class Solution: flag = False # [low, high) lastdiv = -1 def helper(self, low1: int, high1: int, low2: int, high2: int, s1:[], s2:[]) -> int: div1 = -1 if not self.flag and low1 < high1 and s1 != s2: resl = self.getleftpart(s1[low1: high1], s2[low2: high2]) for (divl1, divl2) in resl: divl1 += low1; divl2 += low2 if divl1 != low1 and divl1 <= high1 and sorted(s1[divl1: high1]) == sorted(s2[divl2: high2]): div1, div2 = divl1, divl2 ans1, ans2 = False, False if low1 != div1 and s1[low1: div1] == s2[low2: div2]:ans1 = True if div1 != high1 and s1[div1: high1] == s2[div2: high2]:ans2 = True if div1 != high1 and s1[low1: div1] != s2[low2: div2]: ans1 = self.helper(low1, div1, low2, div2, s1, s2) if div1 != high1 and s1[div1: high1] != s2[div2: high2]: ans2 = self.helper(div1, high1, div2, high2, s1, s2) if ans1 and ans2: s1[low1: high1] = s2[low2: high2] print("ll s1: {} ; s2: {}".format(s1[low1: high1], s2[low2: high2])) if s1 == s2: self.flag = True if s1[low1: high1] == s2[low2: high2]:return True resr = self.getrightpart(s1[low1: high1], s2[low2: high2]) for (divr1, divr2) in resr: divr1 += low1; divr2 += low2 # on from left the other from right if divr1 != low1 and divr1 <= high1 and sorted(s1[divr1: high1]) == sorted(s2[low2: divr2]): div1, div2 = divr1, divr2 ans1, ans2 = False, False if low1 != div1 and s1[low1: div1] == s2[div2: high2]:ans1 = True if div1 != high1 and s1[div1: high1] == s2[low2: div2]:ans2 = True if div1 != high1 and s1[low1: div1] != s2[div2: high2]: ans1 = self.helper(low1, div1, div2, high2, s1, s2) if div1 != high1 and s1[div1: high1] != s2[low2: div2]: ans2 = self.helper(div1, high1, low2, div2, s1, s2) if s1[div1: high1] + s1[low1: div1] == s2[low2: high2]: s1 = s1[:low1] + s1[div1: high1] + s1[low1: div1] + s1[high1:] if ans1 and ans2: s1[low1: high1] = s2[low2: high2] print("lr s1: {} ; s2: {}".format(s1[low1: high1], s2[low2: high2])) if s1 == s2: self.flag = True if s1[low1: high1] == s2[low2: high2]: return True if div1 == -1 or div1 == self.lastdiv: return False self.lastdiv = div1 elif s1 == s2: self.flag = True return True return False def getleftpart(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> []: i = 1 j = 1 res = [] while i < len(s1) and j < len(s2): if sorted(s1[:i]).__eq__(sorted(s2[:j])): res.append((i,j)) i += 1 j += 1 return res def getrightpart(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> []: i = 1 j = len(s2) - 1 res = [] while i <= len(s1) and j >= 0: if sorted(s1[:i]).__eq__(sorted(s2[j:])): res.append((i, j)) i += 1 j -= 1 return res def precheck(self, s1, s2) -> bool: if sorted(s1) == sorted(s2): return True return False def preprocess(self, s1: str, s2: str): if s1[0] == s2[-1] or s1[-1] == s2[0]: return s1, s2 begin = 0 while s1[begin] == s2[begin] and begin < len(s1): begin += 1 end = len(s1) - 1 while s1[end] == s2[end] and end >= 0: end -= 1 news1 = s1[begin: end + 1] news2 = s2[begin: end + 1] print("preprocess s1: {}, s2: {}".format(news1, news2)) return news1, news2 def isScramble(self, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool: if len(s1) != len(s2): return False if s1 == s2: return True self.flag = False self.lastdiv = -1 s1, s2 = self.preprocess(s1, s2) if self.precheck(s1, s2): self.helper(0, len(s1), 0, len(s2), list(s1), list(s2)) if self.flag: s1, s2 = self.preprocess(s2, s1) if self.precheck(s1, s2): self.helper(0, len(s1), 0, len(s2), list(s1), list(s2)) return self.flag