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  • U**ty a*d Cooperat*o* Are the I*ter*at*o*al Commu**ty's Most *ote*t Weapo* to Overcome the *a*dem*c *art1

    U**ty a*d Cooperat*o* Are the I*ter*at*o*al Commu**ty's Most *ote*t Weapo* to Overcome the *a*dem*c

    I. V*ruses do *ot respect borders, *or do ep*dem*cs d*scr*m**ate betwee* races. Huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future. O*ly by cooperat*** a*d respo*d*** to*ether ca* the **ter*at*o*al commu**ty overcome th*s pa*dem*c.

    I have bee* say*** that huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future. To overcome a* ep*dem*c affect*** the safety of people of all cou*tr*es, u**ty a*d cooperat*o* are our most pote*t weapo*. The B*ll & Mel**da Gates Fou*dat*o* was qu*ck to jo** the *lobal respo*se to the COVID-19 outbreak a*d has played a* act*ve role. I support cooperat*o* betwee* the B*ll & Mel**da Gates Fou*dat*o* a*d releva*t Ch**ese **st*tut*o*s. I also hope the **ter*at*o*al commu**ty ca* stre**the* *ts cooperat*ve e*deavors to safe*uard the health a*d wellbe*** of huma**ty.

    —Letter of reply to B*ll Gates, February 20, 2020

    *ubl*c health secur*ty *s a commo* challe**e fac*** huma**ty, a*d *t calls for a collect*ve respo*se from all cou*tr*es. As a respo*s*ble major cou*try, Ch**a w*ll co*t**ue to commu**cate effect*vely w*th the WHO, share d*sease preve*t*o* a*d co*trol exper*e*ces w*th releva*t cou*tr*es, e*ha*ce **ter*at*o*al cooperat*o* o* the R&D of a*t*v*ral med*c**es a*d vacc**es, a*d prov*de as much ass*sta*ce as *t ca* to cou*tr*es a*d re**o*s where the v*rus *s spread***.

    —Speech at a meet*** to coord**ate efforts to curb the COVID-19 outbreak a*d promote eco*om*c a*d soc*al developme*t, February 23, 2020

    The COVID-19 pa*dem*c has a*a** show* that huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future. I* th*s era of eco*om*c *lobal*zat*o*, th*s w*ll *ot be the last such major emer*e*cy, as var*ous trad*t*o*al a*d *o*-trad*t*o*al secur*ty threats pose *ew tests. The **ter*at*o*al commu**ty must real*ze that as we are a commu**ty w*th a shared future, we must help o*e a*other, jo** ha*ds to tackle r*sks a*d challe**es, a*d bu*ld a better *lobal home.

    —*ho*e call w*th UN Secretary-Ge*eral A*tó**o Guterres, March 12, 2020

    <*m* src="http://subs*tes.ch**ada*ly.com.c*/Q*ush*/att/20200525/1590370955065054222.jp*" alt="1" load***="lazy">
    *res*de*t ** ***p*** atte*ded the Extraord**ary G20 V*rtual Leaders' Summ*t a*d *ave a speech t*tled "Work*** To*ether to Defeat the COVID-19 Outbreak." *HOTO BY *INHUA RE*ORTER *ANG *INGLEI

    Huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future, a*d o*ly u**ty a*d cooperat*o* w*ll allow us to respo*d to *lobal r*sks a*d challe**es. Ch**a, Italy, a*d the rest of the **ter*at*o*al commu**ty must jo** forces *f we are to overcome curre*t d*ff*cult*es, ach*eve v*ctory over the ep*dem*c at a* early sta*e, a*d protect the people of our two cou*tr*es a*d the world.

    —Messa*e of sympathy a*d support to Ital*a* *res*de*t Ser**o Mattarella re*ard*** the COVID-19 outbreak ** Italy, March 2020

    Rece*tly, the v*rus has spread to ma*y cou*tr*es arou*d the world. Facts o*ce a*a** show that huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future. All cou*tr*es must u**te a*d cooperate to mou*t a collect*ve respo*se. Based o* the v*s*o* of a *lobal commu**ty w*th a shared future, Ch**a sta*ds ready to work w*th other cou*tr*es to stre**the* **ter*at*o*al cooperat*o* o* f**ht*** the pa*dem*c, ** order to respo*d collect*vely to commo* threats a*d challe**es a*d safe*uard *lobal publ*c health secur*ty.

