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     38                         <li>联系我们</li>
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     45                             <li class="er_headTeacher_fine">优秀教师</li>
     46                             <li>名校风采</li>
     47                             <li>教学心得</li>
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     49                         <ul class="san_headPrize">
     50                             <li>奖项设置</li>
     51                             <li>参赛须知</li>
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     79                     <p class="conFirst_leftTxet">198网络科技公司总经理李星燎与IDG资本合伙创始人熊晓鹤先生合影</p>
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     90                         <ul class="conFirst_rightTopPicWords">
     91                             <li class="match">大赛咨询</li>
     92                             <li class="contest">contest information</li>
     93                         </ul>
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     95                     <p class="conFirst_rightMiddle">
     96                         美好世界,我们共同沐浴阳光;在欢笑中,我们挥洒内心的喜悦;要用画笔,绘出心中的美好;魔术帽里,都是我们奇思妙想的创意;我们要用手中的笔,写出对未来的憧憬,画出未来美好的侧才,随着各地的文化差异,国际文化的大融合,我们的教育观念也逐步与时俱进,为推动素质教育改革进程,实现青少年没事的国际化交流,更好的展示青少年儿童积极向上、追求美好生活的时代精神,进一步提高青少年的美学素养和审美能力、首届卓艺青少年书画艺术精品展将面向全国青少年儿童征集书法、绘画、摄影、剪纸、泥塑、逃陶艺、沙画、手工艺品的佳作。
     97                     </p>
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     99                         More>
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    109                                 <li class="match">教育专栏</li>
    110                                 <li class="contest">ducation coiumn</li>
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    116                                 <span>
    117                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    118                                 </span>
    119                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    120                                     2015-5-5
    121                                 </span>
    122                             </div>
    123                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    124                                 <span>
    125                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    126                                 </span>
    127                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    128                                     2015-5-5
    129                                 </span>
    130                             </div>
    131                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    132                                 <span>
    133                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    134                                 </span>
    135                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    136                                     2015-5-5
    137                                 </span>
    138                             </div>
    139                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    140                                 <span>
    141                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    142                                 </span>
    143                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    144                                     2015-5-5
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    147                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    148                                 <span>
    149                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    150                                 </span>
    151                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    152                                     2015-5-5
    153                                 </span>
    154                             </div>
    155                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    156                                 <span>
    157                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    158                                 </span>
    159                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    160                                     2015-5-5
    161                                 </span>
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    163                                 <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    164                                 <span>
    165                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    166                                 </span>
    167                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    168                                     2015-5-5
    169                                 </span>
    170                             </div>
    171                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    172                                 <span>
    173                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    174                                 </span>
    175                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    176                                     2015-5-5
    177                                 </span>
    178                             </div>
    179                                 <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    180                                 <span>
    181                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    182                                 </span>
    183                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    184                                     2015-5-5
    185                                 </span>
    186                             </div>
    187                             <div class="conSecond_leftLower_line2">
    188                                 <span>
    189                                     颁发荣誉证书,并赠送价值198元的作品集
    190                                 </span>
    191                                 <span class="conSecond_leftLower_line1Award">
    192                                     2015-5-5
    193                                 </span>
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    200                         <img src="images/z_f.png" alt="c"class="conSecond_leftTopPic">
    201                         <ul class="conFirst_rightTopPicWords">
    202                             <li class="match">精品欣赏</li>
    203                             <li class="contest">ine appreciation</li>
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    205                         <p class="conSecond_leftBottom">More></p>
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    209                             <img src="images/z_boy.jpg" alt="男孩" class="boy">
