召开时间:May 8, 2011
Eytan Adar (University of Michigan)
Why I Hate Mechanical Turk Research (and Workshops)
Benjamin B. Bederson, Alex Quinn (University of Maryland)
Participation in Human Computation
Lukas Biewald, Mollie Allick (CrowdFlower)
Massive Multiplayer Human Computation for Fun, Money, and Survival
Jeffrey Bigham, Erin Brady, Samuel White (University of Rochester)
Human-Backed Access Technology
Jenny J. Chen, Natala J. Menezes, Adam D. Bradley (Amazon)
Opportunities for Crowdsourcing Research on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Kuan-Ta Chen (Academia Sinica)
Human Computation: Experience and Thoughts
Parmit K. Chilana, Andrew J. Ko, Jacob O. Wobbrock (University of Washington)
Using Crowdsourcing in the Design of Context-Sensitive Help for Web Applications
Nick DePalma (MIT Media Lab), Sonia Chernova (Worcester Polytechnic), Cynthia Breazeal (MIT Media Lab)
Leveraging Online Virtual Agents to Crowdsource Human-Robot Interaction
Mira Dontcheva (Adobe), Elizabeth Gerber, Sheena Lewis (Northwestern)
Steven P. Dow, Scott R. Klemmer (Stanford)
Shepherding the Crowd: An Approach to More Creative Crowd Work
Casey Dugan, Werner Geyer (IBM Research)
Harnessing Crowds as a Motivational Mechanism
Thomas Erickson (IBM Research)
Some Thoughts on a Framework for Crowdsourcing
Adam Fourney, Michael Terry (University of Waterloo)
Leveraging Crowdsourced Technical Documentation: Building a Command Thesaurus
Dan Goldman, Joel Brandt (Adobe)
Task Decomposition and Human Computation in Graphics and Vision
David Alan Grier (George Washington University)
Foundational Issues in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
Gary Hsieh (Michigan State University)
Understanding and Designing for Cultural Differences on Crowdsourcing Marketplaces
Jessica R. Hullman (University of Michigan)
Not All HITs Are Created Equal: Controlling for Reasoning and Learning Processes in MTurk
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis (NYU), John J. Horton (oDesk)
The Need for Standardization in Crowdsourcing
Anand Kulkarni (UC Berkeley)
The Complexity of Crowdsourcing: Theoretical Problems in Human Computation
Ben Lafreniere, Michael Terry (University of Waterloo)
Socially-Adaptable Interfaces: Crowdsourcing Customization
James Landay (University of Washington)
A New View on HCI and Crowdsourcing
Edith Law (Carnegie Mellon University)
Alison Lee, Richard A. Hankins (Nokia Research)
Crowd Sourcing and Prediction Markets
Greg Little (MIT CSAIL) and Yu-An Sun (Xerox)
Human OCR: Insights from a Complex Human Computation Process
Kurt Luther (Georgia Tech)
Fast, Accurate, and Brilliant: Realizing the Potential of Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Adam Marcus, Eugene Wu, David R. Karger, Samuel Madden, Robert C. Miller (MIT CSAIL)
Platform Considerations in Human Computation
David McDonald (University of Washington)
Task Dependency and the Organization of the Crowd
Robert Morris (MIT Media Lab)
The Emergence of Affective Crowdsourcing
Jeffrey Nichols, Jalal Mahmud (IBM Research)
Data Capture with the Crowd: Exploring the Continuum of Implicit to Explicit
Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Yasuaki Sakamoto, Lixiu Yu (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Structures for Creativity: The crowdsourcing of design
Gabriel Parent, Maxine Eskenazi (Carnegie Mellon University)
Sources of Variability and Adaptive Tasks
Sharoda A. Paul, Lichan Hong (Palo Alto Research Center), Ed H. Chi (Google)
What is a Question? Crowdsourcing Tweet Categorization
Reid Priedhorsky
Alexander J. Quinn, Benjamin B. Bederson (University of Maryland)
Human-Machine Hybrid Computation
Jakob Rogstadius, Vassilis Kostakos (University of Maderia), Jim Laredo, Maja Vukovic (IBM Research)
Towards Real-time Emergency Response using Crowd Supported Analysis of Social Media
Irene Ros, Yannick Assogba, Joan DiMicco (IBM Research)
Jeffrey M. Rzeszotarski (Carnegie Mellon University)
Worker Collaboration in Crowdsourcing Markets
Kate Starbird (University of Colorado)
Digital Volunteerism During Disaster: Crowdsourcing Information Processing
William Thies, Aishwarya Ratan (Microsoft Research India), James Davis (UC Santa Cruz), Ed Cutrell (Microsoft Research India, participating on behalf of MSR India authors)
Paid Crowdsourcing as a Vehicle for Global Development
Brian E. Tidball, Pieter Jan Stappers (Delft TU)
Crowdsourcing Contextual User Insights for UCD
Anthony Tomasic, John Zimmerman, Aaron Steinfeld, Yun Huang, Daisy Yoo, Chaya Hiruncharoenvate, Ellen Ayoob (Carnegie Mellon University)
Design Uncertainty in Crowd-Sourcing Systems
Michael Toomim (University of Washington)
Economic Utility of Interaction in Crowdsourcing
Haoqi Zhang (Harvard University), Eric Horvitz (Microsoft Research), Robert C. Miller (MIT CSAIL), David C. Parkes (Harvard University)