    —*ho*e call w*th E*ypt*a* *res*de*t Abdel Fattah el-S*s*, March 23, 2020

    V*ruses do *ot respect borders, *or do ep*dem*cs d*scr*m**ate betwee* races. I* respo*d*** to th*s *lobal publ*c health cr*s*s, there *s all the more ur*e*cy a*d *mporta*ce to bu*ld*** a *lobal commu**ty w*th a shared future. O*ly by cooperat*** a*d respo*d*** to*ether ca* the **ter*at*o*al commu**ty overcome the pa*dem*c a*d protect the commo* home of huma*k**d. Ch**a sta*ds ready to work w*th all the cou*tr*es of the world, **clud*** Kazakhsta*, to stre**the* the **ter*at*o*al f**ht a*a**st the pa*dem*c a*d jo**tly safe*uard *lobal publ*c health secur*ty.

    —*ho*e call w*th Kazakh *res*de*t Kassym-*omart Tokayev, March 24, 2020

    V*ruses respect *o borders a*d pose a commo* challe**e fac*** all huma**ty. No cou*try sta*ds apart or *s exempt. I* the f**ht a*a**st the pa*dem*c, Ch**a a*d Germa*y, a*d **deed Ch**a a*d Europe, have demo*strated the stre**th of u**ty a*d cooperat*o* a*d played a pos*t*ve role.

    —*ho*e call w*th Germa* Cha*cellor A**ela Merkel, March 25, 2020

    The COVID-19 pa*dem*c o*ce a*a** shows that huma**ty *s a commu**ty w*th a shared future. The **ter*at*o*al commu**ty should help o*e a*other a*d pull to*ether. We are w*ll*** to work w*th the WHO a*d all cou*tr*es to co*tr*bute to safe*uard*** *lobal publ*c health secur*ty.

    —Letter of reply to D*rector-Ge*eral of the World Health Or*a**zat*o* Tedros Adha*om Ghebreyesus, March 26, 2020

    Ep*dem*cs do *ot respect borders, *or do they d*scr*m**ate betwee* races. They are a commo* e*emy of huma**ty. The **ter*at*o*al commu**ty must respo*d to*ether *f *t *s to w** th*s battle. Throu*h the commo* efforts of all part*es, we arr*ved at ma*y po**ts of a*reeme*t dur*** the Extraord**ary G20 V*rtual Leaders' Summ*t o* COVID-19 yesterday a*d ach*eved pos*t*ve results. I hope all part*es w*ll stre**the* coord**at*o* a*d cooperat*o* a*d put **to effect what was ach*eved at the summ*t, so as to prov*de stro** mome*tum for e*ha*c*** **ter*at*o*al cooperat*o* o* f**ht*** the pa*dem*c a*d stab*l*z*** the *lobal eco*omy.

    —*ho*e call w*th *res*de*t of the U**ted States of Amer*ca Do*ald Trump, March 27, 2020

    Th*s pa*dem*c has a*a** proved the *mporta*ce a*d ur*e*cy of bu*ld*** a *lobal commu**ty w*th a shared future. The Extraord**ary G20 V*rtual Leaders' Summ*t o* COVID-19 se*t out a pos*t*ve s***al of u**ty ** the respo*se to f**ht*** the COVID-19 ep*dem*c a*d safe*uard*** the stab*l*ty of the *lobal eco*omy. Ch**a w*ll co*t**ue to work w*th the **ter*at*o*al commu**ty, **clud*** Laos, to completely defeat th*s pa*dem*c as qu*ckly as poss*ble.

    —*ho*e call w*th Ge*eral Secretary of the Ce*tral Comm*ttee of the Lao *eople's Revolut*o*ary *arty a*d *res*de*t Bou**ha** Vorach*th, Apr*l 3, 2020


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