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  • php将会话保存在数据库里








    bool session_set_save_handler ( callable $open , callable $close , callable $read ,callable $write , callable $destroy , callable $gc )

    open(string $savePath, string $sessionName)

    The open callback works like a constructor in classes and is executed when the session is being opened. It is the first callback function executed when the session is started automatically or manually with session_start(). Return value is TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.


    The close callback works like a destructor in classes and is executed after the session write callback has been called. It is also invoked when session_write_close() is called. Return value should be TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.

    read(string $sessionId)

    The read callback must always return a session encoded (serialized) string, or an empty string if there is no data to read.

    This callback is called internally by PHP when the session starts or when session_start() is called. (session_start()执行了调用了这个read函数)Before this callback is invoked PHP will invoke the open callback.

    The value this callback returns must be in exactly the same serialized format that was originally passed for storage to the write callback. The value returned will be unserialized automatically by PHP and used to populate the$_SESSION superglobal. While the data looks similar to serialize() please note it is a different format which is speficied in the session.serialize_handler ini setting.

    write(string $sessionId, string $data)

    The write callback is called when the session needs to be saved and closed. This callback receives the current session ID a serialized version the $_SESSION superglobal. The serialization method used internally by PHP is specified in the session.serialize_handler ini setting.

    The serialized session data passed to this callback should be stored against the passed session ID. When retrieving this data, the read callback must return the exact value that was originally passed to the write callback.

    This callback is invoked when PHP shuts down or explicitly when session_write_close() is called. Note that after executing this function PHP will internally execute the close callback.


    The "write" handler is not executed until after the output stream is closed. Thus, output from debugging statements in the "write" handler will never be seen in the browser. If debugging output is necessary, it is suggested that the debug output be written to a file instead.


    This callback is executed when a session is destroyed with session_destroy() or with session_regenerate_id() with the destroy parameter set to TRUE. Return value should be TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.


    The garbage collector callback is invoked internally by PHP periodically in order to purge old session data. The frequency is controlled by session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor. The value of lifetime which is passed to this callback can be set in session.gc_maxlifetime. Return value should be TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.


    <?php # Script 3.1 - db_sessions.inc.php
     *    This page creates the functional
     *    interface for storing session data
     *    in a database.
     *    This page also starts the session.
    // Global variable used for the database 
    // connections in all session functions:
    $sdbc = NULL;
    // Define the open_session() function:
    // This function takes no arguments.
    // This function should open the database connection.
    function open_session() {
        global $sdbc;
        // Connect to the database.
        $sdbc = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'sm159357', 'yii_blog') OR die ('Cannot connect to the database.');
        return true;
    } // End of open_session() function.
    // Define the close_session() function:
    // This function takes no arguments.
    // This function closes the database connection.
    function close_session() {
        global $sdbc;
        return mysqli_close($sdbc);
    } // End of close_session() function.
    // Define the read_session() function:
    // This function takes one argument: the session ID.
    // This function retrieves the session data.
    function read_session($sid) {
        global $sdbc;
         // Query the database:
         $q = sprintf('SELECT data FROM sessions WHERE id="%s"', mysqli_real_escape_string($sdbc, $sid)); 
        $r = mysqli_query($sdbc, $q);
        // Retrieve the results:
        if (mysqli_num_rows($r) == 1) {
            list($data) = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_NUM);
            // Return the data:
            return $data;
        } else { // Return an empty string.
            return '';
    } // End of read_session() function.
    // Define the write_session() function:
    // This function takes two arguments: 
    // the session ID and the session data.
    function write_session($sid, $data) {
        global $sdbc;
        // Store in the database:
         $q = sprintf('REPLACE INTO sessions (id, data) VALUES ("%s", "%s")', mysqli_real_escape_string($sdbc, $sid), mysqli_real_escape_string($sdbc, $data)); 
        $r = mysqli_query($sdbc, $q);
        return mysqli_affected_rows($sdbc);
    } // End of write_session() function.
    // Define the destroy_session() function:
    // This function takes one argument: the session ID.
    function destroy_session($sid) {
        global $sdbc;
        // Delete from the database:
         $q = sprintf('DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id="%s"', mysqli_real_escape_string($sdbc, $sid)); 
        $r = mysqli_query($sdbc, $q);
        // Clear the $_SESSION array:
        $_SESSION = array();
        return mysqli_affected_rows($sdbc);
    } // End of destroy_session() function.
    // Define the clean_session() function:
    // This function takes one argument: a value in seconds.
    function clean_session($expire) {
        global $sdbc;
        // Delete old sessions:
         $q = sprintf('DELETE FROM sessions WHERE DATE_ADD(last_accessed, INTERVAL %d SECOND) < NOW()', (int) $expire); 
        $r = mysqli_query($sdbc, $q);
        return mysqli_affected_rows($sdbc);
    } // End of clean_session() function.
    # **************************** #
    # ***** END OF FUNCTIONS ***** #
    # **************************** #
    // Declare the functions to use:
    session_set_save_handler('open_session', 'close_session', 'read_session', 'write_session', 'destroy_session', 'clean_session');
    // Make whatever other changes to the session settings.
    // Start the session:

