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  • java学习:调用 java web service

    先写一个java的class:AwbModel(相当于要在web service中传输的实体对象)

    package webservicesample;
    public class AwbModel {
        private String _a1 = "_a1";
        public String getA1() {
            return _a1;
        public void setA1(String value) {
            this._a1 = value;
        private String _A2 = "_A2";
        public String getA2() {
            return _A2;
        public void setA2(String value) {
            this._A2 = value;
        private String a3 = "a3";
        public String getA3() {
            return a3;
        public void setA3(String value) {
            this.a3 = value;
        private String A4 = "A4";
        public String getA4() {
            return A4;
        public void setA4(String value) {
            this.A4 = value;
        private String A5 = "A5";
        public String getA5() {
            return A5;
        private String A6 = "A6";
        public void setA6(String value) {
            this.A6 = value;
        public String A7 = "A7";
        //private String _a8="a8";
        public String get_a8(){
            //return _a8;
            return "";
        public void set_a8(String value){
        public String sayHelloA(){
            return "Hello!";

      然后再写一个Awb类(相当于web service的接口+实现)

    package webservicesample;
    public class Awb {
        public AwbModel GetAwbModelByNo() {
            AwbModel a = new AwbModel();
            return a;
        private String _b1 = "_b1";
        public String getB1() {
            return _b1;
        public void setB1(String value) {
            this._b1 = value;
        private String _B2 = "_B2";
        public String getB2() {
            return _B2;
        public void setB2(String value) {
            this._B2 = value;
        private String b3 = "b3";
        public String getB3() {
            return b3;
        public void setB3(String value) {
            this.b3 = value;
        private String B4 = "B4";
        public String getB4() {
            return B4;
        public void setB4(String value) {
            this.B4 = value;
        private String B5 = "B5";
        public String getB5() {
            return B5;
        private String B6 = "B6";
        public void setB6(String value) {
            this.B6 = value;
        public String B7 = "B7";
        public String sayHelloB() {
            return "Hello B!";

     jBuilder2006环境下,封装成web service发布到weblogic后,WSDL的内容见下图:


    注意:因为A5只有get方法A6只有set方法,最终生成的WSDL自动去掉了这二个“属性”(后面在用c#调用该java web Service时,能看到这将会生成真正意义上的.net property),自定义的其它方法(比如sayHelloA)被丢弃(即:这类方法没有自动序列化),同时比较有意思的是"_a8",AwbModel.java里只定义了set_a8(String value),get_a8()方法,根本没有声明_a8的private变量,但是java自动视为已经存在“_a8”的私有成员;此外直接声明的public变量,WSDL里不改变大小写,仍然还是A7;而其它的setXXX,getXXX方法,最终一律去掉set/get后,将首字母小写,即xXX。


