- 前言
- 本周没有什么值得关注的文章
- 周初有一个谷歌的游戏开发者峰会,内容和Unity关系也不大,唯一有点用的讲演 Optimize your graphics with Android GPU Inspector frame profiler,也不算新鲜了
- YouTube - Unity
- Unity Technologies Blog
- 微信公众号 - Unity官方平台
- Bilibili - Unity官方
- Google for Games Developer Summit
- Welcome and mobile Keynote
- Introducing the Android Game Development Kit
- Android Game Development Extension for Visual Studio
- Help your players spend less time waiting and more time playing
- C/C++ libraries for Android games
- Plan and optimize your game for success on Google Play
- Optimize your graphics with Android GPU Inspector frame profiler
- Improve your store listing quality
- Android 12 game mode APIs
- Enhance your game with UX
- Introducing the Play Integrity API
- Learn about your audience: Mobile gamer insights
- Optimizing games for Chrome OS
- All about battle passes: Insights and learnings from top mobile game developers
- Developer journey from PC/console to mobile