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  • vue封装生成cron表达式组件



    <style lang="scss" scoped>
      #change-crontab {
        .language {
          position: absolute;
          right: 25px;
          z-index: 1;
        .cron-wrapper {
          margin-bottom: 10px;
        .el-tabs {
          box-shadow: none;
        .tabBody {
          .el-row {
            margin: 10px 0;
            .long {
              .el-select {
            .el-input-number {
        .bottom {
          text-align: center;
          margin-top: 5px;
          position: relative;
          .value {
            font-size: 18px;
            vertical-align: middle;
      <div id="change-crontab">
        <div class="cron-wrapper">
            {{$t('Cron Expression')}}:
          <el-tag type="success" size="small">
        <el-tabs type="border-card">
            <span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-date"></i> {{text.Minutes.name}}</span>
            <div class="tabBody">
                <el-radio v-model="minute.cronEvery" label="1">{{text.Minutes.every}}</el-radio>
                <el-radio v-model="minute.cronEvery" label="2">{{text.Minutes.interval[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="minute.incrementIncrement" :min="0" :max="59"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="minute.incrementStart" :min="0" :max="59"></el-input-number>
                <el-radio class="long" v-model="minute.cronEvery" label="3">{{text.Minutes.specific}}
                  <el-select size="small" multiple v-model="minute.specificSpecific">
                    <el-option v-for="val in 60" :key="val" :value="(val-1).toString()" :label="val-1"></el-option>
                <el-radio v-model="minute.cronEvery" label="4">{{text.Minutes.cycle[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="minute.rangeStart" :min="0" :max="59"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="minute.rangeEnd" :min="0" :max="59"></el-input-number>
            <span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-date"></i> {{text.Hours.name}}</span>
            <div class="tabBody">
                <el-radio v-model="hour.cronEvery" label="1">{{text.Hours.every}}</el-radio>
                <el-radio v-model="hour.cronEvery" label="2">{{text.Hours.interval[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="hour.incrementIncrement" :min="0" :max="23"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="hour.incrementStart" :min="0" :max="23"></el-input-number>
                <el-radio class="long" v-model="hour.cronEvery" label="3">{{text.Hours.specific}}
                  <el-select size="small" multiple v-model="hour.specificSpecific">
                    <el-option v-for="val in 24" :key="val" :value="(val-1).toString()" :label="val-1"></el-option>
                <el-radio v-model="hour.cronEvery" label="4">{{text.Hours.cycle[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="hour.rangeStart" :min="0" :max="23"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="hour.rangeEnd" :min="0" :max="23"></el-input-number>
            <span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-date"></i> {{text.Day.name}}</span>
            <div class="tabBody">
                <el-radio v-model="day.cronEvery" label="1">{{text.Day.every}}</el-radio>
                <el-radio v-model="day.cronEvery" label="2">{{text.Day.intervalDay[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="day.incrementIncrement" :min="1" :max="31"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="day.incrementStart" :min="1" :max="31"></el-input-number>
                <el-radio class="long" v-model="day.cronEvery" label="3">{{text.Day.specificDay}}
                  <el-select size="small" multiple v-model="day.specificSpecific">
                    <el-option v-for="val in 31" :key="val" :value="val.toString()" :label="val"></el-option>
                <el-radio v-model="day.cronEvery" label="4">{{text.Day.cycle[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="day.rangeStart" :min="1" :max="31"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="day.rangeEnd" :min="1" :max="31"></el-input-number>
            <span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-date"></i> {{text.Month.name}}</span>
            <div class="tabBody">
                <el-radio v-model="month.cronEvery" label="1">{{text.Month.every}}</el-radio>
                <el-radio v-model="month.cronEvery" label="2">{{text.Month.interval[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="month.incrementIncrement" :min="0" :max="12"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="month.incrementStart" :min="0" :max="12"></el-input-number>
                <el-radio class="long" v-model="month.cronEvery" label="3">{{text.Month.specific}}
                  <el-select size="small" multiple v-model="month.specificSpecific">
                    <el-option v-for="val in 12" :key="val" :label="val" :value="val.toString()"></el-option>
                <el-radio v-model="month.cronEvery" label="4">{{text.Month.cycle[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="month.rangeStart" :min="1" :max="12"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="month.rangeEnd" :min="1" :max="12"></el-input-number>
            <span slot="label"><i class="el-icon-date"></i> {{text.Week.name}}</span>
            <div class="tabBody">
                <el-radio v-model="week.cronEvery" label="1">{{text.Week.every}}</el-radio>
                <el-radio class="long" v-model="week.cronEvery" label="3">{{text.Week.specific}}
