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  • 英语常用口语

    wanna  = want to

    gonna  = going to

    gotta  = have to

    gimme = give me

    发音小技巧: fer 代替 for       Oudda代替 out of     don代替don't

    high  heel   高跟鞋    flat   平底鞋    slippers   一脚蹬或拖鞋    sneakers   球鞋

    work out   锻炼  

    凭直觉:    1、it 's just my intuition .    2、 it's my gut feeling 

    for sure  当然了       

    seriously?   不是吧?   

    i  feel like...      我觉得

    totally  当然了;完全的。   That's totallly uncool.

    i  can't even.      我简直无语。   You're so dumb, i can't even.

    “好巧哦” 几种表达方式:  1、what a coincidence!  2、Fancy seeing you here.   3、what are the odds[ɑdz]

    ”我逗你呢“    1、  I'm  just kidding.     2、  it's a joke      3、 i  was teasing you

    get it  和 got it  的区别:   


    got it    还可以表示 “我可以,让我来”


     you think the  world is unfair?  yes ,it is.  Unfair education,Unfair resource,Unfair love, even when you lose hairs ,you think it's unfair.  

    But  what's fair is that  we all got the same amount of time,and we got to choose. if you want a perfect body ,then work out.

    if you want success,then work harder.The real unfairness is that you want things,Yet you don't do things, That's unfair.


    "能不能找点零钱"   Could you break the bill?   Could you break this 100?   Could you break this 100 to five 20s,please?

    国外餐厅服务员倒酒水时可能会对你说 “say when”  ,表示“好了告诉我”   一般回答“That's good ”或“That‘s enough”

    Am i disturbing you?  Is it  a good time?   Are you busy?    Am i  interrupting you?   can i have a word?

    形容人的性格:  kind 、nice、 independent、moody(易怒的)、punctual['pʌŋtʃʊəl]  (守时的)、easy-going、reliable、considerate(体贴的)、

                              dillgent(勤奋的)、generous 、passionate['pæʃənət](有激情的)、bad-tempered(脾气差的)、big - headed(自大的;傲慢的)

           implusive (冲动的)   talktive  (话多的)  messy (邋遢的)    bossy(专横的)  indecisive [ɪndɪ'saɪsɪv](纠结的) thoughtless  (轻率的;欠考虑的)

    i ’m  pissed   我很生气    Forget it.  算了吧      cheer up  振作点    i  gotta go    我得走了

    “别烦我”  leave me alone.   Just go away.   Stop annaying me.  Get the hell oudda here.

    check it out   来看看;看过来

    it's sounds great!    听起来不错

    it's a fine day.        今天是个好天

    So far, So good        目前还不错

    what's time is it?       几点了

    you can make it!       你可以做到

    Control yourself!       克制一下

    He came by train.      他乘火车来。

    He is ill in bed.           他卧病在床。

    He lacks courage.      他缺乏勇气

    How's  everything?      一切还好吧?

    I  have no choice.           我别无选择。

    No pain,no gain           不劳而获

    well , it depends .         哦,这得看情况

    We're all for it .             我们都同意。

    what a good deal.         真便宜

    what should i do?           我该做些什么

    You asked for it!              你自讨苦吃

    You have my word.          我保证.

    Believe it or not!               信不信由你!

    Don't count on me!         别指望我。

    Don't  fail for it!            别上当!

    Don‘t  let me down!          别让我失望!
    it's a long story.               说来话长。

    it's   Sunday totay.            今天是星期天

    Just wait and see!            等着瞧!

    Make up your mind.    做个决定吧!

    That's all i need.             我就要这些

    The view is great!           景色非常美!

    The  wall has ears.          隔墙有耳。

    There comes a bus!         汽车来了

    what day is today?           今天是星期几?

    who told you that?           谁告诉你的?

    Don't give me that!          少来这套。

    He is a smart boy.            他是个小机灵鬼。

    I can't follow you.            我不懂你说的。

    I  felt sort of ill.                 我感觉有点不适。

    it is growing cool.              天气渐渐凉爽起来。

    It seems all right.               看起来这没问题。

    it's going too far.                 太离谱了

    She had a bad cold .           她患了重感冒

    He always talks big.            他总是吹牛

    He won an election              他在选举中获胜

    if only i could fly                 要是我能飞就好了

    I'll be right there                   我马上就到

    I'll see you at six                  我六点钟见你

    Is it true or false?                   这是对还是错?

    Move out of my way               让开

    Time is running out.                没时间了

    Don't lose your head               不要惊慌失措

    He can't take a joke                 他开不得玩笑

    How are things going ?            事情进展的怎么样了?

    How are you recently?              最近怎么样了?

    I Know all about it .                   我知道有关它的一切

    It really takes time                      这样太耽搁时间了

    It's   against the law                    这是违法的

    Love me ,love my dog              爱屋及乌

    My mouth is watering               我要流口水了

    Speak louder please                     说话请大声点

    Your hand feels cold                    你手摸起来很凉

    Don't be so childish                      别这么孩子气

    Don't trust to chance!                   不要碰运气

    Fasten your seat belt.                   系好你的安全带

    He has a large income                   他又很高的收入

    He looks very healthy                     他看起来很健康

    He paused  for a reply                    他停下来等着回答

    make youself at home                     请不要拘礼

    None of your business                      与你无关

    Not a sound was heard                     一点声音也听不见

    That's always the case.                      习以为常了

    Those  are  watermelons                  那些是西瓜

    you are  a chicken                             你是个胆小鬼

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuanqiangfei/p/10915976.html
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