爬虫主要应对的问题:1.http请求 2.解析html源码 3.应对反爬机制。
觉得爬虫挺有意思的,恰好看到知乎有人分享的一个爬虫小教程: 立马学起!
3.编码格式:从代码编辑、到网页内容、中文文件名,无处不有编码格式的问题。可以参考 《Python编码问题整理》
4.beautifulsoup使用。可以参考 《Python爬虫利器二之Beautiful Soup的用法》
# encoding=utf8 #设置编辑源py文件的编码格式为utf8 import requests, sys, chardet, os, time, random, time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup reload(sys) #必须要重新加载 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf8") print sys.getdefaultencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencoding() # utf8 mbcs:MBCS(Multi-ByteChactacterSystem,即多字节字符系统)它是编码的一种类型,而不是某个特定编码的名称 path = os.getcwd() #获取当前文件所在目录 newPath = os.path.join(path, "Computer") if not os.path.isdir(newPath): os.mkdir(newPath) #新建文件夹 destFile = unicode(newPath + "/题目.docx","utf-8) #存为word也可以,不过后续用office编辑后,保存的时候总需要另存为;用unicode()后,文件名取中文名不会变成乱码 #最常见的模拟浏览器,伪装headers headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.80 Safari/537.36' } def downLoadHtml(url): html = requests.get(url, headers=headers) content = html.content contentEn = chardet.detect(content).get("encoding", "utf-8") # print contentEn #GB2312 try: tranCon = content.decode(contentEn).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding())#转换网页内容编码格式;消除中文乱码 except Exception: return content #用了编码转换,为什么还是存在少量页面异常? # print tranCon else: return tranCon def parseHtml(url): # print url, "now" content = downLoadHtml(url) contentEn = chardet.detect(content).get("encoding", "utf-8") soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") # [document] BeautifulSoup 对象表示的是一个文档的全部内容 # 查找下一页url theUL = soup.find("ul", {"class": "con_updown"}) theLi = theUL.find("li") href = theLi.find("a").get("href") preUrl = None if href: print href, "next" preUrl = href # 查找所需内容 topics = [] try: divCon = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "con_nr"}) if divCon: subjects = divCon.find_all("p") # __len__属性不是整数,而是:method-wrapper '__len__' of ResultSet object index = 0 #借助index标识查找第几个,还有别的方式? for res in subjects: #跳过不想要的导读行内容 if index == 0 and res.string == "【导读】": index = 1 # 跳出循环也要加1 continue # 跳过 导读 topic = res.string # res有子标签及文本,就会返回None if topic: #按需要,只留下纯文本,保存到文件 try: parsed = topic.decode(contentEn).encode("utf8") except Exception: topics.append("本页面解码有误,请自行查看: " + url + " ") # '%d' %index str(index) 数字转字符串 break else: topics.append(parsed + " ") index = index + 1 topics.append(" ") else: topics.append("本页面查找试题有误,请自行查看: " + url + " ") except Exception: topics.append("本页面解析有误,请自行查看: " + url + " ") fp = open(destFile, 'a') # a追加写 fp.writelines(topics) fp.close() return preUrl #执行.py文件的入口 if __name__ == '__main__': i = 0 #记录处理了多少页面 next = "http://xxxxx/1.html" #起始页面 print "start time:", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) #打印时间,看跑了多久 print next, "start" while next and i < 1000: next = parseHtml(next) i = i + 1 #sTime = random.randint(3, 8) #随机整数 [3,8) #time.sleep(sTime) # 休息:防反爬 print "end time:", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) print "i =", i, "url:", next fp = open(destFile, 'a') # a追加写 fp.writelines(["lastPage:" + str(next) + " ", "total:" + str(i) + " "]) # None及数字:无法和字符串用 + 拼接 fp.close()
#encoding=utf8 import sys,requests,chardet from bs4 import BeautifulSoup reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf8") url = "" agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36" headers={'User-Agent': agent} data={'user': '', 'pass': ''} syscode = sys.getdefaultencoding() print syscode titles = [] def getHtml(url): if url: response =,headers=headers,data=data) if response.status_code != 200: return None content = response.content #print content contentEn = chardet.detect(content).get("encoding", "utf-8") try: tranCon = content.decode(contentEn).encode(syscode) except Exception: return content else: #print tranCon return tranCon else: return None def parseHtml(html): if html: soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser") tags = soup.find("div",attrs={"class":"catListTag"}).find_all("a") for tag in tags: href = tag.get("href") titles.add(href) def getWords(): strs = "" if titles.__len__() != 0: for item in titles: strs = strs + item; tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(strs,topK=100,withWeight=True) for item in tags: print(itme[0] + " " + str(int(item[1]*1000))) if __name__ == '__main__': html = getHtml(url) parseHtml(html) getWords