                  <el-select size="small" multiple v-model="week.specificSpecific">
                    <el-option v-for="i in 7" :key="i" :label="text.Week.list[i - 1]" :value="i.toString()"></el-option>
                <el-radio v-model="week.cronEvery" label="4">{{text.Week.cycle[0]}}
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="week.rangeStart" :min="1" :max="7"></el-input-number>
                  <el-input-number size="small" v-model="week.rangeEnd" :min="1" :max="7"></el-input-number>
    import Language from './language/index'
    export default {
      name: 'VueCronLinux',
      props: ['data', 'i18n'],
      data () {
        return {
          second: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '3',
            incrementIncrement: '5',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: '',
            specificSpecific: [0]
          minute: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '3',
            incrementIncrement: '5',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: '',
            specificSpecific: ['0']
          hour: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '3',
            incrementIncrement: '5',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: '',
            specificSpecific: ['0']
          day: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '1',
            incrementIncrement: '1',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: '',
            specificSpecific: ['1'],
            cronLastSpecificDomDay: 1,
            cronDaysBeforeEomMinus: '',
            cronDaysNearestWeekday: ''
          month: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '3',
            incrementIncrement: '5',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: '',
            specificSpecific: ['1']
          week: {
            cronEvery: '1',
            incrementStart: '1',
            incrementIncrement: '1',
            specificSpecific: ['1'],
            cronNthDayDay: 1,
            cronNthDayNth: '1',
            rangeStart: '',
            rangeEnd: ''
          output: {
            second: '',
            minute: '',
            hour: '',
            day: '',
            month: '',
            Week: '',
            year: ''
      watch: {
        data () {
        cron () {
          this.$emit('change', this.cron)
      computed: {
        text () {
          return Language[this.i18n || 'cn']
        minutesText () {
          let minutes = ''
          let cronEvery = this.minute.cronEvery
          switch (cronEvery.toString()) {
            case '1':
              minutes = '*'
            case '2':
              minutes = this.minute.incrementStart + '/' + this.minute.incrementIncrement
            case '3':
              this.minute.specificSpecific.map(val => {
                minutes += val + ','
              minutes = minutes.slice(0, -1)
            case '4':
              minutes = this.minute.rangeStart + '-' + this.minute.rangeEnd
          return minutes
        hoursText () {
          let hours = ''
          let cronEvery = this.hour.cronEvery
          switch (cronEvery.toString()) {
            case '1':
              hours = '*'
            case '2':
              hours = this.hour.incrementStart + '/' + this.hour.incrementIncrement
            case '3':
              this.hour.specificSpecific.map(val => {
                hours += val + ','
              hours = hours.slice(0, -1)
            case '4':
              hours = this.hour.rangeStart + '-' + this.hour.rangeEnd
          return hours
        daysText () {
          let days = ''
          let cronEvery = this.day.cronEvery
          switch (cronEvery.toString()) {
            case '1':
              days = '*'
            case '2':
              days = this.day.incrementStart + '/' + this.day.incrementIncrement
            case '3':
              this.day.specificSpecific.map(val => {
                days += val + ','
              days = days.slice(0, -1)
            case '4':
              days = this.day.rangeStart + '-' + this.day.rangeEnd
          return days
        monthsText () {
          let months = ''
          let cronEvery = this.month.cronEvery
          switch (cronEvery.toString()) {
            case '1':
              months = '*'
            case '2':
              months = this.month.incrementStart + '/' + this.month.incrementIncrement
            case '3':
              this.month.specificSpecific.map(val => {
                months += val + ','
              months = months.slice(0, -1)
            case '4':
              months = this.month.rangeStart + '-' + this.month.rangeEnd
          return months
        weeksText () {
          let weeks = ''
          let cronEvery = this.week.cronEvery
          switch (cronEvery.toString()) {
            case '1':
              weeks = '*'
            case '3':
              this.week.specificSpecific.map(val => {
                weeks += val + ','
              weeks = weeks.slice(0, -1)
            case '4':
              weeks = this.week.rangeStart + '-' + this.week.rangeEnd
          return weeks
        cron () {
          return [this.minutesText, this.hoursText, this.daysText, this.monthsText, this.weeksText]
            .filter(v => !!v)
            .join(' ')
      methods: {
        change () {
          this.$emit('change', this.cron)
        close () {
        submit () {
          if (!this.validate()) {
            this.$message.error(this.$t('Cron expression is invalid'))
            return false
          this.$emit('submit', this.cron)
          return true
        validate () {
          if (!this.minutesText) return false