     * This code was automatically generated at 5:48:57 on 2012-12-4
     * by weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.codegen.BeanImplGenerator -- do not edit.
     * @version WebLogic Server 9.2 SP0  Mon Jul 31 05:48:10 PDT 2006 796124 
     * @author Copyright (c) 2012 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    package webservicesample.generated;
    // original type: ['java:webservicesample']:AwbModel
    public  class AwbModel 
      implements java.io.Serializable
      public AwbModel() {}
      public AwbModel(java.lang.String p__A8
    ,     java.lang.String p_a1
    ,     java.lang.String p_a2
    ,     java.lang.String p_a3
    ,     java.lang.String p_a4
    ,     java.lang.String p_a7) 
         this._A8 = p__A8;
         this.a1 = p_a1;
         this.a2 = p_a2;
         this.a3 = p_a3;
         this.a4 = p_a4;
         this.a7 = p_a7;
      private java.lang.String _A8 ;
      <br>  Derived from _a8.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:_a8
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String get_A8() {
        return _A8;
      public void set_A8(java.lang.String v) {
        this._A8 = v;
      private java.lang.String a1 ;
      <br>  Derived from a1.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:a1
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String getA1() {
        return a1;
      public void setA1(java.lang.String v) {
        this.a1 = v;
      private java.lang.String a2 ;
      <br>  Derived from a2.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:a2
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String getA2() {
        return a2;
      public void setA2(java.lang.String v) {
        this.a2 = v;
      private java.lang.String a3 ;
      <br>  Derived from a3.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:a3
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String getA3() {
        return a3;
      public void setA3(java.lang.String v) {
        this.a3 = v;
      private java.lang.String a4 ;
      <br>  Derived from a4.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:a4
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String getA4() {
        return a4;
      public void setA4(java.lang.String v) {
        this.a4 = v;
      private java.lang.String a7 ;
      <br>  Derived from A7.
      <br>  schema name = ['java:webservicesample']:A7
      <br>  schema type = ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema']:string
      <br>  schema formQualified = true
      public java.lang.String getA7() {
        return a7;
      public void setA7(java.lang.String v) {
        this.a7 = v;
      public java.lang.String toString() {
      return "AwbModel" + "{"
                 + " _A8=<" + get_A8() + ">"
                 + " a1=<" + getA1() + ">"
                 + " a2=<" + getA2() + ">"
                 + " a3=<" + getA3() + ">"
                 + " a4=<" + getA4() + ">"
                 + " a7=<" + getA7() + ">"
        + " }";
      public boolean equals(java.lang.Object __other__) {
        if (__other__ == this) return true;
        if (__other__ instanceof AwbModel) {
          AwbModel __obj__ =  (AwbModel) __other__;
          return true
                && (_A8==null ? __obj__.get_A8()==null : _A8.equals(__obj__.get_A8()))
                && (a1==null ? __obj__.getA1()==null : a1.equals(__obj__.getA1()))
                && (a2==null ? __obj__.getA2()==null : a2.equals(__obj__.getA2()))
                && (a3==null ? __obj__.getA3()==null : a3.equals(__obj__.getA3()))
                && (a4==null ? __obj__.getA4()==null : a4.equals(__obj__.getA4()))
                && (a7==null ? __obj__.getA7()==null : a7.equals(__obj__.getA7()))
        return false;
      public int hashCode() {
        int __hash__result__ = 17;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (_A8==null ? 0 : _A8.hashCode()) ;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (a1==null ? 0 : a1.hashCode()) ;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (a2==null ? 0 : a2.hashCode()) ;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (a3==null ? 0 : a3.hashCode()) ;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (a4==null ? 0 : a4.hashCode()) ;
        __hash__result__ = 37*__hash__result__ + (a7==null ? 0 : a7.hashCode()) ;
        return __hash__result__;



    下面看看用java如何调用web service:


    package jmyang.web_service_call;
    import webservicesample.generated.*;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
    public class wsCallDemo {
        public void callService() {
            String wsdlUrl = "";
            try {
                Awb service = new Awb_Impl(wsdlUrl);
                AwbPort port = service.getAwbPort();
                AwbModel result = port.getAwbModelByNo();
                System.out.println("awbmodel.a1=" + result.getA1());
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } catch (ServiceException e2) {



    .net当然也能调用java写的web service,在vs.net里添加服务引用,服务地址输入: vs.net会象添加wcf/asmx服务引用一样,自动生成代理类等其它代码,看看自动生成的AwbModel类

     /// <remarks/>
        [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.225")]
        public partial class AwbModel : object, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
            private string _a8Field;
            private string a1Field;
            private string a2Field;
            private string a3Field;
            private string a4Field;
            private string a7Field;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string _a8 {
                get {
                    return this._a8Field;
                set {
                    this._a8Field = value;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string a1 {
                get {
                    return this.a1Field;
                set {
                    this.a1Field = value;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string a2 {
                get {
                    return this.a2Field;
                set {
                    this.a2Field = value;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string a3 {
                get {
                    return this.a3Field;
                set {
                    this.a3Field = value;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string a4 {
                get {
                    return this.a4Field;
                set {
                    this.a4Field = value;
            /// <remarks/>
            public string A7 {
                get {
                    return this.a7Field;
                set {
                    this.a7Field = value;
            public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
            protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) {
                System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler propertyChanged = this.PropertyChanged;
                if ((propertyChanged != null)) {
                    propertyChanged(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));




                using (YJM.AwbPortClient client = new AwbPortClient())
                    var model = client.GetAwbModelByNo();
                    Console.WriteLine("a1=" + model.a1);
                    Console.WriteLine("a2=" + model.a2);
                    Console.WriteLine("a3=" + model.a3);
                    Console.WriteLine("a4=" + model.a4);
                    Console.WriteLine("A7=" + model.A7);
                    Console.WriteLine("_a8=" + model._a8);


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