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  • 深入探讨多态性及其在Java中的好处



    多态引用是一个变量,可以在不同的时间点引用不同类型的对象。它通常与它所引用的类兼容。 例如,在以下情况下:

    Employee employee;







    1 Employee employee;
    2 Object object;
    3 employee = new Employee();
    4 object = employee;   // This is a valid assignment


    1 Employee employee;
    2 Object object = new Object();
    3 employee = (Employee)object   // Valid, but needs explicit cast





    称为Company的驱动程序类创建一个雇员列表,并调用paySalary()方法。薪资类维护公司中不同类型员工的列表。请注意,该数组被声明为派生自Employee类(所有雇员子类的父级或超类)的引用变量的数组。结果,可以用从Employee类的任何子类(例如CommissionEmployeeHourlyEmployee, SalariedEmployee)创建的对象引用填充数组。在paySalary()定义中,根据数组中的对象引用调用适当的salary()方法。因此,对salary()方法的调用是多态的,很明显,每个类都有其自己版本的salary()方法。




      1 package org.mano.example;
      2 public class Company
      3 {
      4    public static void main( String[] args )
      5    {
      6       Payroll payroll = new Payroll();
      7       payroll.paySalary();
      8    }
      9 }
     10 package org.mano.example;
     11 import java.util.ArrayList;
     12 import java.util.List;
     13 public class Payroll {
     14    private List<Employee> employees =
     15       new ArrayList<>();
     16    public Payroll() {
     17       employees.add(new
     18             SalariedEmployee("Harry Potter",
     19          "123-234-345",7800));
     20       employees.add(new
     21             CommissionEmployee("Peter Parker",
     22          "234-345-456",2345.67,0.15));
     23       employees.add(new
     24             HourlyEmployee("Joker Poker",
     25          "456-567-678",562.36,239.88));
     26    }
     27    public void paySalary() {
     28       for (Employee e: employees) {
     29          System.out.println
     30             ("----------------------------------------------------");
     31          System.out.println(e.toString());
     32          System.out.printf
     33             ("Gross payment: $%,.2f
     34          System.out.println
     35             ("----------------------------------------------------");
     36       }
     37    }
     38 }
     40 package org.mano.example;
     42 public abstract class Employee {
     43    protected String name;
     44    protected String ssn;
     45    public Employee(String name, String ssn) {
     46       this.name = name;
     47       this.ssn = ssn;
     48    }
     49    public String getName() {
     50       return name;
     51    }
     52    public void setName(String name) {
     53       this.name = name;
     54    }
     55    public String getSsn() {
     56       return ssn;
     57    }
     58    public void setSsn(String ssn) {
     59       this.ssn = ssn;
     60    }
     61    @Override
     62    public String toString() {
     63       return String.format("%s
    SSN: %s",
     64          getName(),getSsn());
     65    }
     66    public abstract double salary();
     67 }
     69 package org.mano.example;
     70 public class SalariedEmployee extends Employee {
     71    protected double basicSalary;
     72    public SalariedEmployee(String name, String ssn,
     73          double basicSalary) {
     74       super(name, ssn);
     75       setBasicSalary(basicSalary);
     76    }
     77    public double getBasicSalary() {
     78       return basicSalary;
     79    }
     80    public void setBasicSalary(double basicSalary) {
     81       if(basicSalary>= 0.0)
     82          this.basicSalary = basicSalary;
     83       else
     84          throw new IllegalArgumentException("basic " +
     85             "salary must be greater than 0.0");
     86    }
     87    @Override
     88    public double salary() {
     89       eturn getBasicSalary();
     90    }
     91    @Override
     92    public String toString() {
     93       return String.format("%s
    Basic Salary: $%,.2f",
     94          super.toString(),getBasicSalary());
     95    }
     96 }
     98 package org.mano.example;
     99 public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
    100    protected double wage;
    101    protected double hours;
    102    public HourlyEmployee(String name, String ssn,
    103    double wage, double hours) {
    104       super (name, ssn);
    105       setWage(wage);
    106       setHours(hours);
    107    }
    108    public double getWage() {
    109       return wage;
    110    }
    111    public void setWage(double wage) {
    112       if(wage >= 0.0)
    113          this.wage = wage;
    114       else
    115          throw new IllegalArgumentException("wage " +
    116             "must be > 0.0");
    117    }
    118    public double getHours() {
    119       return hours;
    120    }
    121    public void setHours(double hours) {
    122       if(hours >= 0.0)
    123          this.hours = hours;
    124       else
    125          throw new IllegalArgumentException("hours "  +
    126             "must be > 0.0");
    127    }
    128    @Override
    129    public double salary() {
    130       return getHours() * getWage();
    131    }
    132    @Override
    133    public String toString() {
    134       return String.format("%s
    Wage: $%,
    135          .2f
    Hours worked: %,.2f",
    136          super.toString(),getWage(),getHours());
    137    }
    138 }
    140 package org.mano.example;
    141 public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee {
    142    protected double sales;
    143    protected double commission;
    144    public CommissionEmployee(String name, String ssn,
    145          double sales, double commission) {
    146       super(name, ssn);
    147       setSales(sales);
    148       setCommission(commission);
    149    }
    150    public double getSales() {
    151       return sales;
    152    }
    153    public void setSales(double sales) {
    154       if(sales >=0.0)
    155          this.sales = sales;
    156       else
    157          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sales " +
    158             "must be >= 0.0");
    159    }
    160    public double getCommission() {
    161       return commission;
    162    }
    163    public void setCommission(double commission) {
    164       if(commission > 0.0 && commission < 1.0)
    165          this.commission = commission;
    166       else
    167          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Commission " +
    168             "must be between 0.0 and 1.0");
    169    }
    170    @Override
    171    public double salary() {
    172       return getCommission() * getSales();
    173    }
    174    @Override
    175    public String toString() {
    176       return String.format("%s
    Sales: %,
    177          .2f
    Commission: %,.2f",
    178          super.toString(),getSales(),getCommission());
    179    }
    180 }



