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  • mysql的语法



    Create Database if not exists 【myDatabase】;


    Drop Database if exists 【myDatabase】;

    3>创建表 删除表

    create table student (id int(5) primary key,name varchar(10) not null,classid int(4));

    drop table if exists student


    alter table student add primary key(id);  //加主键索引

    alter table student add constraint f_class foreign key(classid) references class(id);  //加外键

    alter table student add index(id);   //加一般索引

    alter table student add unique(id); //加唯一索引


    alter table student change id id int auto_increment;


    alter table class add (sumstu int(2));


    show databases; //查看数据有哪些

    show tables; //查看有哪些表

    show columns from student; //查看改表的列


    insert into student (name,sex,classid) values("小明","男",1);  //classid是外键关联(此种情况正常插入即可,系统会自动到关联表的主键中查找,如果没有插入失败)


    uodate student set name="小明" where id=1;


    delete from student where id=1;


    select  * from student;


    select distinct name from student;

    13>limit offset的用法(limit 2 offset 3 从第三条开始查两条  <=> 等价于  limit 3,2)

    select  * from class limit 3,2;  <=等价=>  select * from class limit 2 offset 3;

    14>查询时where条件like、not like(% 代表任意字符,_代表一个字符)

    select * from student where englishname like "_";

    select * from student where englishname like "xiao%";

    15>查询时where条件IN、not In (in的后面是一个集合)

    select  * from student  where

    16>查询时where条件between A and B(mysql中返回的结果包括两个边界A和B)

    select * from student where id between 1 and 5;


    1> 内连接(inner join  <=等价=> join) 后面的条件关键字可以是on 或 where

    select c.grade,c.name,s.name,s.sex from class as c inner join student as s where(on) c.id=s.classid;

    select c.grade,c.name,s.name,s.sex from class as c join student as s where(on) c.id=s.classid;

    2>笛卡儿积 (cross join) 后边不加条件,如果加条件和以上内连接一样的效果

    select c.grade,c.name,s.name,s.sex from class as c cross join student as s;

    3>外连接的一种-----左连接(left join on) 这里的条件关键字只能用on(亲测):左连接是以左边的表为基准

    select c.grade,c.name,s.name,s.sex from class as c left join student as s on c.id=s.classid;

    4>外连接的一种-----右连接(right join on) 这里的条件关键字只能用on(亲测): 右连接是以右边的表为基准

    select c.grade,c.name,s.name,s.sex from class as c right join student as s on c.id=s.classid;

    5>union <=几乎等价=> union all (将两个表的数据结合起来,要求:两个表所查的列数一定要相等)

    select name,grade from class union(union all) select name,sex from student;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuxin-555xt/p/6118016.html
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