]"; delStr = str.replaceAll(tmpRegex, ""); return delStr; } }
How does Java remove the characters specfed n the strng?
package com.de.test; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "How does Java remove the characters specified in the string?"; char delChar = 'e'; System.out.println(deleteString3(str,delChar)); } /** * 删除方法三 * @param str * @param delChar * @return */ public static String deleteString3(String str, char delChar) { String delStr = ""; char[] Bytes = str.toCharArray(); int iSize = Bytes.length; for (int i = Bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Bytes[i] == delChar) { for (int j = i; j < iSize - 1; j++) { Bytes[j] = Bytes[j + 1]; } iSize--; } } for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { delStr += Bytes[i]; } return delStr; } }
How dos Java rmov th charactrs spcifid in th string?
方法四: 通过循环确定要删除字符的位置索引,然后通过分割字符串的形式,将子字符串拼接,注意最后一段子字符串和源字符串中没有要删除字符的情况
package com.de.test; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "How does Java remove the characters specified in the string?"; char delChar = 's'; System.out.println(deleteString4(str,delChar)); } /** * 删除方法四 * @param str * @param delChar * @return */ public static String deleteString4(String str, char delChar) { String delStr = ""; int iIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == delChar) { if (i > 0) { delStr += str.substring(iIndex, i); } iIndex = i + 1; } } if (iIndex <= str.length()) { delStr += str.substring(iIndex, str.length()); } return delStr; } }
How doe Java remove the character pecified in the tring?