          if (!this.hoursText) return false
          if (!this.daysText) return false
          if (!this.monthsText) return false
          if (!this.weeksText) return false
          return true
        updateCronItem (key, value) {
          if (value === undefined) {
            this[key].cronEvery = '0'
          if (value.match(/^*$/)) {
            this[key].cronEvery = '1'
          } else if (value.match(///)) {
            this[key].cronEvery = '2'
            this[key].incrementStart = value.split('/')[0]
            this[key].incrementIncrement = value.split('/')[1]
          } else if (value.match(/,|^d+$/)) {
            this[key].cronEvery = '3'
            this[key].specificSpecific = value.split(',')
          } else if (value.match(/-/)) {
            this[key].cronEvery = '4'
            this[key].rangeStart = value.split('-')[0]
            this[key].rangeEnd = value.split('-')[1]
          } else {
            this[key].cronEvery = '0'
        updateCronFromData () {
          const arr = this.data.split(' ')
          const minute = arr[0]
          const hour = arr[1]
          const day = arr[2]
          const month = arr[3]
          const week = arr[4]
          this.updateCronItem('minute', minute)
          this.updateCronItem('hour', hour)
          this.updateCronItem('day', day)
          this.updateCronItem('month', month)
          this.updateCronItem('week', week)
      mounted () {


    1. 创建 cn.js 文件
    export default {
      Seconds: {
        name: '秒',
        every: '每一秒钟',
        interval: ['每隔', '秒执行 从', '秒开始'],
        specific: '具体秒数(可多选)',
        cycle: ['周期从', '到', '秒']
      Minutes: {
        name: '分',
        every: '每一分钟',
        interval: ['每隔', '分执行 从', '分开始'],
        specific: '具体分钟数(可多选)',
        cycle: ['周期从', '到', '分']
      Hours: {
        name: '时',
        every: '每一小时',
        interval: ['每隔', '小时执行 从', '小时开始'],
        specific: '具体小时数(可多选)',
        cycle: ['周期从', '到', '小时']
      Day: {
        name: '天',
        every: '每一天',
        intervalWeek: ['每隔', '周执行 从', '开始'],
        intervalDay: ['每隔', '天执行 从', '天开始'],
        specificWeek: '具体星期几(可多选)',
        specificDay: '具体天数(可多选)',
        lastDay: '在这个月的最后一天',
        lastWeekday: '在这个月的最后一个工作日',
        lastWeek: ['在这个月的最后一个'],
        beforeEndMonth: ['在本月底前', '天'],
        nearestWeekday: ['最近的工作日(周一至周五)至本月', '日'],
        someWeekday: ['在这个月的第', '个'],
        cycle: ['从', '到']
      Week: {
        name: '周',
        every: '每天',
        specific: '具体天数(可多选)',
        list: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '天'].map(val => '星期' + val),
        cycle: ['从', '到']
      Month: {
        name: '月',
        every: '每一月',
        interval: ['每隔', '月执行 从', '月开始'],
        specific: '具体月数(可多选)',
        cycle: ['从', '到', '月之间的每个月']
      Year: {
        name: '年',
        every: '每一年',
        interval: ['每隔', '年执行 从', '年开始'],
        specific: '具体年份(可多选)',
        cycle: ['从', '到', '年之间的每一年']
      Save: '保存',
      Close: '关闭'
    1. 创建 en.js 文件
    export default {
      Seconds: {
        name: 'Seconds',
        every: 'Every second',
        interval: ['Every', 'second(s) starting at second'],
        specific: 'Specific second (choose one or many)',
        cycle: ['Every second between second', 'and second']
      Minutes: {
        name: 'Minutes',
        every: 'Every minute',
        interval: ['Every', 'minute(s) starting at minute'],
        specific: 'Specific minute (choose one or many)',
        cycle: ['Every minute between minute', 'and minute']
      Hours: {
        name: 'Hours',
        every: 'Every hour',
        interval: ['Every', 'hour(s) starting at hour'],
        specific: 'Specific hour (choose one or many)',
        cycle: ['Every hour between hour', 'and hour']
      Day: {
        name: 'Day',
        every: 'Every day',
        intervalWeek: ['Every', 'day(s) starting on'],
        intervalDay: ['Every', 'day(s) starting at the', 'of the month'],
        specificWeek: 'Specific day of week (choose one or many)',
        specificDay: 'Specific day of month (choose one or many)',
        lastDay: 'On the last day of the month',
        lastWeekday: 'On the last weekday of the month',
        lastWeek: ['On the last', ' of the month'],
        beforeEndMonth: ['day(s) before the end of the month'],
        nearestWeekday: ['Nearest weekday (Monday to Friday) to the', 'of the month'],
        someWeekday: ['On the', 'of the month'],
        cycle: ['From', 'to']
      Week: {
        name: 'Week',
        every: 'Every day',
        specific: 'Specific weekday (choose on or many)',
        list: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],
        cycle: ['From', 'to']
      // Week:['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
      Month: {
        name: 'Month',
        every: 'Every month',
        interval: ['Every', 'month(s) starting in'],
        specific: 'Specific month (choose one or many)',
        cycle: ['Every month between', 'and']
      Year: {
        name: 'Year',
        every: 'Any year',
        interval: ['Every', 'year(s) starting in'],
        specific: 'Specific year (choose one or many)',
        cycle: ['Every year between', 'and']
      Save: 'Save',
      Close: 'Close'
    1. 创建 index.js 文件,该文件在 VueCronLinux.vue 中引入
    import en from './en'
    import cn from './cn'
    export default {
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    原码 反码 补码 移码
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yloved/p/13555395.html
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