    210                             <p class="work">
    211                                 并赠送价值198元的作品集
    212                             </p>
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    215                             <div class="conSecond_rightLower_rpLt">
    216                                 <img src="images/z_bangbangtang.jpg" alt="" class="conSecond_rightLower_rp_Lt">
    217                                 <p class="zuopin">并赠送价值198元的作品集</p>
    218                             </div>
    219                             <div class="conSecond_rightLower_rpLt">
    220                                 <img src="images/z_girleandboy.jpg" alt="" class="conSecond_rightLower_rp_Lt">
    221                                 <p class="zuopin">并赠送价值198元的作品集</p>
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    225                             <div class="conSecond_rightLower_rpLt">
    226                                 <img src="images/z_xiaogirle.jpg" alt="" class="conSecond_rightLower_rp_Lt1">
    227                                 <p class="zuopin">并赠送价值198元的作品集</p>
    228                             </div>
    229                             <div class="conSecond_rightLower_rpLt">
    230                                 <img src="images/z_flower.jpg" alt="" class="conSecond_rightLower_rp_Lt1">
    231                                 <p class="zuopin">并赠送价值198元的作品集</p>
    232                             </div>
    233                         </div>
    235                     </div>
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    238             <div class="conThree" id="three"><!-- 成长足迹 -->
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    241                         <img src="images/z_leftShallow.jpg" alt="左" class="conThree_leftTop_line1" id="p_left">
    242                         <div class="conThree_leftTop_words">                    
    243                             <div>
    244                                 <span class="meiyu" id="span1">成长</span>
    245                                 <span class="teacher" id="span2">足迹</span>
    246                             </div>
    247                             <div class="rep">growing footprint</div>    
    248                         </div>
    249                         <img src="images/z_rightShallow.jpg" alt="右" id="p_right" class="conThree_rightTop_line2">
    250                     </div>
    251                     <div class="conThree_leftLower">
    252                         <img src="images/z_dblboy.jpg" alt="" class="dblboy">
    253                         <p class="conThree_leftLower_words">198网络科技公司总经理李星燎</p>
    254                     </div>    
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    258                         <img src="images/z_leftShallow.jpg" alt="左" class="conThree_leftTop_line1">
    259                         <div class="conThree_leftTop_words">                    <div>
    260                                 <span class="meiyu">美誉</span>
    261                                 <span class="teacher">教师</span>
    262                             </div>
    263                             <div class="rep">Reputation as a teacher</div>    
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    265                         <img src="images/z_rightShallow.jpg" alt="右" class="conThree_rightTop_line2">
    266                     </div>
    267                     <div class="conThree_leftLower">
    268                         <img src="images/z_threepeople.jpg" alt="" class="dblboy">
    269                         <p class="conThree_leftLower_words">198网络科技公司总经理李星燎</p>
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    275                         <div class="conThree_leftTop_words">                    <div>
    276                                 <span class="meiyu">评委</span>
    277                                 <span class="teacher">介绍</span>
    278                             </div>
    279                             <div class="intr">Introduction of the judges</div>    
    280                         </div>
    281                         <img src="images/z_rightShallow.jpg" alt="右" class="conThree_rightTop_line2">
    282                     </div>
    283                     <div class="conThree_leftLower">
    284                         <img src="images/z_man.jpg" alt="" class="dblboy">
    285                         <p class="conThree_leftLower_words">198网络科技公司总经理李星燎</p>
    286                     </div>    
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    289             <div class="conFourth"><!-- 大赛优势 -->
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    291                     <p class="conFourth_goodWord">大赛优势</p>
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    309                         <p class="conFourth_logo_tell">权威公正</p>
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    321                     <p class="conFourth_handle_head">网上操作快捷</p>
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    323                     <p class="conFourth_handle_con">大赛实行了可网上操作,网上报名的便捷服务,参赛单位或个人可依据单位信息上传 报名及参赛总表,作品相片等信息。</p>
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    333                     <li class="footTop_list1Mine aaa">关于我们</li>
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    336                     <li>专家阵容</li>
    337                     <li>支持媒体</li>
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    340                     <li class="footTop_list2Match aaa">大赛一览</li>
    341                     <li>大赛介绍</li>
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    344                     <li>奖项设置</li>
    345                     <li>参赛须知</li>
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    348                     <li class="aaa">名师名校</li>
    349                     <li>优秀教师</li>
    350                     <li>名校风采</li>
    351                     <li>教学心得</li>
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    362                 <ul class="footTop_list5">
    363                     <li class="aaa footTop_list5_relation">联系我们</li>
    364                     <li class="footTop_list5_tel">400-888-8888</li>
    365                     <li class="footTop_list5_email">hr@inet198.com</li>
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    370                 <p class="footLower_top">
    371                     Copyright 2014 www.injet198.com 一九八网络科技(湖南)有限公司 版权所有 All Rights Reserved
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    373                 <p class="footLower_middle">
    374                     公司地址:高新区文轩路27号麓谷钰园C1栋1101  服务电话:(0731)89837567  电子邮件:admin@injet198.com
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    377                     198网络  湘ICP备14005552号-1
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