     1 package org.mano.example;
     2 public interface Player {
     3    public enum STATUS{PLAY,PAUSE,STOP};
     4    public void play();
     5    public void stop();
     6    public void pause();
     7 }
     9 package org.mano.example;
    10 public class VideoPlayer implements Player {
    11    private STATUS currentStatus = STATUS.STOP;
    12    @Override
    13    public void play() {
    14       if(currentStatus == STATUS.STOP ||
    15             currentStatus == STATUS.PAUSE) {
    16          currentStatus = STATUS.PLAY;
    17          System.out.println("Playing Video...");
    18       }
    19       else
    20          System.out.println("I am ON playing man!");
    21    }
    22    @Override
    23    public voidstop() {
    24       if(currentStatus == STATUS.PLAY ||
    25             currentStatus == STATUS.PAUSE) {
    26          currentStatus = STATUS.STOP;
    27          System.out.println("Video play stopped.");
    28       }
    29       else
    30          System.out.println("Do you want me to go fishing?");
    31    }
    32    @Override
    33    public void pause() {
    34       if(currentStatus == STATUS.PLAY) {
    35          currentStatus = STATUS.PAUSE;
    36          System.out.println("Video play paused.");
    37       }
    38       else
    39          System.out.println("I'm a statue. You froze me
    40             already!");
    41       }
    42    }
    44 package org.mano.example;
    45 public class AudioPlayer implements Player {
    46    private STATUS currentStatus = STATUS.STOP;
    47    @Override
    48    public void play() {
    49       if(currentStatus == STATUS.STOP ||
    50             currentStatus == STATUS.PAUSE) {
    51          currentStatus = STATUS.PLAY;
    52          System.out.println("Playing Audio...");
    53       }
    54       else
    55          System.out.println("I am ON playing man!");
    56    }
    57    @Override
    58    public void stop() {
    59       if(currentStatus == STATUS.PLAY ||
    60             currentStatus == STATUS.PAUSE) {
    61          currentStatus = STATUS.STOP;
    62          System.out.println("Audio play stopped.");
    63       }
    64       else
    65          System.out.println("Do you want me to go fishing?");
    66    }
    67    @Override
    68    public void pause() {
    69       if(currentStatus == STATUS.PLAY) {
    70          currentStatus = STATUS.PAUSE;
    71          System.out.println("Audio play paused.");
    72       }
    73       else
    74          System.out.println("I'm a statue. You froze me
    75             already!");
    76       }
    77    }
    79 package org.mano.example;
    80 public class PlayerApp {
    81    public static void main(String[] args) {
    82       Player player= new VideoPlayer();
    83       player.play();
    84       player.pause();
    85       player.stop();
    86       player= new AudioPlayer();
    87       player.play();
    88       player.pause();
    89       player.stop();
    90    }
    91 }




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youruike-/p/12047884.html
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