    注意write_session的sql用到了replace into;


    clean_session就是gc垃圾收集,参数$expire, DATE_ADD(last_accessed,INTERVAL $expire SECOND<NOW();接收以秒为单位的时间,用以决定什么是“旧”会话。删除查过指定时间没有被访问过的会话。




    <?php # Script 3.2 - sessions.php
    /*    This page does some silly things with sessions.
     *    It includes the db_sessions.inc.php script
     *    so that the session data will be stored in 
     *    a database.
    // Include the sessions file:
    // The file already starts the session.
    ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
        <title>DB Session Test</title>
    // Store some dummy data in the session,
    // if no data is present.
    if (empty($_SESSION)) {
        $_SESSION['blah'] = 'umlaut';
        $_SESSION['this'] = 3615684.45;
        $_SESSION['that'] = 'blue';
        // Print a message indicating what's going on:
        echo '<p>Session data stored.</p>';
    } else { // Print the already-stored data.
        echo '<p>Session Data Exists:<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, 1) . '</pre></p>';
    // Log the user out, if applicable:
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
        echo '<p>Session destroyed.</p>';
    } else { // Print the "Log Out" link:
        echo '<a href="sessions.php?logout=true">Log Out</a>';
    // Print out the session data:
    echo '<p>Session Data:<pre>' . print_r($_SESSION, 1) . '</pre></p>';
    <?php session_write_close(); ?>



    我前面写过一篇关于PHP SESSION NAME与SESSION ID关系的文章SESSION NAME引用SESSION ID的问题(Discuz! 用户(自动)登录原理)

    有兴趣的朋友可以看一下。我在里面提了一下SESSION在服务器端的存储方式问题,这里我们就使用session_set_save_handler 来实现




    class session_mysql


    private $_db_link;

    private $_table;


    private $_gc_lifetime = 30;

    public function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $db, $table = 'session', $sessionName = '', $cookieLife = 0)


    $this->_db_link = mysql_connect ( $host, $user, $pwd );

    if (! $this->_db_link)


    return False;


    if (mysql_query ( "USE $db" ))


    $this->_table = $table;

    session_set_save_handler ( array (&$this, 'open' ), array (&$this, 'close' ), array (&$this, 'read' ), array (&$this, 'write' ), array (&$this, 'destroy' ), array (&$this, 'gc' ) ); //这个函数里面每个参数都是字符串类型


    $cookieLife = intval ( $cookieLife );

    if ($cookieLife > 0)


    session_set_cookie_params ( $cookieLife );


    if ($this->_gc_lifetime > 0)


    ini_set ( 'session.gc_maxlifetime', $this->_gc_lifetime );

    } else


    $this->_gc_lifetime = ini_get ( 'session.gc_maxlifetime' );



    if (! empty ( $sessionName ))


    ini_set ( 'session.name', $sessionName );


    return session_start ();


    return False;


    public function open($save_path, $session_name)


    return true;


    public function close()



    $this->gc ( $this->_gc_lifetime );



    return mysql_close ( $this->_db_link );


    public function read($id)


    $id = mysql_real_escape_string ( $id );

    $sql = "select `data` from `$this->_table` where `id`='$id' limit 1";

    if ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc ( mysql_query ( $sql, $this->_db_link ) ))


    return $result ['data'];


    return '';


    public function write($id, $data)


    $time = time ();

    $id = mysql_real_escape_string ( $id );

    $data = mysql_real_escape_string ( $data );

    $sql = "replace into `$this->_table` values('$id','$data',$time)";

    return mysql_query ( $sql, $this->_db_link );


    public function destroy($id)


    $sql = "delete from `$this->_table` where `id`='$id' limit 1";

    return mysql_query ( $sql, $this->_db_link );


    public function gc($lifetime)


    $expire = time () - $lifetime;

    $sql = "delete from `$this->_table where `created_time` < $expire";

    return mysql_query ( $sql, $this->_db_link );





    function my_session_start($sessionName = '', $lifetime = 0)



    require_once './session.class.php';


    $session = new session_mysql ( '', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'test', 'session', $sessionName, $lifetime );

    if ($session)


    return True;


    return False;





    require_once './function.php';

    error_reporting ( E_ALL );

    my_session_start ();

    $_SESSION ['test'] = 'test';

    $_SESSION ['testtwo'] = array ('testtwo' );



    require_once './function.php';

    error_reporting ( E_ALL );

    my_session_start ();



    array 'test' =>string'test'(length=4) 'testtwo' =>array 0 =>string'testtwo'(length=7)






    恩,好了以就是一个简单的例子,那么如果我们要使用特殊的SESSION NAME或者要求有过期时间呐?test.php



    require_once './function.php';

    error_reporting ( E_ALL );

    my_session_start ( 'testhehe', 60 );//一分钟

    $_SESSION ['lifettimetest'] = 'ok';




    require_once './function.php';

    error_reporting ( E_ALL );

    my_session_start ( 'testhehe' );

    var_dump ( $_SESSION );


    array 'lifettimetest' =>string'ok'(length=2)恩,貌似正常,我们再看看数据库与浏览器里的值:(数据库)




    这样看来我们测试成功了。好了,以上就是关于session_set_save_handler的操作方法了。恩,如果你是还对PHP SESSION 原理不太熟悉,

    请参看:SESSION NAME引用SESSION ID的问题(Discuz! 用户(自动)登录原理)





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/youxin/p/3529853.html
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