编程:将'welcome-to-masm! 转成大写并输出。
assume cs:code data segment db 'welcome-to-masm!',0 data ends code segment start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,0 ;ds:si 指向字符串 call captital mov dh,12 mov dl,0 mov cl,2 call show_str mov ax,4c00h int 21h ;dh 行号 dl 列号 cl颜色 ;字符串显示位置 ds:si show_str: push ax push bx push cx push dx push es ;dh=(dh-1)*160 sub dh,1 mov al,160 mul dh ;商放在 ax mov bx,ax ;dl=(dl-1)*2 sub dl,1 mov al,2 mul dl add bx,ax ;必须最终为 所在首位置 mov ax,0b800h mov es,ax mov di,bx s: mov al,ds:[si] cmp al,0 je show_str_end mov es:[bx],al mov es:[bx+1],cl inc si add bx,2 jmp s show_str_end: pop es pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret captital: push cx push si s1: cmp [si],0 je sret ;判断是否为字母,若为字母则转换 cmp [si],'a' jb s2 cmp [si],'z' ja s2 and BYTE ptr [si],11011111b s2: inc si jmp short s1 comment /* 这个也可以 用jcxz mov cl,[si] mov ch,0 jcxz sret and BYTE ptr [si],11011111b inc si jmp short s1 */ sret: pop si pop cx ret code ends end start
cmp [si],'a' jb s2 cmp [si],'z' ja s2
在于cmp [si],'a' 没有指定传送的大小,虽然’a'占了一个字符,但编译器不知道。应加上
byte ptr ,
cmp byte ptr [si],'a' jb s2 cmp byte ptr [si],'z' ja s2
assume cs:code data segment db 'welcome-to-masm!',0 data ends code segment start: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov si,offset show_str mov ax,0 mov es,ax mov di,200h mov cx,offset show_str_end_pos-offset show_str cld rep movsb mov ax,0 mov es,ax mov WORD ptr es:[7ch*4],200h mov WORD ptr es:[7ch*4+2],0 mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,0 ;ds:si 指向字符串 call captital mov dh,12 mov dl,0 mov cl,2 int 7ch mov ax,4c00h int 21h ;dh 行号 dl 列号 cl颜色 ;字符串显示位置 ds:si show_str: push ax push bx push cx push dx push es ;dh=(dh-1)*160 sub dh,1 mov al,160 mul dh ;商放在 ax mov bx,ax ;dl=(dl-1)*2 sub dl,1 mov al,2 mul dl add bx,ax ;必须最终为 所在首位置 mov ax,0b800h mov es,ax mov di,bx s: mov al,ds:[si] cmp al,0 je show_str_end mov es:[bx],al mov es:[bx+1],cl inc si add bx,2 jmp s show_str_end: pop es pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax iret show_str_end_pos: nop captital: push ax push cx push si s1: cmp [si],0 ;mov al,[si] je sret ;判断是否为字母,若为字母则转换 cmp byte ptr [si],'a' jb s2 cmp BYTE ptr [si],'z' ja s2 and BYTE ptr [si],11011111b s2: inc si jmp short s1 comment /* 这个也可以 用jcxz mov cl,[si] mov ch,0 jcxz sret and BYTE ptr [si],11011111b inc si jmp short s1 */ sret: pop si pop cx pop ax ret code ends end start