按引用传递与按值传送数组类型方法参数的最大关键在于: 使用前者时,如果方法中有代码更改了数组元素的值,实际上是直接修改了原始的数组元素。 使用后者则没有这个问题,方法体中修改的仅是原始数组元素的一个拷贝。
//2016/11.6 20153314 严鹏 将数字转换为汉字 package dome; import java.util.Scanner; public class change { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("请输入要转换的数字"); Scanner str=new Scanner(System.in); String s=str.next(); char z[]=s.toCharArray(); //将这一串数字转换为字符数组存储起来 String c[]={" ","十","百","千","万"}; //建立一个String类型数组存放单位 for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) //将数字转化为汉字 { if(z[i]=='1') z[i]='一'; if(z[i]=='2') z[i]='二'; if(z[i]=='3') z[i]='三'; if(z[i]=='4') z[i]='四'; if(z[i]=='5') z[i]='五'; if(z[i]=='6') z[i]='六'; if(z[i]=='7') z[i]='七'; if(z[i]=='8') z[i]='八'; if(z[i]=='9') z[i]='九'; } for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) { System.out.print(z[i]+c[s.length()-i-1]); } } }
package dome; import java.util.Scanner; public class change2 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("请输入要转换的数字"); Scanner str=new Scanner(System.in); String s=str.next(); char z[]=s.toCharArray(); //将这一串数字转换为字符数组存储起来 String c[]={"分","角","","元","拾","佰","仟","万"}; //建立一个String类型数组存放单位 for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) //将数字转化为汉字 { if(z[i]=='1') z[i]='壹'; if(z[i]=='2') z[i]='贰'; if(z[i]=='3') z[i]='叁'; if(z[i]=='4') z[i]='肆'; if(z[i]=='5') z[i]='伍'; if(z[i]=='6') z[i]='陆'; if(z[i]=='7') z[i]='柒'; if(z[i]=='8') z[i]='捌'; if(z[i]=='9') z[i]='玖'; if(z[i]=='.') z[i]=' '; } for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) { System.out.print(z[i]+c[s.length()-i-1]); } } }
前面几讲介绍过JDK所提供的BigInteger能完成大数计算,如果不用它,直接使用数组表达大数,你能实现相同的功能吗? 要求: (1)用你的大数类实现加和减两个功能 (2)阅读BigInteger类源码,弄清楚它是使用什么算法实现加减乘除四种运算的? (3)通过互联网查找大数运算的相关资料,给你的大数类添加乘、除、求阶乘等其它功能。
在java中,存在很多种类的数据类型,例如byte short char int float double long,而BigInteger属于其中一个比较特殊的数据类型,也是本教程关注的重点。BigInteger在JDK1.1中就已经存在了,属于java.math包的类。从名字来看,BigInteger比Integer表示数值的范围更大一些。BigInteger类的基本结构如下所示:
BigInteger已实现的接口:Serializable, Comparable<BigInteger>
(2)BigInteger是不可变的任意精度的整数。所有操作中,都以二进制补码形式表示 BigInteger(如 Java 的基本整数类型)。BigInteger 提供所有 Java 的基本整数操作符的对应物,并提供 java.lang.Math 的所有相关方法。另外,BigInteger 还提供以下运算:模算术、GCD 计算、质数测试、素数生成、位操作以及一些其他操作。
(1)final int signum
The signum of this BigInteger: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, or 1 for positive. Note that the BigInteger zero must have a signum of 0. This is necessary to ensures that there is exactly one representation for each BigInteger value.
(2)final int[] mag
The magnitude of this BigInteger, in big-endian order: the zeroth element of this array is the most-significant int of the magnitude. The magnitude must be "minimal" in that the most-significant int (mag[0]) must be non-zero. This is necessary to ensure that there is exactly one representation for each BigInteger value. Note that this implies that the BigInteger zero has a zero-length mag array.
(3)final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
This mask is used to obtain the value of an int as if it were unsigned。
//2016.11.6 20153314 严鹏 大数转换
package dome;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class text {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
BigInteger aa =new BigInteger("100");
BigInteger bb= new BigInteger("25");
BigInteger sub=aa.subtract(bb);//大整数的减
BigInteger add=aa.add(bb);//大整数的加
BigInteger mul=aa.multiply(bb);//大整数的乘
BigInteger div=aa.divide(bb);//大整数的除
//2016.11.6 20153314 严鹏 输出十个数字并求和 package dome; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class Random10{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a[]=new int [10]; int sum=0; Random rand=new Random(); String output=" "; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ a[i]=rand.nextInt(100); sum+=a[i]; output+=String.valueOf(a[i])+" "; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, output, "Initializing an Array with a Declaration", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,sum,"数组中所有元素的和:", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }